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  • Trailer routes in Surrey / SE
  • PenrodPooch
    Free Member

    I'm not expecting a huge responce to this one, does anyone have any good trailer routes around the Surrey Hills / N Downs. Fancy getting out this weekend with the little ones. I know stretches of Bridleway that are suitably smooth, eg Leith Hill from the Quarry side, and probably up Box Hill, Up Holmbury from under the Cricket pitch. but has anyone done a suitable loop?

    Full Member

    I know this may seem daft but you could do lots of fireroad at Swinley and then take the kids for an ice cream and play in the huge playground

    Full Member

    Is it a double trailer or single? How old are the kids- ie can they get out and walk if you need to take the trailer off and manhandle it through a narrow gap, or walk up a short steep slope? How long/short a ride do you want? Are you prepared to ride on the road at all?

    Loads of trailerable stuff round Reigate/Headly Heath/Box Hill/Tadworth/Walton without being too strenuous, and there's a few places you can stop eg carpark at Headley Heath, across the road by the cricket pitch then follow the tracks up onto Colley Hill then to the Reigate carpark, then reverse the journey.
    Kids also quite like the trip from Ditchling Beacon to Jack and Jill windmills on the South Downs and back- not too far for them, and a bit of a runaround at various points.

    Free Member

    To get up Holmbury without the sharp gradient to the cricket pitch, go down to the Royal Oak and turn up to the Glade – go behind the Village Hall, to start with you'll be heading away from the top of the hill – go left and left again to end up pointing at the top.

    From top of Holmbury Hill you can fire-road all the way to Peaslake. Then Pitch Hill can also be done 100% wide tracks, but it is probably best to take the very steep tarmac in between Pedal & Spoke and the church.

    Free Member

    A few good suggestions, might be up for the Ditchling Beacon idea we've been walking along there with a buggy.

    vinnyeh, its a double croozer so pretty wide and they are 19 months or so so unlikely to be able to walk very far or control easily when out of the trailer,

    Free Member

    Also, there's the Canadian Road along the top of the North Downs. Virtually flat with great views over the Surrey Hills to the south. Park at Newland's Corner, cross the road and go east. You're probably limited, practically speaking, to doing a there & back, rather than a loop – unless you're feeling brave in which case you could come off the Downs at Shere and then skirt through Albury Common and end up slogging back up the chalk byway from Albury to Newland's Corner.

    Free Member

    Perhaps park at Car Park 14 (The Youth Hostel at Holmbury St Mary) and head west downhill to the pond at the bottom. You could then swing south and follow a v pretty fireroad all the way up the hill. Would be a good workout for you as well given the dry conditions – the sand will be very soft if we see no rain soon… Like what Glen said there's fireroads to Peaslake, aim to the east before you hit the village to get back to the YHA car park..


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