he aircraft is designed to be able to fly with one engine, one half of the tail, one elevator, and half of a wing missing
Meh…the F15 has the flying on one wing thing covered….
The pilot landed this sucker after the wing had broken off in flight.
And the A10 isn’t a jet fighter…nor was the TSR2 and arguably the Bucaneer. The best fighter in terms of good old fashioned dog fighting is currently a toss up between the F22 and Eurofighter based on joint training encounters like the Red Flag events and from the feedback of pilots who have flown both.
My personal favourite is the F18. Saw one at an airshow once…it followed an SU27 after the typical Russian flight display containing all the usual crowd pleasers like the Cobra and the low and slow high alpha fly-by, tail slide and the high speed high-G turns. It always felt like the Western fighters always seemed to be holding back for some reason, but this F18 pilot didn’t. He hustled that thing around the sky and produced a display every bit as impressive as the SU27. Never seen a western fighter display like it since. And to my eye just looks the prettiest fighter, especially the E & F varients.