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  • the idiotic cyclist thread
  • yunki
    Free Member

    As mentioned recently I am extremely prejudiced against other cyclists, and with good reason..
    We’re doing very well as a minority group, with plenty of supporters, but we still have to field a certain amount of flack..
    There’s enough negativity from some quarters, without our own ranks adding fuel to the fire..

    So here’s a little thread where you can post about your most recent numpty cyclist encounter.. If you’ve noticed someone out there who is making us look bad, get it off your chest here, hopefully we can compile a list of unacceptable behaviours, and maybe publicly humiliate a few offenders..

    Ill get the ball rolling..

    Yesterday, my other half was out for a skate with her roller derby team on busy shared use path when an angry mamil came thundering down upon the group.. Courteously, they gave way and moved aside, only for the lead skater to be called a ****.. Further along the path, two skaters who were not quick enough were clipped by the cyclist causing both to fall..

    utterly cowardly and unprovoked.. Nice one angry mamil, whoever you are.

    What a cissy

    Full Member

    2 complete k nobbers, 1 in sky kit, 1 in all white lycra, ride past me every morning, and ride through 4 sets of red lights near tetleys in leeds.
    I am praying for them to get clipped one morning, just so I can ride up and laugh at them

    Free Member

    Cyclists who dress all in black ,even in daylight they dont stand out against the background

    Full Member

    …and what’s worse is that these cyclists don’t even pay road tax!


    …wait, is this the right forum?

    Free Member

    I saw two casual cyclists riding side by side here in That London, down a busy street with not one ace in the world.. :roll:

    Free Member

    Roadies* who think they have a right to blast down the main road through the ashton Court estate in Bristol. Always a small minority who ruin it for the everyone else who rides with consideration and they are to blame for the speed reduction measures that will be getting installed soon.

    It says “cyclists slow, shared path” for a reason you dicks.

    *might also be MTBers and hybriders but so far I have only experience of roadies as everyone else has slowed down and taken care.

    Free Member

    I rode to the stone yard today with no helmet on and my right pant leg rolled up, on a road bike, and wore a black jacket and black jeans while doing so.


    Full Member

    The kids on the street that have no brakes on bikes, bar foot/floor.
    And proceed to launch themselves down 50m high / 1 in 6 hill with corners and multiple junctions. Easily one of them on a BMX was doing 30+mph tonight… 8O :D 8) 8O

    Meanwhile, the elephant is still in the room.
    6400 motorists caught speeding in four months by one camera.[/url]

    Full Member

    mtg……don’t spoil it, the title gives the idea of the post away.

    Free Member

    Yes, some cyclists are dicks.
    But it’s much better they’re on a bike, instead of inside a two ton car about to run you over.

    Free Member

    my other half was out for a skate with her roller derby team

    sorry, she was out for a what with her what???
    according to the internet, roller derby is a contact sport – should they not view this as WTFU training?

    Free Member

    I don’t normally do this, but [deep breath]

    pulled up at a junction, 2 lanes, 1 for left turners, one for right, cycle box in front of the lanes.

    I’m turning right, so get in the right hand side of the box, guy next to me is in the left side of the box.

    left filter light turns green. he does nowt, stays there. car behind him beeps him. guy on bike goes apeshit, says I’m turning **** right, wait your turn etc etc.

    so, main light turns green, we both cycle away, both turning right, him crossing a lane with cars turning left, quite dangerous, so I wait for him a bit, and say mate, sorry but you were in the wrong there, and it’s quite dangerous what you’re doing.

    “Don’t you **** tell me how to ride a bike, you’re worse than the **** car drivers”


    Free Member

    Warton = splitter


    Free Member

    Young man riding a bso who drifted through the junction, chatting on his blackberry, sorting out his next drug deal or telling his mum he was going to be late depending on which paper you read.

    Either way he way riding with a disregard for rules that was so complete I kind of envied his nonchalance.

    It also caused the young lady waiting next to me in the asz to comment which started a conversation that lasted the next 5 miles. Not often I get that much young lady time, so thank you young punk.

    Whilst the old man in me would like to reprimand you, the memory of a younger guy says get away with what you can and the Sid James says thank you very much.

    Free Member

    Warton = splitter


    Free Member

    Is this one of those period dramas I hear about?

    Free Member

    Me, this morning.

    On my commute, down the TPT, hadn’t seen another soul for the last mile, so took a chance and went a bit too fast around a blind corner which was heavily overgrown. Another unfortunate mountain biker was coming the other way.
    Me “Aaaaarggggghhhhh. Sooooorrrrryyyyy”, as I skidded about 6 metres and careered out of his way and ditched into a blackberry bush.
    He was pretty cool about it, chuckling a “no problem” as he swerved past.

    My God, those thorns hurt!

    Free Member

    How about no lights at dusk, approaching a blind crest on the wrong side of the road, whilst on a mobile phone and watching his mate on the other side of the road?

