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  • The Gun Shop
  • wool
    Full Member

    Very grateful I don t live in the States, Remove them all.

    Free Member

    Is this a telly programme? or just gun shops in general

    Full Member

    Telly program thats just been on.

    Free Member

    Saw 5 minutes and couldn’t watch it. Too much of a freak show.

    Free Member

    The mother teaching her 9yr old how to shoot..

    Free Member

    I thought it was interesting…the chief of police spoke some sense, as did the father who was on at the end.

    Free Member

    Disclaimer before I begin – I own guns. I shoot small furry animals and eat them. I am, therefore, pro gun ownership, I suppose.


    I was in Nashville, with time to kill over a weekend, so I took myself to a “sports store” to kill some time. Look at bike stuff, see if there were any interesting outdoor things to look at. That sort of stuff. I stumbled across the gun section. I knew this, as there was a mirror.

    In front of said mirror was a twenty-something man with in one hand a Magnum, and in the other hand, a Desert Eagle. He was posing with them. Looking at himself in the mirror.

    Then, he turned to his friend, brandishing the Desert Eagle, and said, “I think this one is more ‘me’, y’know.”

    I wanted to pummel him in to the ground.

    Guns aren’t the problem. I’d never kill a person with mine, just lovely rabbits, pheasants and the like. The problem is the culture that allows a gun to be a fashion accessory. The culture that makes them “normal”. I know that my gun ownership is very much abnormal, and I’m fine with that.

    Full Member

    Would hate to put in the situation do I buy a gun or not. Its truly an arms race.

    Free Member

    Another TV show showing how dense Americans are, I’ll pass thanks.

    Free Member

    Some Americans. Not all.

    Free Member

    What I don’t get is why is there never any of these armed people about when some guy starts shooting?

    Free Member

    It is considered sensible to bring your kids up in the US with some gun training. You can buy kids guns and teach them how to respect it and have good safety knowledge, obviously how to shoot them too. Seems quite sensible to me.

    Full Member

    Used to do a lot of shooting myself flashy. Targets, not furry things. But guns are serious shit, and treated as such, and locked up, in gun clubs

    Just watching this on +1 and it’s insane!

    The idea that you can stroll in off the street and buy a semi-automatic assault rifle is absolute madness!!! WTF does anyone need an assault rifle for? 😯

    The guys in the shop are pedding fear to sell guns. Banging on about ‘domestic terrorism’. in Shitsville, Idaho or wherever? The paranoia is ridiculous!

    Free Member

    You can buy kids guns and teach them how to respect it and have good safety knowledge, obviously how to shoot them too. Seems quite sensible to me.

    Or you could move to remove hand guns and the larger capacity weapons removed from the public. By all. Means teach responsibility but if there is a need to be armed at home the problems are bigger and need fixing.

    Full Member

    It is considered sensible to bring your kids up in the US with some gun training. You can buy kids guns and teach them how to respect it and have good safety knowledge, obviously how to shoot them too.

    Seems harsh to shoot your kids.

    Free Member

    The idea that you can stroll in off the street and buy a semi-automatic assault rifle is absolute madness!!! WTF. Do you need an assault rifle for?

    Because it matches your eyes. Look in the mirror…

    Agree with you on this, I have to say,

    guns are serious shit, and treated as such

    Full Member

    Terrifying amount of paranoia on display there! The genie is out of the bottle with America tho. Shame.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit like Brexit carnage but with deaths, moronic small minded idiots who can’t/won’t/too stupid to see the much bigger picture.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Hand guns are designed for a single purpose… to kill people

    Gun murder stats

    “How the US compares: The number of gun murders per capita in the US in 2012 – the most recent year for comparable statistics – was nearly 30 times that in the UK, at 2.9 per 100,000 compared with just 0.1.”

    Guns are not readily available or common in the uk. It seems in the States there are guns everywhere.

    Scary program. I am full of fear .. i am going to buy a gun. You come into my house i will shoot you.
    Bad guys have a gun so i am going to have a gun.

    Free Member

    You shoot at bad guy, you miss, bad guy kills you
    You shoot at bad guy, you hit, bad guy kills you
    Better to just hide under the bed ??

    Free Member

    Hand guns are designed for a single purpose… to kill people

    Nope, they are used for sport too.

    Full Member

    I have no interest, it’s their gig, their situation, their law to change.

    Somewhere in the states there must be a person that sees another way…….

    Until then carry on and live with the consequence, families of America, I’ve more empathy for people battling prejudice closer to home.

    Free Member

    The mother teaching her 9yr old how to shoot..


