her as her fella has emailed me today to threaten me with police if contact her again.
Feel sorry for the guy; he’s doing what he thinks is best, without realising the probable inevitability of the fact he will be in your situation. Touch of assumptions there, but just trying to set a bit of context.
I can’t do inspirational quotes, but I’m a big believer in just allowing your brain to go through the stages of grief/whatever, in a situation, and just moping, posting drivel, drinking or fapping over pictures of beetroot. Whatever*,just do it if it’s what you want to do at that point, which is all part of the brain’s process, remembering though in the back of your mind, that you are yourself and you are awesumz, because we all are, just not everyone realises that, but the ones that matter to you, know, or that you are yet to meet, will 🙂
*within reason.
Told you I didn’t do inspirational quotes.