my littlun Loves her tag along, has Really sped up the balance on her normal bike! she’s 4 1/2 and happily riding without stabalizers on her bike, and is Always asking to go out on it!! often use it for the school run!
only issue’s ive had with it are that they take a bit of getting used to over trailers, there’s a Little bit of play on the hinge of ours which at first is Really off putting! especially when they like to lean over and see around you!! is quite common for them to develop play as its a weak ish joint, especially on the cheaper ones, is also suprisingly noticeable when they Stop pedaling!!
but over all i’d recommend one! capable of some proper off roading as long as littlun can hold on tight!!
i got ours cheap and have pimped it for my girly and she Loves it!! although ‘its not pink enough’ were here words!!
the wife sais when ever littlun and i have been out and she’s met us there, Littlun is Always smiling when she’s on it!
oh, is also a good excuse for a new seat post and saddle combo as the main hitch is normally Very heavy!! have one set up with the hitch on and a normal riding set, des limit saddle down otherwise (if you like moving your saddle a lot!)