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  • Titus rockstar – why no 1X drivetrain?
  • teenrat
    Full Member

    I’ve thought about getting one of the discounted rockstar frames from on one but then noticed that the description stated that it is not compatable with 1X drivetrains. I asked on one customer service why this is and got a short reply of ‘ the chainring fails’ ?!?

    Can anyone clarify why it is not 1X compatable and secondly, what on one are on about with their reply

    Full Member

    Chainstay too wide causing interference with the chainring?

    Full Member

    I have to know now

    Full Member

    I would say its the dropout/horst link position. I suspect that 11 spd SRAM and Shimano mechs would both struggle to not catch on the pivot. Of course it is 1x compatible by definition if it can run 2 or 3x, I suspect they mean dedicated 1x set ups.

    Free Member

    hmm that means im putting my 2×10 off my hardtail onto the rockstar and the hardtail gets a new groupset… :D

    Full Member

    I assume by fails they mean fouls.

    But why would it..? Lets say you run a triple on it.. I assume they are fine with triples. Remove rings and put nw in middle ring position. That is physically no different to a triple, just with less chain rings.

    Perhaps running a single ring in the inner ring position of a double will foul. But then… Surely they should say.. Runs fine 1x but use a triple crank.

    Full Member

    @cp – my thoughts exactly! i just dont get it as i just cant see how a frame cannot be 1X compatable. I was going to use a double crankset with nw ring in the outside position, which is the same as running a double setup.

    Free Member

    Maybe the chainline will be shit?

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t it be shit in the middle ring of a triple as well then?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Has your chainring failed yet? :-)

    Full Member

    is it the photo or is that TT super short?

    Free Member

    Just seen this post the bike above is my mates and mine is 1×10 as well with no issues as above surely it would be no good in the middle ring either if 1×10 was no good??

    Free Member

    Both of us have had no problems with 1×10

    Full Member

    I’m no expert but my guess would be that they assume you mean a dedicated Sram 1×11 system which would probably make the chain foul on the pivot or something, my Codeine has about 1billlionthhh of a millimetre clearance, a 1×10 would be slightly narrower.

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