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    Full Member

    Well i’ve always voted Tory and reckon all the polls are literally made up, as is all the recent news, and the Tories are on for a great victory…

    Sorry Binners, couldn’t resist ;-)

    Full Member

    It gets worse, unbelievably.  “Niall” here for his sins has posted multiple times with “I just don’t know who to vote for” before shilling Reform.

    Full Member

    kelvin – two options for you to consider, both of which you can do from home; ‘phone banking’ and get out the vote.

    Your CLP can provide information.

    Free Member

    The Twitter comments below those C4 Reform stings are **** depressing.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Let’s be honest the racist rant from the Reform candidate will win farage votes with many


    But… If he really does want to lead a party (debatable) in the commons into a GE win in ’29 he’ll need many, many more voters than his loyal base can provide. A great many of other voters dont like Putin or will vote for an overt rascist. If they didn’t mind all that, they could vote Reform on the 4th and there is no sign it’s going to happen.

    I hope.

    Full Member

    Epic!😂 I’d almost be up for getting arrested for that, I bet even the cops secretly think it’s bloody fantastic. 😂


    Full Member

    It’s far worse than I initially thought.

    Really? I mean I get why Ch4 run stories like this but “Party that uses racist dog-whistles, turns out to by run by racists” isn’t quite the water-cooler moment I think they were hoping for. I mean, what were they expecting?

    Meantime, I will bet money that Sunak uses it as an excuse not to talk about betting all day. It’ll be quite the relief for him to find out that the other party run by idiots for idiots does idiotic things.

    Free Member

    I’m fairly confident they have a plan to spend whilst being able to deny that they’ve done it – or excuse it.

    The notion that a UK government can hoodwink the markets like this is amusing.

    The markets react to stuff like this in minutes, if not seconds. If you’re Truss/Kwarteng they do it before you’ve announced it. 😉

    The best thing for the UK re financial stability is political stability. If the markets believe that Labour can effectively enact a TEN year strategy, borrowing to grow, then the main body of the markets will ‘approve’. There will always be a few around the edges looking to disrupt.

    In economic terms the UK economy is a cork bobbing up and down in the markets. It is a decent sized cork, still, easily big enough to preserve a decent standard of living for the UK (viewed in global terms). In the future only holders of large stocks of natural resources or the issuer of the currency those resources are traded in hold any real sway.

    Full Member

    Can I legally rip down Brendan clark-smith posts on public/council land?

    I don’t see why not.

    Some on the verge opposite our independent school.

    Full Member

    The notion that a UK government can hoodwink the markets like this is amusing

    That ridiculous you believe the markets work like that.

    It’s the government that issues the gilts and they set the price.

    If you want to operate on a world where markets take precident over democracy and progressive values you should be supporting the Tories.

    The gilt market exists as an option  to and provided by the UK government.

    Anything else is pro-market right-wing tosh.

    You know when the pensions engaged in LDIs do you think that was a perfectly rational useful choice ?

    No me neither.

    Either way when the markets do screw up it’s the government that steps in.

    Which tells you everything about who causes  instability and who fixes it.

    Full Member

    Can I legally rip down Brendan clark-smith posts on public/council land?

    Your more likely to get away with removing the posters than a dirty protest on it. So I am informed.

    Free Member

    If you want to operate on a world where markets take precident over democracy and progressive values you should be supporting the Tories.

    So you believe that a political choice on the part of the UK electorate sets the tone for how international money markets function?


    Full Member

    Don’t mention the rest of the world, that’s where it all gets messy.

    Oops… I’ve joined in… can we do this in a handy MMT thread? Interesting though it is for some of us, it can be as spammy as the PR discussions we also end up filling these threads with.

    Full Member

    When I got home I had my first leaflet from my sitting Tory MP. “Don’t vote Reform or you’ll get Labour”. Not in this constituency love, it’s a Tory/Libdem swing seat and come next Friday you’ll be out on your arse.

