Trapped this bastard in a glass to remove it and it jumped a good 2foot up to my face!
It got bloody agressive so i decided to keep it in a large container to see what happened, it started head butting the plastic and then spun some crazy as web and just snuffed it.
It’s a Wolf spider from the Lycosidae (latin for wolf) family, quiet common for them to jump and they do attempt to attack pretty much anything if cornered which is why they get their name i guess. I got a wee bite on the thin skin on the back of my hand from one years ago as i was treating an attic for woodworm, got such a shock i squealed like a slapped bairn and stumbled, put a foot and leg through the punters ceiling – he didn’t believe me till 15mins later when a little red weal started to build up round the double bite area.
It got bloody agressive so i decided to keep it in a large container to see what happened, it started head butting the plastic and then spun some crazy as web and just snuffed it.
Fourcrossjohn – where do you live? If it’s Oz, get to a doctor. UK, you should be fine, it’s just having a bad day. The dying part is quite funny though…
after it cocked out i gased it with lighter fluid to make sure it was out cold so i could get rid of it, it landed on the ground and then just scurried off, i feel for my welfare…
It’s away to raise a spider army assault team – beware!, duct tape your windows, door frames, letterbox, keyholes, brick up your chimney if you have one and always have a can of hairspray and a dependable lighter to hand – post up here every hr so we know you are still alive.
after it cocked out i gased it with lighter fluid to make sure it was out cold so i could get rid of it, it landed on the ground and then just scurried off, i feel for my welfare…
You’re on the IOW, if its a local spider for local people, they’ll be back in hoardes with pitchforks and burning torches tonight. 😆
Almost forgot….they do curl up their legs and play dead for hours sometimes, yep….they really do. You can roll them about for ages – poke them wi pencils, blow them about etc and just when you start to consider it really is dead and decide to take a closer look under a magnifying glass at their eyes and fangs the creepy little feckers jump back to life and scare the crap out of you.
So the spider was dead, then you gassed it – to make sure it was dead, chucked it out the door to get rid of it, whereupon it rose from the dead and legged it…..