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  • Thibaut Daprela Turns Privateer For 2024
  • weeksy
    Full Member

    Thanks for the link. I live in hope he’s a good guy, as I say, I love seeing the bloke ride

    Full Member

    One thing has nothing to do with the other.

    Loving other men’s talents has excused any number of violations over the years. Time to stop putting people on pedestals.

    Full Member

    Slightly ironic that the ‘mutual agreement’ is done here, but – if the rumours are true – not done everywhere.

    Full Member

    That article seems to suggest that whoever Daprela blames for starting the rumours did so because he’d moved teams from Commencal to Canyon? I’ve not put the text through a translator (they often miss the nuance),  and its simple enough, but this

    Ces agissements m’ont fait beaucoup de mal mais également à mes proches et à ma famille ce qui démontre un comportement vil, déloyal et très loin des valeurs sportives. Jamais je n’aurais pu imaginer une telle campagne de dénigrement

    This has caused me and my family a lot of pain, which shows vile and disloyal behaviour and is unsporting. I could never have imagined such a smear campaign. 

    Which on the face of it, seems like a bit of joke, if that was the case,  you’d imagine that your new team would stand by you and not just throw you to the wolves just because some-one from the old team is just throwing a bit of shade. If I was Thibault’s lawyer I’d be telling him to STFU and stop talking to the press.

    Full Member

    @weeksy , I hope that he’s learned from this experience, but he’s seriously tarnished his reputation in the paddock over here.

    There needn’t be any charge for his behaviour and abuse of position to create a toxic environment within a team

    There needn’t be any crime to make him non grata either.  Out of my deepest respect for the other person involved, I’m not going to expand on this.

    Full Member

    I see he’s on the start list for this weekend.

    I don’t suppose it all turned out to be a huge misunderstanding and everything is cool but I just didn’t here about it?

    Full Member

    I see he’s on the start list for this weekend.

    I don’t suppose it all turned out to be a huge misunderstanding and everything is cool but I just didn’t here about it?

    As he doesn’t have a team listed I suspect not.

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