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    Also AI trained to detect if those with balls are dressed as men or women.

    That could cause chaos in Scotland. Is it a kilt or a skirt?


    Full Member

    Just got this through the door from the Tories. We’ve been getting a constant stream of their election bumph for weeks now.

    Got the same one here in MidSussex – suspect that they don’t have the budget or volunteers to do local tailored ones, so just doing some mass mailing via Royal Mail

    Full Member

    We had 3 ‘personal’ letters and 2 leaflets from Gyles Brandreth’s offspring over the last couple of days, who is standing for the Tories in my area. There is only me and the wife living at my home address – why did we get 3 named letters (me twice)?

    I can safely say she can stuff as much paper as she wants through my letter box, I still won’t vote for her. It makes good nesting for the chickens.

    Free Member

    So as I read that flyer, Labour are going to reinvest in the economy and help the the economically disadvantaged whilst strengthening workers rights and taxing boomers?

    Crack on!

    Full Member

    We’ve not heard a squeak out of anyone but the Labour candidate, which is odd because it was a Tory seat.

    Full Member

    I actually printed those flyers. Some of them should be personalized I think? I honestly almost refused to run it. Did think the message might be a tad subtle for a lot of people, hence begrudgingly hit the big green “print” button.

    Full Member

    One of the rare times that Sunak gets it right

    Credit where it’s due.

    He’s still a thieving charlatan, though.

    Free Member

    That could cause chaos in Scotland. Is it a kilt or a skirt?

    A kilt is a skirt both by literal meaning of the word and examination of the object. Or to put it another way, kilt-dom is a social construct…


    Free Member

    It’s pretty obvious what liberal means,

    You sound like those folk who talk bollox and then when asked for evidence say “google it, I’m not your researcher” etc.

    I know what I think “liberal” means, but what do YOU think it means – you were the one to use it and then backpedal when challenged.

    Full Member

    kilt-dom is a social construct…

    Kilt-dom sounds like a slightly niche kink.

    Full Member


    Edit: NB – this article is really about Sunak rather than Starmer – not sure why Starmer’s name is in the link!

    This is the first time I’ve EVER had any respect for him. To come out and challenge this, to use the word that should be long-dead, is good leadership.

    There! I said it! It feels weird…

    Edit: I’d really like it if all the other leaders (apart from Reform obvs) came out in clear solidarity with him here.

    Full Member

    Local Tory candidate just knocked on the door to see if there were any local or national issues I wanted to ask him about. Fair play to the guy.

    Luckily for him, I was just sitting down for a post workout meal, so I declined his kind offer.

    Free Member

    Kilt-dom sounds like a slightly niche kink.

    There’s a naughty man loose aboot this hoose

    Full Member

    What’s a “liberal”, YOUR definition?

    lets just replace ‘liberal’ with ‘people’.

    Who are these “people”?

    FGS it’s obvious. The people who oppose the death penalty.

    Sooooooooooo the people who oppose the death penalty are all liberals. Got it.

    Full Member

    I just thought I’d pop in to this thread and catch up.

    How the hell have you got on to the death penalty?

    See the image I copied a couple of pages back.

    one from the Women’s Party

    Is that one led by the woman fresh out of Westboro Baptists who looks like she’d eat anyone who disagrees?


    I get that a lot.

    Full Member

    In other news,

    The Tories are officially toast.  The Daily Mail is shitting itself, today’s headline is “IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO STOP A STARMER SUPERMAJORITY!”  They don’t just think they’re going to lose, they think they’re going to lose very very badly indeed.

    Full Member

    I had clearly misgendered two trans men who had chosen to use the mens toilets

    Transvestites or transsexuals?

    Free Member

    the tories give right wing extremists a voice, and end up being drown out by that voice

    Free Member

    Just had some election materials in the post. The Tory one was really weirdo. Sent as an actual letter, it was just a bit of bollocks on the front. Then the back was a full page “Kier Starmer needs you to vote reform” you’ll hand him a 100 seats majority etc. Hardly inspiring stuff. Then again whilst he’s nice enough for a Tory, my MP David Rutley could well be the singularly most uninspiring man on the planet.

    Full Member

    I must admit I was highly amused by he use of “liberal” as a pejorative term in the US way :-)

    Full Member

    I was wholly unsurprised by its blatantly deliberate deployment followed by an immediate backpedal when challenged.  Boy should consider running as a Tory MP.

    Full Member

    I guess this is the perfect test of the much claimed idea that we want these scumbag racists and would-be fascists standing for parliament because then, and only then, they’d be out in the open with nothing to protect them from the spotlight of scrutiny.

    We’ll see if

    a) We still have the right sort of media to provide that scrutiny

    b) Anyone takes any notice.

    Free Member

    Ooh I love bold experiments with democracy, they’ve all gone so well recently

    Full Member

    So Rishi and Nige have basically suspended campaigning while they hurl accusations at each other, both doing a good line in faux outrage (racists in being racist Shocka!!).

    Labour and Lib Dem campaign managers must be cracking open the bubbly and laughing their tits off

    It’s quite enjoyable watching the right eat itself. 5 years overdue unfortunately. That’s when this should have happened

    Full Member

    I’ve just watched the interview with Sunak describing the language used by Reform as ‘divisive and corrosive’

    Mr Pot, allow me to introduce you to Mr Kettle

    Free Member

    “This is the first time I’ve EVER had any respect for him. To come out and challenge this, to use the word that should be long-dead, is good leadership.

