there’s a no win solution to this other than them not being there. (which I don’t necessarily agree with).
“IF”, the detention was grounded, then there is only so far you should be expected to go in adhearing to religious dictate, when, they have after all surrendered their rights for criminal activity.
All detainees in the western world, even at Guantanamo, are under the duty care of the officers running it. That means that any ill health has to be explained. If the only way to prevent ill health is to ensure that sustenance is given, then the detainers would rightly believe they have the provenance to make sure it is administered.
Conversely, how it is administered is not always going to fit in with everyones’ beliefs.
Lets take another scenario – MR and MRS Jahova’s Witness did not give permission for the ill child to be given a blood transfusion on the ground of religious beliefs – guess who gets involved and tells them to off? – The authorities. I bet you wouldn’t kick up a stink then..