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    Will Reform’s agenda include a commitment to free beer? That would show Nigel to really be a man of the people.

    Full Member

    So another totally non racist Reform candidate is hit by the foreign made dildo of doom.

    In remarks first reported by the Times, external, Mr StClair-Armstrong wrote on a website: “I could weep now, every time I pick up a British newspaper and read the latest about the state of the UK. No doubt, Enoch Powell would be doing the same if he was alive. My solution … vote BNP!

    Imagine being sacked from reform for being a wrong’un…


    Full Member

    He has no solutions, just many things he is against.

    The media are complicit in this though. Farage will be lead on the telly as he’s had milkshake thrown at him, and he’s always treated as if he’s the head of some insurgent party despite being in mainstream European and UK politics for a couple of decades at least. But he’s never interviewed as if he’s just another party candidate and asked “what’s you plan for reducing child poverty” or “Tell me the Reform manifesto pledge on reviewing and reforming NHS dentistry”.

    He gets a complete pass on the sorts of things that all other mainstream politicians are grilled endlessly on, and that forms the opinion of the man in the public eye, he’s allowed the space to say his prepared words on the subjects he wants to talk about and isn’t troubled by ‘the mundane’

    Complete failure by the 5th estate, who’ve essentially decided what he’s for and use him solely in that space for a narrative.

    Free Member

    Will Reform’s agenda include a commitment to free beer?

    Free as in speech or fr – oh, never mind.

    Free Member

    2010: “vote BNP!”

    2024: “I have never supported the BNP.”

    Full Member

    I’m more interested where he gets a British newspaper from. Given the ownership of our press.

    I’ll caveat that with “newspaper” he’d “read”.

    Full Member

    Complete failure by the 5th estate, who’ve essentially decided what he’s for and use him solely in that space for a narrative.

    This is the problem, not his candidacy in our democracy.

    Free Member

    Labour to ban any new North Sea gas and oil exploration because it would “accelerate the worsening climate crisis”.

    There is no climate crisis, worsening or otherwise, and even if there were, Britain’s essential use of oil and gas would have no effect on it.

    All this will do is worsen inflation, increase our dependence on imports, reduce energy security and harm British industry and jobs.

    Given the parlous state of the economy and our shaky energy security this country needs a Labour government like a hole in the head.

    Free Member

    There is no climate crisis

    “I see no ships.” 🤣

    Full Member

    There is no climate crisis

    This is why we don’t deserve nice things, like the Earth.

    Given the parlous state of the economy and our shaky energy security this country needs a Labour government like a hole in the head.

    You’re saying letting the Tories continue to be in charge is going to help?

    This is the cliched definition of insanity, doing it again and again, expecting a different result.

    Full Member

    There is no climate crisis, worsening or otherwise, 

    The overwhelming global scientific consensus disagrees, but I’d be interested in a credible source for your claim.

    Full Member

    There is no climate crisis

    You are Donald Trump and I claim my tins of false tan and industrial strength hairspray 😃

    Free Member

    There is no climate crisis, worsening or otherwise,

    Excellent news! Once you’ve published your paper, a Nobel prize awaits.

    Free Member

    and even if there were, Britain’s essential use of oil and gas would have no effect on it.

    81% of UK oil production is exported.

    Full Member

    The overwhelming global scientific consensus disagrees, but I’d be interested in a credible source for your claim.

    source will be his own research on YouTube

    Full Member

    There is no climate crisis

    I really think this forum needs a specific policy of banning people who regurgitate this nonsense. I’m generally an advocate of people being able to say what the hell they like on here, and this place is much more strict than many other forums, but I have no idea why climate change denial is permitted. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Quick question that I have not been able to find the answer to online.

    What happens if the two biggest opposition parties tie with an equal number of seats? Who is the official opposition?

    Full Member

    If the 2 main parties are tied then it is a hung parliament and it comes down to who can make a coalition to command a majority.

    I think you can have a minority government but that wont happen if one party can create a majority with other parties

    Free Member

    There is no climate crisis

    No, you don’t get to simply ignore a shedload of science (much of which I understand) and spread damaging bullshit like this just because you want to feel special. Do one.

