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  • The Government, The New Road, and FlyUp 417 Bike Park: What’s Happening?
  • stwhannah
    Full Member

    Many of you have seen FlyUp 417 bike park’s recent video about the potential for them to have to close as a result of works being done by National Hig …

    By stwhannah

    Get the full story here:

    Full Member

    Great article Hannah – awesome that as a result National Highways have now said they’ll meet with Flyup 417 tomorrow after weeks of radio silence. I chatted to Dave @ Flyup 417 this afternoon and it’s truly horrific how they’re being treated by National Highways.

    Would be great to get an update tomorrow once we know the outcome of the meeting?

    Full Member

    Well done on putting together an article that understands the planning system and cuts through the raised emotions on this story.

    I feel genuinely more informed about the situation now.


    Thank you.

    Full Member

    This very much echoes National Highways treatment of NMUs ( non motorized users) over the mess that is M25/A3 J10 works. After not consulting with Surrey Countryside Access forum at the planning stage. (which was a statutory duty ) they then had a couple of meetings, but I got the impression they did not like any views that disagreed with them and stopped any further meetings. There are many R.O.W. that have been stopped up with little notice, but we realised they had all the balls in the game and can always ignore the views of BHS, ramblers, carriage drivers and cycling groups.

    Full Member

    Yeah, it’s not been a whole lot better with the consultation for the M3 A34 junction. We got in at an earlier stage, and have the added weight of a National Park, but there’s still a feeling that they’re doing what they feel like.


    Sadly the story of changing personnel is a familiar one as well. We get one set of staff clued in and they move on, so we’re back to square one again.

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