Disclaimer before I begin – I own guns. I shoot small furry animals and eat them. I am, therefore, pro gun ownership, I suppose.
I was in Nashville, with time to kill over a weekend, so I took myself to a “sports store” to kill some time. Look at bike stuff, see if there were any interesting outdoor things to look at. That sort of stuff. I stumbled across the gun section. I knew this, as there was a mirror.
In front of said mirror was a twenty-something man with in one hand a Magnum, and in the other hand, a Desert Eagle. He was posing with them. Looking at himself in the mirror.
Then, he turned to his friend, brandishing the Desert Eagle, and said, “I think this one is more ‘me’, y’know.”
I wanted to pummel him in to the ground.
Guns aren’t the problem. I’d never kill a person with mine, just lovely rabbits, pheasants and the like. The problem is the culture that allows a gun to be a fashion accessory. The culture that makes them “normal”. I know that my gun ownership is very much abnormal, and I’m fine with that.