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  • Those old bike chains cluttering up the shed? Here’s an idea for using them…
  • CountZero
    Full Member

    Ok, you might need a few, but the effects are stunning, I’d love one of these, given the space and money…

    Human Figures Formed by Bicycle Chain Contemplate Our Relationship Within the World

    Full Member

    Wow – impressive.
    It would be fun to do a side by side of my attempt vs one of those!

    Full Member

    Very interesting, look like theyre encased in resin.

    Free Member

    That’s quite excellent.

    Full Member

    They look new…I would like to think they are recycled. Very impressive all the same.

    Full Member

    Very clever and artistic indeed.

    By the way why not reuse old inner tubes?

    They make great hangers for wheels etc in the shed as well as chainstay protectors.
    I also cut them up to use them instead of elastic bands. The neoprene in tubes is far more durable than normal bands but just a bit less stretchy.

    Full Member

    Am I looking at a different ‘link’? 🤔

    Clever yes, but I can’t imagine anything more painfully tacky than a massive naked silver legs-akimbo chain woman in me lounge! 😂

    Maybe putting it on a leopardskin rug would help…

    Bit awkward when the vicar comes round for afternoon tea.

    Free Member

    I am with Kayak on this one. I can appreciate the work that has gone into them but not something I aspire to.

    Full Member

    Certainly not for the average British traditional home … but I can see how it would look good in a large roomed modern minimalist property as in the picture …

    Full Member

    Relieved to see WCA isn’t about to go making these…can imagine the video showing attempts to remove chainsaw chains whilst the saw is still running (it’ll save time!)…the man needs his hands for his other craft things…

    Full Member

    Bit awkward when the vicar comes round for afternoon tea.

    It would be if one of the figures was a model of them.

    Full Member

    Maybe I’m a heathen but art never gets any deeper then do I like it or not. I have never understood all this deeper meaning stuff. Surely if the artist has to explain it then by definition the art has failed to convey their message

    Full Member

    Clever yes, but I can’t imagine anything more painfully tacky than a massive naked silver legs-akimbo chain woman in me lounge! 😂

    You wouldn’t have the Angel of the North in your front room either. Doesn’t invalidate it at all.

    Maybe I’m a heathen but art never gets any deeper then do I like it or not. I have never understood all this deeper meaning stuff. Surely if the artist has to explain it then by definition the art has failed to convey their message

    It’s an overly simplistic way of viewing art if you ask me.

    Full Member

    Maybe I’m a heathen but art never gets any deeper then do I like it or not. I have never understood all this deeper meaning stuff.

    It’s about whether you like it, and what it means to you. All else is guff

    It’s an overly simplistic way of viewing art if you ask me.

    Maybe, but I don’t think it’s unfair to say that anything less simplistic very often, very quickly, has a strong whiff of Emperor’s New Clothes

    Full Member

    Maybe, but I don’t think it’s unfair to say that anything less simplistic very often, very quickly, has a strong whiff of Emperor’s New Clothes

    Art is (or can be) like a non verbal language, it can be very personal to the artist, and can take years to develop. So yes I do think it unfair to generalise art as emperors new clothes when the viewer is required to make an effort to understand it.

    Full Member

    Those are fantastic, makes my recycled chain garage clock and coaster look a bit rubbish!

    Full Member

    Yeah, fair enough, I get what you’re saying, and I was being overly reductive (probably on purpose).

    Art is like any other area of human interest; some people are more interested in it than others. For the former, the effort made to ‘understand’ a piece is part and parcel of their interest and enjoyment that they get from ‘art’. For the latter, they probably only get as far as liking it or not, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    Full Member

    Lol – philistine here

    Dunno much about art and probably less again about man’s eternal struggle for freedom and yet yearning for belonging and consequential subservience to a system designed to entrap us

    … but it seems odd that it’s only people with bodies of 25 year-old models who are completely bound, both literally and figuratively, by a type of chain that typically represents choice and freedom (of travel, of movement), and who manifest that dichotomy/tension by striking really provocative poses

    Full Member

    You wouldn’t have the Angel of the North in your front room either. Doesn’t invalidate it at all.

    Well, I would actually if I had high enough ceilings. The Angel of the North is fantastic in form and structure and borrows from the human form whereas those are impressive in structure no doubt, but not exactly imaginative in that they just copy it in a rather tacky way.

    Couple of steps up from this.


    Still, it’s all subjective. A lot of people like that sort of thing clearly which is all good 👍

    Full Member

    He doesn’t just do naked women

    Powerfully Expressive Chain Link Sculptures of Meditative Faces by Young-Deok Seo

    Absolutely amazing. Take a hell of a lot more chains than I’d use in my lifetime. *newspaper reports bike chains stolen, rest of bike left locked up* !!

    Full Member

    No, those are incredible. 👏

    Full Member

    Ah, I thought that looked very familiar – snapped this one at Piazzetta Capri, Amalfi Coast Italy…

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