    Free Member

    queuing traffic, van turns left from queue into business. rider coming down inside, 30mph+. no evidence of slowing down, plows into van. Why so fast? Why undertaking? Why no braking?

    Full Member

    explaining for Warton

    Full Member

    I rode to the stone yard today with no helmet on and my right pant leg rolled up


    Bunching? No need to apologise, it’s only yourself you’re chafing.

    Full Member

    10 miles each way into london,
    often its me thats a dick, filtering up the inside, red light creep, pretending to myself its still on amber when really its gone red by the time i get thru.

    BUT 95% of the time i dont do any of that stuff and i daily see scores of others do much much worse

    Im sure they think they are good cyclists too, but I know its pissing off a lot of car drivers not to mention some manouvers (but not that many imho) are dangerous.
    prob need many more police to actually enforce the law (for cars and bikes) or nothing will change

    Free Member

    Cyclists who dress all in black ,even in daylight they dont stand out against the background

    Maybe in the Black Forest if not get your eyes tested :wink:
    I sincerely hope you don’t drive or come across any black cars while you’re riding or driving.

    Free Member

    Crikey, why do your pants have legs?

    Free Member

    Cyclists who dress all in black ,even in daylight they dont stand out against the background

    Maybe in the Black Forest if not get your eyes tested
    I sincerely hope you don’t drive or come across any black cars while you’re riding or driving.
    Against dark foliage under trees they dont stand out .If they wore brighter clothing they would be easier to spot

    Free Member

    The kids on the street that have no brakes on bikes, bar foot/floor.
    And proceed to launch themselves down 50m high / 1 in 6 hill with corners and multiple junctions. Easily one of them on a BMX was doing 30+mph tonight…


    Im sure they think they are good cyclists too, but I know its pissing off a lot of car driver


    I’m going to hell aren’t I?

    I sincerely hope you don’t drive or come across any black cars while you’re riding or driving.

    Yup, except cars are big, and visible, and shiny, and covered in reflective bits and lights and cyclists are small, and generally matte colored, and squishy.

    Free Member

    The rather large mamil I spotted this weekend riding to newquay on the tight cornish roads. Eating an apple whilst meandering around

    Free Member

    Yup, except cars are big, and visible,and covered in reflective bits and light

    So of course SMIDYS never happen between vehicles :-)

    Against dark foliage under trees they dont stand out .If they wore brighter clothing they would be easier to spot


    Full Member

    Has to be the no light brigade.

    Either suicidal kids on bmx with a healthy disregard for the rules of the road or dumb adults meandering along slowly wearing dark clothes and no helmets.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Crikey, why do your pants have legs?

    Cos if they didn’t they’d be shorts!

    I suspect you’ve spent a long time in that America, where ‘pants’ means underpants. Here in the UK, pants are long trousers.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    The strobe lighters, as long as we can see you its okay doesn’t matter what we can’t see once you have passed.

    Free Member

    Yup, except cars are big, and visible, and shiny, and covered in reflective bits and lights

    Dark cars have more crashes than light coloured cars.

    Free Member

    Every unlit cyclist I have seen has been in the city where there are lights. Pedestrians are unlit and I manage to see them all the time. Sure its helpful but I canny get too excited. To notice them you must have seen them. Therefore they are visible.
    Experience has taught me that there are places where such dafties will be about so I slow down and keep a good look out.

    How many folk have pedal or wheel reflectors fitted eh? eh? heheheh! :-) I bet the unlit person on a bicycle has because he doesn’t know how to take them off and he actually uses his bike for transport and not just leisure.


    Free Member

    Saturday morning heading into town in the car, a cut through path joins the road just before a bridge, with solid white lines in the middle of the road. When I ride through there I’m in the middle of the lane as there is no room for 2 cars + bike together.

    MAMIL exits the path after the car in front of me along side me with cars coming the other way :( Didn’t even look to see what was going on, just after that approaching the roadie/mamil coffee shop post morning ride the “just leaving the cafe” crowd making the “just leaving the pub pissed” crowd look in more control.

    Full Member

    No lights drives me mad, I saw a group of 3 mountain bikers on the road from peebles to glentress (it’s an unlit nsl, there is a cycle path, incidentally). Not quite dark, but close. The one with the pathetic light, in the middle. And the one with the yellow jacket, at the front. Meanwhile the one dressed completely in black, positioned at the back doing his best to make the at least slightly visible other guys invisible.

    Whenever I see an unlit cyclist (or one with a £2 tesco light, or nearly flat batteries, or my personal favourite a good light mounted in some way so that it’s hidden- pointing downwards, or sideways, or behind a pannier or mudguard) on an unlit road, part of me always wants to run them down to teach them the error of their ways. And I’m not usually a homicidal madman.

    Free Member

    There’s enough negativity from some quarters, without our own ranks adding fuel to the fire..


    Free Member

    part of me always wants to run them down to teach them the error of their ways.


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