patriotism is a close relative of nationalism, both are used to divide and rule.
Internationalism is a close relative of communism. Not that communism has much of a track record either (that comment is as sensible or stupid as yours – depending on your point of view).
If you want to chuck around bad examples how about the ‘proleterian state’ as espoused by Mao – thirty million dead in the Great Leap Forward before a change of heart – after being hidden by censoring censuses. All because of dogma and letting theory determine practice.
The ‘system’ we currently have is an accident of history – mostly just by default, but also because of the wreckage of people who thought thew knew best (on the left and the right).
Stephen Fry goes on about religion and said on QI “s**t it all”. He’s a clever bloke, and a lot of people lap up everything he says – but how can he be sure that, overall, religion hasn’t been a brake on the excesses of humans? Just being ‘alternative’ isn’t enough – you need to actually know what you would do differently. Otherwise it’s all just talk.