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  • The trial of Anders Breivik
  • binners
    Full Member

    A bit like this Rich:

    Free Member

    Straight thinking should have had him shot at the sight

    but his straight thinking led him to shoot people derek so you are the same as him and you wish to commit the same crime [ shooting those you disagree with]How is the irony of this lost on you?

    – end of, that is my opinion and nothing you folk, big hitter, small hitter or fluffy bunnikins lefty love everybody spanker, will do or say can change that.

    You can lead a troll to knowledge but you cannot make him think

    As I said, I beg to differ and it is my opinion, damn I’m not even trying to alter your views, accept mine and have an end to it.

    is that what Breivik says to you as you pull the trigger?

    Free Member


    Please. Go and find out a little bit about Norway…
    … about it’s people and it’s culture.

    Norway reallly doesn’t fit your UK left / right political model. They are socially liberal and have a Scandinavian welfare model, but they a very open, friendly and above all patriotic people.

    You will a Norwegian flags everywhere – like America, but without the yucky, smarmy, rather frightening intensity of US patriotism. Your political views of wishy-washy leftist, socialist pinkos just does not fit.

    What you are posting is way, way off the mark.

    Free Member

    3We should let the swans have him just for Derek

    A man has drowned after being attacked by a swan, which knocked him out of his kayak and stopped him swimming to shore. So how dangerous are these graceful white birds?

    Anthony Hensley, 37, worked for a company that provided swans to keep geese away from property.

    On Saturday morning, the married father of two set out in a kayak across a pond at a residential complex in Des Plaines, just outside Chicago, where he was tending the birds.

    One of the swans charged his boat, capsizing it, says Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, whose deputies investigated the death.

    Mr Hensley tried to swim to shore but eyewitnesses told the sheriff’s investigators the swan appeared to have actively blocked him.

    “I find myself still scratching my head,” says Sheriff Dart. “This truly is one of the ones that keeps you from saying ‘I’ve seen everything now.'”

    Free Member

    rkk01 – Member

    Please. Go and find out a little bit about Norway…
    … about it’s people and it’s culture.

    Norway reallly doesn’t fit your UK left / right political model. They are socially liberal and have a Scandinavian welfare model, but they a very open, friendly and above all patriotic people.

    You will a Norwegian flags everywhere – like America, but without the yucky, smarmy, rather frightening intensity of US patriotism. Your political views of wishy-washy leftist, socialist pinkos just does not fit.

    What you are posting is way, way off the mark.

    The trouble with assumption, it is the mother of all **** ups.

    I’ve been to Norway thanks, I have Norwegian friends and business colleagues, I’ve also travelled in Sweden, some of those I know also think like me, sadly in the real world, not a cosseted fluffy bunny environment like this where views like mine get swiftly banned for fear of upsetting liberal sensibilities, there are mixed views on this and other subjects and they get sensibly debated without insult or ridicule or pathetic attempts at it by half wits.

    The principle difference between Norway and here? Wealth, they’ve held onto theirs not having squandered it on overseas vendettas and offering a welfare state to the globe.

    Now I accept it might seem a tad extreme to simply eradicate someone like this, but as I said previously, so often the perpetrator of similar atrocities self terminate on the spot, knowing ultimately right from wrong in the final clarity of the moment I can only guess.

    So lets examine, purely financially the cost of all this against the cost of a couple of bullets at the time, for the cost of the trial alone you could feed and educate a village full of starving Africans for a year, and for the cost of his incarceration how many kids could be treated or receive vaccinations against life threatening disease the world over?

    So no, rather than that lets have a high brow pseudo liberal discussion, examination, trial and merciful yet luxurious incarceration (by African standards) of this fellow to show the world how wonderful and advanced a society we are.

    Free Member

    not a cosseted fluffy bunny environment like this where views like mine get swiftly banned for fear of upsetting liberal sensibilities, there are mixed views on this and other subjects and they get sensibly debated without insult or ridicule or pathetic attempts at it by half wits.

    Now that is ironical.

    Free Member

    So lets examine, purely financially the cost of all this against the cost of a couple of bullets at the time, for the cost of the trial alone you could feed and educate a village full of starving Africans for a year, and for the cost of his incarceration how many kids could be treated or receive vaccinations against life threatening disease the world over?

    yes that is how it would work we would shoot him and end world poverty and disease are a proper right on HUMANITARIAN Hold on were you not just saying they dont provide a welfare state to the world [ that why they are rich]How would this happen then?..Derek you have not thought this through have you 🙄

    Sometimes derek I think you believe what you say as you certainly seem ill informed and unaware enough to reach such preposterous conclusions.
    Nonetheless startling hypocrisy re the insults. Every post you make has a pointless dig at people who frankly appear to both brighter than you and more humanitarian than you.
    Granted neither of these are huge achievements.

    Free Member

    So no, rather than that lets have a high brow pseudo liberal discussion, examination, trial and merciful yet luxurious incarceration (by African standards) of this fellow to show the world how wonderful and advanced a society we are.

