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  • Tiny black flies / moths
  • WorldClassAccident
    Free Member

    We appear to have regular visits by little black flying things. Not sure if they are flies or moths but the are slightly smaller than a match head and they leave mostly red stains when spatted across the wall.

    Any ideas what they are and how we can get rid of them.

    Windows not open
    Wood floor in the kitchen where the seem most prevelent
    Wool carpet on the rest of the ground floor
    Wife has central heating on Sahara setting as soon as she hears it is octomer
    Upstairs seems far less affected even though wife leave windows open because it gets hot upstairs with the heating set to thermo-nuclear

    Any ideas how to get rid of the pesky blighters?
    Any more info to help identify and get rid of the pesky blighters?

    Full Member

    Fruit flies from food recycling?
    Or stagnant water outside anywhere?

    Free Member

    It does sound like fruit flies. Try and find the source, there will be lots and lots of them. As soon as you dispose of the source they will be gone.

    Edit: Maybe ignore above, is it these –

    Full Member

    Sciarid flies (aka Fungus gnats)?

    Slow and clumsy in flight. The larvae live in the soil in plant pots so you get rid of them by treating the soil.

    Free Member

    Either fruit flies check plant pots and compost bin if you have one in your kitchen , or drain flys , bleach and a kettle of boiling water down the plug. Or unlikely but possible wood worm check wood for small holes and “sawdust.”

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