    Free Member

    Yeah I think Frank Sinatra raises a different point, which is a good one

    Don’t know the answer but perhaps the incumbent remains as opposition? However they could easily lose a seat in a by-election, so then it must change

    Full Member

    If the 2 main parties are tied then it is a hung parliament and it comes down to who can make a coalition to command a majority.

    That is not what I was asking. I want to know what happens to the opposition if there is a tie between second and third place in the polls.

    Full Member

    What happens if the two biggest opposition parties tie with an equal number of seats? Who is the official opposition?

    I think this needs to be settled by a political episode of Gladiators, beamed out live to the nation on prime time Saturday night telly.

    Kemi Badanoch and Ed Vaisey clad in Lycra, slugging it out with  giant cotton buds


    Free Member

    I think this needs to be settled by a political episode of Gladiators, beamed out live to the nation on prime time Saturday night telly


    Free Member

    That is not what I was asking. I want to know what happens to the opposition if there is a tie between second and third place in the polls


    Full Member

    in case of a tie , I think the speaker actually work out a deal with the 2 parties to get to ask an equal number of questions and/ or swap each week

    Must admit would absolutely love to see the lib dems as the opposition, but its still a very faint hope at the moment, I still think that enough wavering Tories will switch to them at the last minute to avoid a complete wipeout (Im still hoping tho)

    Full Member

    in case of a tie , I think the speaker actually work out a deal with the 2 parties to get to ask an equal number of questions and/ or swap each week

    I think the big question is what the shadow cabinet should look like and which individual would be named leader of the opposition.

    Although the ‘negotiations’ on how to split the shadow minister jobs would be the definition of bald men fighting over a comb.

    Free Member

    I just read something that suggested that the tied opposition parties would have to form coalitions to make a majority ie lib Dem + snp + plaid etc. Or cons + dup etc.

    I’m far from convinced but it sounds plausible

    Full Member

    well, unless @grimep is spectacularly stupid, which I’m guessing he’s not, he’s just trolling, in which case, I guess I’ll just scroll back up and hit that report button, and let the mods deal with it in the usual way they deal with trolls.

    Free Member

    Nickc +1

    Full Member

    So – our local Reform candidate is raising campaign money via gofundme – is this allowed/legal?

    Full Member

    Sorry misread the question on the opposition.

    Presumably they take it in turns to ask the questions

    Full Member

    Full Member
    He has no solutions, just many things he is against.

    The media are complicit in this though.

    I completely agree, he’s almost treated as a pundit, not a politician, which of course is absolutely mad and lets him get away with all manner of sins.

    Full Member

    I think the big question is what the shadow cabinet should look like

    You are presuming there are sufficient MPs to form a Shadow Cabinet ;-) . As it happens, I suspect the Conservatives will take approx 125 seats and do better than the polls are suggesting. I imagine Neil Kinnock feels the same. I also think Reform will win a seat somewhere on the East coast.

    Full Member

    It is possible to be both I guess. I mean – trolling is pretty dumb if that’s what you get your entertainment from.

    Given direct abuse isn’t allowed, but freedom of thought is, I think grimep is a silly trolling nob.

    Free Member

    Most trolls are just sad I think.

    Full Member

    As Farage is set to launch his dog whistle to racist pensioners ‘contract’ Rachael Reeves is advocating … *whisper it* … closer ties with the EU

    Free Member

    As Farage is set to launch his ‘contract’ Rachael Reeves is advocating … *whisper it* … closer ties with the EU


    Full Member

    So Reform is unveiling it’s manifesto today, they are calling it a “contract” I believe.

    Knowing they don’t have to enact any of it and being utter charlatans … It’ll be interesting. Some “ok” announcements mixed in with some batshit stuff at a guess?

    Free Member

    You are presuming there are sufficient MPs to form a Shadow Cabinet 😉 .

    It does create the problem of a lack of talent through, you can’t form a credible opposition without a decent/popular leader and at least a handful of deputies.  And those sorts of Tories are probably going to be staying out of politics for at least an election cycle or two (why be an MP when you could be earning money in the city).

    As it happens, I suspect the Conservatives will take approx 125 seats and do better than the polls are suggesting.

    This +1

    I think a lot of people will be happy to see the back of the Tory’s , but I’m not convinced they’ll necessarily turn out to make it happen.

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