    Cunning wording? Hoping to get you (if you were less informed) to vote Labour to stop Reform and the Conservatives? Creating a disturbance flyer that works for more than one kind of voter is an art.

    Full Member

    We’re entering that period where more targeted stuff on social media can be expected (and only exposed after polling day)… I suspect the last minute attempts to get the right people to stay at home, or not place their vote tactically for whoever can beat the Conservative candidate, is going to flood out in the next week… if the money is there to do it. A few journalists have made up lots of fake accounts to try and see this stuff as it happens… but they’ll have to be lucky for that to work. Anyway sees anything… post it here?

    Free Member

    Don’t mention the rest of the world, that’s where it all gets messy.

    I seem to remember this being where Brexit also has an issue…

    Anyhow – fingers crossed this time next week the majority of us will be walking a little taller.

    But it won’t last long. Labour will need to throw off the pusillanimity and start making a difference pronto. Hopefully as big a majority as possible will allow room for Starmer to pivot as much as possible on some of the stuff he’s been coming out with to avoid a Tory elephant trap.

    He’s not the messiah. But he’s not a naughty boy either.

    Full Member

    It’s the government that issues the gilts and they set the price.

    Sure, but that doesn’t necessarily follow that folks will buy them at that price or think the investment return is worth the (admittedly low) risk  The UK isn’t the US, we don’t have the world’s reserve currency, we’ve just come out of an inflationary cycle, and our economy is only just on a upward trend, there’s certainly some head room to spend, but if the currency in circulation expands to a point that it overtakes the resources available then inflation again…

    Don’t get me wrong I agree that MMT describes the situation, but so does the fact that it is constrained by how (and if) the country’s economy can accommodate additional govt spending.

    Full Member

    Really? I mean I get why Ch4 run stories like this but “Party that uses racist dog-whistles, turns out to by run by racists” isn’t quite the water-cooler moment I think they were hoping for. I mean, what were they expecting?

    Every little helps – it still disrupts their campaign on the ground & although it might go down will with their core support – it might some people who are wavering choose differently.

    Full Member

     it might some people who are wavering choose differently.

    It almost certainly won’t though. The folks that are watching a Ch4 documentary are not the folks who’re hovering over which box to tick come next Thursday if their choice might include Reform.

    Again, I think documentaries like this should be aired, but no one should expect that it will move the dial at all.

    Free Member

    I checked also.  The last application of the death penalty was 1964.

    Whenever I’ve spoken with anyone who is pro the death penalty I always ask them:

    “Ok, so which crimes that you didn’t do will you be happily hung for?”

    Always a ‘fun’ conversation from that point :-)

    Free Member

    I see my twitter feed has gone ballistic with anti Labour tweets overnight. Someone is putting in a lot of work.

    obvs if you can’t promote yourself you can only try to demote the opposition.

    Full Member

    It’s OK some crazies on Facebook have been able to debunk the Reform volunteers being racist cos C4 used an actor.

    Full Member

    Heres a masterclass in economics from this mornings sacrificial lamb Gillian Keegan…

    Full Member

    “Ok, so which crimes that you didn’t do will you be happily hung for?”

    Isn’t it “hanged”? I think lots of people would be “hung” quite happily!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    ^^ Stolen to wind up the usual idiots on X.

    Childish but so are they.

    Full Member

    ON the death penalty – Birmingham 6 and Guildford 4.  All would have been hung, all innocent.  Howard ( remember him?) the tory home sec actually got a bit of respect from me for this as after those two appeals he publicly said he used to support the death penalty but changed his mind

    Full Member

    Reform bigot from last night’s exposé is an actor apparently?

    Not yet clear if he was paid by someone to act as he did or whether it’s his real self, and he just also happens to be an actor.

    I wonder if someone’s paid Laurence Fox to act like he does?

