Sorry to hear that mate.
Just read an article in CTC magazine about a chap who has been recording his commute on a head cam (I have just started this too, so was V interested).
He has used the footage for reporting drivers to the police, and has also published it on you-tube under the pseudonym “magnatom”.
If actually hit, this might be useful, though I think I will have to carry a “CCTV you are being recorded” sign on my back, otherwise it might not stand up???.
I’m fed up of being passed with an inch spare, and it is only a matter of time before I am hit, and I don’t expect any of them to stop, you can feel the deliberate nature of the move when they pass…
I have even had to quote highway code rule 163 (when overtaking drivers should give vulnerable road users {bikes etc} the same space they would give a car) to driving instructors whose pupils have given me an inch.
I am not a fan of CCTV everywhere, and really this is only so that if/when I am killed doing something I love doing, the culprit is actually caught, rather than to grass everyone up.
Anyway, get well soon, lets film all our journeys until something is done about driver education.
Andy 🙂