    1: Why “pseudo”? Isn’t it real highbrow? How do you tell the difference?

    2: Why do you object to merciful? Presumably because you want to be as “merciless” as him.

    3: What makes you think they don’t mean it for it’s own sake?

    Free Member


    You decide!

    Full Member

    So lets examine, purely financially the cost of all this against the cost of a couple of bullets at the time, for the cost of the trial alone you could feed and educate a village full of starving Africans for a year, and for the cost of his incarceration how many kids could be treated or receive vaccinations against life threatening disease the world over?

    So you would suspend due process, human rights and good governance in a country that has them to provide charity to African countries that live in crushing poverty largely due to the fact that they don’t have good governance, human rights or due process.

    Alrighty then!

    Free Member

    So no, rather than that lets have a high brow pseudo liberal discussion, examination, trial and merciful yet luxurious incarceration (by African standards) of this fellow to show the world how wonderful and advanced a society we are.

    Actually, that’s exactly what Norway is showing, and in doing so may well do much to marginalise other right wing extremeists and wannabes like yourself by showing how repugnant their beliefs are to normal people.

    Free Member

    I think derek was suggesting that the display of “wonderfulness” is their motivation, rather than just the by-product.

    Derek? Hullo? Come in, derek.

    Full Member

    JY pretty sure it was hora that suggested 3rd storey building not derek.

    Binners I beleive dolphin have been known to try to force themselves upon unwary swimmers/dolphin trainers so you may be onto something there.

    …you are the same as him and you wish to commit the same crime [ shooting those you disagree with]How is the irony of this lost on you?

    wouldn’t that be hypocritical rather than ironical?

    entertaining thread tho, was dissapointed that I spotted the gandalf-ification quote but couldn’t remember the source.

    Free Member

    derek – as someone who puts himself at risk of a good shoeing on virtually every ‘religion’ thread on here, allow me to give you some advice. Just stop it, now. This doesnt mean that I agree with your views in any way, shape or form, simply that those views appear increasingly ill thought out with every post you add. Yes, you’re entitled to your opinions, of course, but by branding everyone that disagrees with you a lefty liberal, etc, you’re hardly doing a good job of putting your point across.

    Free Member


    I’ve been to Norway thanks, I have Norwegian friends and business colleagues,

    – fair enough.

    Have to say though – doesn’t match the (admittedly dated) impression of Norway and the Norwegians that I got during my travels there.

    The main differences I picked up on when in Norway:

    – Norway is wealthy by dint of N Sea oil revenues AND low population

    – You are correct, they haven’t squandered their N Sea oil revenues. During the 80s they were re-investing while we were paying dole benefits.

    – those UK dole benefits were a result of (necessary) re-structuring of dilapidated UK industry.

    From what I have seen, Norway didnt have that legacy of a large proportion of the workforce employed in unionised heavy industry – or the entitled landed gentry / industrial owners that has caused polarisation of UK political positions over the last 100 or so years.

    Seemed to me to be a country much more at ease with itself than the UK
    Just my take

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Member
    derek – as someone who puts himself at risk of a good shoeing on virtually every ‘religion’ thread on here, allow me to give you some advice. Just stop it, now. This doesnt mean that I agree with your views in any way, shape or form, simply that those views appear increasingly ill thought out with every post you add. Yes, you’re entitled to your opinions, of course, but by branding everyone that disagrees with you a lefty liberal, etc, you’re hardly doing a good job of putting your point across.

    No, but it’s entertainment for me, I haven’t had such a pleasant wind up for a while, has kept me amused for a bit, they do bite don’t they and that junkyard fool deserved a bit of winding in after getting me banned a while back.

    What’s needed is a good can of this stuff…

    It’ll keep the mass murderers away – honest 😆

    Free Member

    I think that rather than blaming junkyard for your ban, you need to look a little closer to home. The fallback defence of ‘I was just trolling’ is, at best, immature.

    Free Member

    Ah. Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    so, derek ‘entertainment’ over a mass murder is a ‘pleasant wind up’.

    nicely played. you’re a real human being.

    Free Member

    No, but it’s entertainment for me, I haven’t had such a pleasant wind up for a while, has kept me amused for a bit, they do bite don’t they and that junkyard fool deserved a bit of winding in after getting me banned a while back.

    Half term already?

    Free Member

    Ooooooh, dark coloured kitchen implements abound! 🙂

    Full Member

    I suspect we’ve all fallen pray to a Daily Mail random quote generator. They’re still perfecting it though. The only part that failed was, in mentioning it had been to Norway, it missed the opportunity to start the monologue “some of my best friends are Norwegian, BUT……”

    Needs a tweak

    Free Member

    I’m beginning to see a pattern emerging….

    derek posts some childish, ill-thought-out nonsense.

    Questions are asked and a response is requested.

    derek ignores the questions and claims he didn’t mean it and was only “winding people up” for his “amusement”.

    derek ends up looking like a silly child.

    Have I missed anything?

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