    Free Member

    ON the death penalty – Birmingham 6 and Guildford 4. All would have been hung, all innocent. Howard ( remember him?) the tory home sec actually got a bit of respect from me for this as after those two appeals he publicly said he used to support the death penalty but changed his mind

    Yes. But your average gammon* also assumes that friends and relatives will just bear it all with a stiff upper lip. Plus they would dismiss any later investigation as pointless. For them the application of capital punishment just neatly ends the issue…

    Except if it was their friend or family member, obviously. Then they’d appeal to the ECHR, invoke any potential protected characteristics etc…

    *Lazy, I know but it is convenient shorthand for a certain type of person that we all recognise.

    Full Member

    Its a good arguement to use tho

    We have had the debate a few times on here and one chap who was infavour of the death penalty did say he would have to suck it up if his kids were wrongly convicted.  Most folk however just flounder when this is put to them – that wrongful convictions can and do happen

    Free Member

    one chap who was infavour of the death penalty did say he would have to suck it up if his kids were wrongly convicted

    But it’s 99% certain he’s talking shit.


    Full Member

    Actually knowing the chap I do not think so.  He was the only one who faced up to that.

    Full Member

    I think on balance the appetite for the death penalty is probably greater amongst the public than it is amongst politicians.  Which makes it virtually impossible that it would ever be reinstated. Unless a PM was stupid enough to set out a referendum without thinking through the possible outcomes and maybe mitigating against them, but who’d be stupid enough to do that..? #rhetorical

    I did read a very interesting book by a lawyer in the US who spends his time defending convicted criminals on death row in the US.  His argument was not that the death penalty shouldn’t be a thing, it was that if you are going to let the state murder its own citizens then the standard of trial needs to be the very very best that a country can offer, and in so many cases in the US, that just isn’t the case. He was content to see rapists murderers etc go to the chair if he thought he’d done everything in his power to make sure that they’d had the best representation.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Guardian up on screen right now. Just the headlines in the ‘From The UK’ section…

    “High levels of E coli found at Henley days before international regatta”

    “Rough sleeping in London hits highest level in a decade”

    “BrewDog sacks Asian woman after reaction to EDL members meeting in bar”

    “Tata to close Port Talbot plant early due to strike action”

    “Ex-Fujitsu engineer apologises at Post Office inquiry over ‘bandwagon’ claim”

    UK 2024 in microcosm. **** me sideways we need a change.

    Full Member

    The gillian keegan thing…..

    His comment of “if you are economically literate” and the look on his face is amazing

    Free Member

    Seen on twitter

    Just heard someone on the radio from Reform saying there’s no room for racists in the party. Is there now a waiting list then?

    According to someone who has contacted him, he is very much a part time actor and he wasn’t employed by C4.

    Not yet clear if he was paid by someone to act as he did or whether it’s his real self, and he just also happens to be an actor.

    Full Member

    His argument was not that the death penalty shouldn’t be a thing, it was that if you are going to let the state murder its own citizens then the standard of trial needs to be the very very best that a country can offer

    One thing that always confuses me about the death penalty debate is that liberals get all worked up about ‘the state’ killing its citizens, but don’t seem to have a problem with the very same state killing the citizens of other countries. How does that work? Surely if the bar has to be very high for killing our own people it should be the same for others? Or am I being naive?

    Full Member

    Just got a flyer from The Heritage Party and Labour.

    Where is the Heritage Party in relation to Reform, further right, less? Their policies seem very similar!

    Full Member


    One thing that always confuses me about the death penalty debate is that liberals get all worked up about ‘the state’ killing its citizens, but don’t seem to have a problem with the very same state killing the citizens of other countries.

    I don’t like either, they aren’t mutually exclusive BUT that doesn’t stop me from supporting Ukraine in their existential fight against an invading neighbour.

    Free Member

    One thing that always confuses me about the death penalty debate is that liberals get all worked up about ‘the state’ killing its citizens, but don’t seem to have a problem with the very same state killing the citizens of other countries. How does that work? Surely if the bar has to be very high for killing our own people it should be the same for others? Or am I being naive?

    What’s a “liberal”, YOUR definition?

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