    I was appalled too, I had to wait until I was 11. That’s an age when you are that young!

    Full Member

    9? That’s ridiculous I had my own by then.

    Free Member

    Nope, they are used for sport too.

    Designed for and also used for are different things, anyway never seen any targets while I nip out to the supermarket….

    Free Member

    It is considered sensible to bring your kids up in the US with some gun training.

    Not by most of the parents I know.

    Free Member

    It looked like insecure, bullied and low self esteem people basically buying self esteem.

    If I had a gun saved at me I would be calling 911.

    I’ve fired a number of calibre guns. I’d keep one if I needed it for hunting, farm work etc. I’ve absuletely no desire to hold, touch or shoot one again though. Horrible scary things.

    Free Member

    I watched the programme. I wonder how many of the customers would have the balls to actually shoot someone. Those kids firing at targets, or the adults for that matter seemed to take a long while to pull the trigger. I doubt you’d have the luxury of time if you were shooting at the bad guys they all fear so much.

    To me it just seems that you’d die with a gun in your hand.

    Free Member

    Or the gun turned on you.

    Full Member

    The problem in the States is that there are 500,000 guns in circulation. By all means restrict sales going forward, but wtf do you do about half a billion guns already out there?

    From that point of view I can understand the fear that drives people to go down the self defence argument, however flawed.

    Full Member

    I work with an American who travels to the UK to work. I asked him in the passing if he was packing heat ? 😯 No obviously I’m not he said but I’m licenced to carry at home. His gun goes on with the rest of his clothes in the morning and never leaves his side. In the rented apartment where he lives and shares with two others, he has 17 handguns, 3 assault rifles (one fitted with a thermal scope) two combat shotguns and a hunting rifle. This collection is for home dee-fence apparently. I asked him if he’d considered moving somewhere where he felt less threatened.

    I watched the program last night. That young girl with part of her head missing broke my heart.I have relatives in the US. It’s a completely foreign culture joined by a common language.

    I’d move.


    Full Member

    This collection is for home dee-fence apparently.

    better locks on your windows just isn’t as sexy as an M-16

    Full Member

    I watched bits of it, I guess it was always going to be very one-sided and a bit of a freak show. I really don’t understand how the woman at the start (buying a gun because in a road rage incident the other driver had shown her his gun) would feel safer with a gun, it’s in now way a deterrent to such behaviour and if anything is just likely to escalate things.
    As for the woman with kids asking one of them what plan B was “should mommy go down” I mean wtf.

    Full Member

    Davesport, does your college feel less safe in the UK?

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    It looked like insecure, bullied and low self esteem people basically buying self esteem.

    And those are probably the people the documentary makers wanted you to see. There was a common thread running through the show.

    If I had a gun saved at me I would be calling 911.

    Then you’d be dead. Doubly so if you lived anywhere remote or rural. How many people here keep a cricket bat or something somewhere in the house or the ubiquitous maglite torch in the car for self defense? I think America’s gun laws are insane but the behavior of the people who live there is pretty understandable under the circumstances.

    If I lived there or in Canada I would definitely have a gun. Better looking at it than looking for it.

    Free Member

    better locks on your windows

    just doesn’t cut the mustard when you have nutters in your neighbourhood with:

    17 handguns, 3 assault rifles (one fitted with a thermal scope) two combat shotguns and a hunting rifle.

    Free Member

    When I have invited African business visitors to my home thay have all expressed shock at our lack of security. They can’t believe we live with the house open to the street, no 10′ high wall with broken glass or electric wires, no huge steel gate and security man, no mad alsatian, no more than a wood front door with one lock. “Where is your security?” they all ask.

    This gives me an insight into what an amazingly safe place Britain and most of Europe is and makes me understand why Africans, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis are so desperate to get into the country. Even when they do succeed and are dumped in a freezing Victorian house or a damp 70s tower block they must feel relief that at last, they are safe from being shot or dragged outside and hanged from a lamp post.

    Free Member

    Its a cultural thing, which is pretty difficult to change.

    But we did manage to change the culture of drink driving here in the UK.

    Full Member

    Yeah, but the drug addict that breaks in to steal your telly isn’t going to come to your neighbourhood tooled up with all that is he?
    In the programme most of the handguns were north of $300. (one girl turned down some lessons on how to use her new deadly tool because she’d already spent $500 on a gun and some rounds that she was going to struggle to explain to her husband) drug addicts are going to spend that on getting out of their heads, not buying a gun…

    edit: mind you this is the US we’re talking about, so I guess anything is possible 😆

    better locks and window security would probably do more to assuage their fears TBH

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