    There! I said it! It feels weird”

    Yeah it hurts him when he receives prejudice and abuse for something which he doesn’t choose to be. But he’s happy to be just as prejudiced against Trans people who also don’t choose that.

    “transvestite or transexual”.
    **** off and educate yourself. These are not acceptable terms these days.

    Full Member

    There’s also the small matter of Braverman and other members of his own party referring to immigrants as ‘a swarm’ and talking of ‘an invasion’, completely unchallenged by him

    Not remotely ‘divisive and corrosive’ language, eh Rishi?

    He’s no different to Farage, stoking division with toxic rhetoric to suit his own ends. It’s a bit late in the day to start getting offended by it now.

    And does anyone think for a second it might provoke some soul-searching about his own language and dog-whistling?

    I wouldn’t hold my breath

    Free Member

    This whole ‘right eating itself’ would be a lot more entertaining if I wasn’t so worried about the US leading us into democratic annihilation. If Trump gets the Whitehouse then it’s Farage 29 for us and looking at the way Europe is heading I can’t see much help there.

    I feel this whole gleeful Tory’s are toast meme isn’t going to age well when we are faced with proper naked facism.

    What’s so annoying is the UK is ahead of the game once again but this time fear there will be no fighting on the beaches.

    Free Member

    See the Tory party political broadcast after the C4 news was using the £2k Labour tax hike figure that they were told not to. Also highlighting that pensioners will be ‘hammered’ by the retirement tax (around £36 in reality) and that Labour may be in power for ‘your lifetime’.

    Really is project fear desperation.

    Full Member

    “transvestite or transexual”.
    **** off and educate yourself. These are not acceptable terms these days.

    Maybe you can educate me. What are today’s acceptable terms? For the record I have nothing against trans people at all but I guess I don’t know the current nomenclature.

    Free Member

    Cross-dresser for the first one, slowoldman. I’m as ignorant as you of why transexual is unacceptable( edit: if it is, Google says it’s ok). However having a potty mouth and telling people to **** off on STW has always been unacceptable, perthpixie.

    Full Member

    Transgender is a broad, umbrella term and is good for non-transgender people to use. “Trans” is shorthand for transgender. Transgender is preferred over transvestite or transsexual, older terms which do not accurately describe all transgender people, and which also have a clinical or stigmatizing connotation, although some people still use them to self describe.

    I’d avoid unless the person you are describing or talking to use the terms themselves.

    [edit – although a better term I wouldn’t use cross dresser either in this case as not all trans people cross dress, and not all cross dressers are trans]

    But this isn’t a trans thread beyond it being (for most) a minor factor in their choice next Thursday, so let’s not make it one.

    Full Member

    Transgender is preferred over transvestite or transsexual

    But surely transgender doesn’t describe BOTH those groups I apparently mistakenly labelled does it? Anyway, I’ve done my own research and apparently I should have used the terms cross-dresser and transgender. So, these chaps in the lav, were they cross-dressers or transgender?

    Full Member

    see my edit. Labelling trans people as cross dressers isn’t correct, and as I put before can have a stigmatizing feel to it (‘just a man in a dress’)

    Ultimately, I’d suggest letting the person / community decide on their labels rather than argue semantics over whether there’s totally accurate matches. It’s not about what you think it should be.

    OK, not a trans thread.

    Full Member

    So, that alcoholic drink poll. IPA pushes up the Reform percentage to higher than lager. That’s clearly bollocks. Unless we are talking Greene King faux IPA.

    Full Member

    Apparently some embargo worthy Saturday paper stuff for tomorrow

    Presumably election related….

    More reform racist revelations?

    Starmer plans tax raid on toddlers?

    Sunak is joining Trump campaign?

    Free Member

    Right, so saying to a “man” wearing a skirt/dress/makeup/whstever “So what are you? A transvestite or transexual?” is like saying to a black person “So where are you really from?” It’s unnecessary, offensive and de humanising. It’s a person, a human being just trying to get through the day as anonymously as possible. Note a woman can’t be a transvestite. Most women wear trousers, hoodies, t-shirts etc. It’s a term designed to mock “men” who don’t confirm to gender stereotypes.

    sorry if I upset your delicate sensitivities. My partner is a trans women and yet again she has come home in tears after a day of abuse and catcalls just because it’s a sunny day and she went out in a skirt. “oh, freak how many gold medals are you going to steal off the real women” was a particular highlight.
    Being trans might in theory be as protected a characteristic as race, colour or sexualality, but the reality is it’s the joke one. The one that if you report abuse you get “well pal, what did you expect going out in a dress”.
    Tories and Labour are as bad as each other on this. I don’t like the SNP, but at least they tried. They did it badly and the battle with the feminists (which I totally understand} was totally unnecessary, but at least they tried to make life a tiny bit better.

    And breathe… It’s been a very trying and upsetting day. Again. 🙁

    Full Member

    Calling the election for the week after Glastonbury is a great idea too. The tories seem to be getting a few mentions, and all publicity is good right?

    Free Member

     I don’t like the SNP, but at least they tried.

    They not only tried, they weren’t hostile too.

    In the 70’s we knew no better and the stuff on the telly wasn’t helping – it’s 50 ‘kin years later, and it feels nothing has changed.

    Personally it was brought home to me +20 years ago when a work colleague said to me: “I don’t choose to be gay, I am gay.”.

    Since then I’ve tried to let & support folk to live the life they want to live, WTF has it to do with me anyway.

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