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  • There's no smoke without…..Farah?
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    I’ve already answered that question, can you answer mine?

    Where? I asked for evidence WHERE IS IT ?All you do if repeat your claim as you have just done again. Basically you do not believe him that is the “evidence”.
    My answers have no bearing on your claim but readEdukators link and you will see what side I was on
    OH to save time.

    Read USADA- hardly news beyond, perhaps, the systematic nature , read Kimmage not read Tyler and wont be either
    Hated LA, knew he was dirty as few, if any, could beat Il pirata and no one clean could beat a juiced Pirata. No one. It was obvious even before the EPO tests they traced back to LA via “anonymous” samples.

    Only believe/support in Wiggo and Cuddles tbh.
    I am happy to fence sit on Froome [ though I defer to innocence in the absence of evidence] hence the ask for evidence.
    As I originally said Contador and Nibali look more obvious cases of dopers with bertie beef being LA and Astana Postal

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    armstrong looked like he could have tried to follow and he had certainly not cracked at that point. He was following team orders at the time unlike Contrador. I supect Armstrong will push him hard but not quite win it
    Either way very impressive given age and break. Do the doubters still suspect he was just a drug cheat or actually a great athlete?
    Posted 5 years ago # Report-Post

    Your claim to have hated LA doesn’t fit well with your above post, Junkyard. In answer to your question, he was never a great athlete and always just a drug cheat.

    The evidence on Froome is one of the fastest rates of climb ever. T’aint natural.

    Edit: and the close relationship between Sean Yates and motoman when Yates was DS at Sky (despite their policy of never recruiting athlete who had tested positive). I’d post the pics but my posts are always deleted when I do.

    And the doctors employed by team Sky and… .

    Free Member

    Can you give a post reference to thread for context please?
    When you have perhaps we can discuss why asking a question is not stating an opinion?

    Free Member

    It’s your only post on the 2010 thread I linked above.

    Free Member

    A question is stating an opinion when it’s a loaded question that indicates that the person asking the question thinks that Armstrong is a great athlete even if he’s a drug cheat.

    The context at the time being that many fans pointed to Armstrong being nearly as fast riding clean with Astana as before when he was doped. Which was of course nonsense as he was still doped with Astana.

    Edit to add:

    And here’s the evidence you considered Armstrong clean with Astana, Junkyard, and a “phenomenal athlete without drugs”.

    Junkyard – lazarus

    Cant be a drug cheat he cant even drop Bush.
    Tough call and can see both sides. I do find it hard to believe he was able to beat all these juiced up talented athletes whilst he was the only clean one around. However his return and third at his age and clean does mean he is a phenomenal athlete without drugs. He could easily clear his name with retrospective testing if he chose. I doubt he will change his mind on that front which makes me suspicious. That said he still has relatively plausible deniability.
    Posted 4 years ago # Report-Post

    If you want to see the thread it’s from, Google it.

    Free Member

    Thanks JY. I appreciate your answering.

    My answer was this:

    Of course there’s no ‘proof’ if there was he’d be banned (obviously). I d suggest you have a look at the cyclingnews clinic forum on Froome and/or Sky but that’s not a sane proposal on anybody’s behalf. I cant help but feel that if froome rode for any team other than sky that people would be calling him out as ridiculous….

    BITD there were timetrialists and climbers. Then the ‘fat boy’ timetrialists started to leave the climbers for dead on the climbs. Turns out it was EPO and blood bags Now it’s (almost skeletal) climbers In the time trials…. Plus ca change. Wonder what that’ll be, eh? Being able to lose all that weight yet retain the power…

    You know what? I don’t actually believe you’re cynical at all…. 😉

    And with that I’ll bow out as this is going to go nowhere but even further downhill. fast….

    Full Member

    I would like to know what the drug testing agencies response is to a missed test, other than just marking it down as a missed test. Do they just continue on the normal schedule, or are they all over any athlete who misses a test like a cheap suit for the next 12 months.

    Full Member

    I’d also like to know what the average missed test rate is – and who the worst offenders are.

    Full Member

    And on the first morning we were down there the authorities pitched up at 7am

    forgive the noob question but…does the athlete know roughly when the testers may turn up? (in which case CF was a bit sloppy there) Or is it completely random and he has to let the testers know where he is at any moment and make sure they will be allowed into wherever he is with zero notice?

    Full Member

    The athlete notifies the testers a location where they will be for an hour everyday. The normal thing is to notify a time early in the morning where they will pretty much be guaranteed to be at that location pending an emergency.

    Free Member
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