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  • Thank you Ma'am
  • konabunny
    Free Member

    British people have been citizens since 1949. That’s longer than most republics have even been in existence.

    Free Member

    Crikey…lots of them sounded like serfs today.

    Full Member

    Monarchy = irrelevant. She probably is a pleasant elderly person but these are not in short supply – so not deserving of special privilege and adoration IMHO.

    Full Member

    Personally I think we’d be better off with the Monarch having greater powers, we’d have more consistent centrist government as a result

    Jambalaya in pro-establishment shocker 🙂

    I can almost picture you going around telling people to know their place. It really is some bubble you live in, must be very comforting.

    Free Member

    Nah he has to be trolling
    Not even ninfan has tried that argument
    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Full Member

    For those on the “it’s archaic and undemocratic” side of the debate, have you ever turned your attention to the City of London?

    A tiny city within the heart of the nation’s capital that has its own laws, its own special representative in parliament, doesn’t hold democratic elections and is run by a corporation of medieval guilds older than the UK and the Magna Carta.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – I believe that’s known as ‘whataboutery’. I do know about that and I’m extremely unhappy about that too. However I don’t see the City of London constantly trumpeted as some great institution that we all ought to be proud of.

    Free Member

    For those on the “it’s archaic and undemocratic” side of the debate, have you ever turned your attention to the City of London?

    That’s archaic and undemocratic, too.

    Free Member

    However I don’t see the City of London constantly trumpeted as some great institution that we all ought to be proud of.

    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Free Member

    Well I hope that she has had a very enjoyable day despite the unwanted attention.

    Remarkable achievement.

    Free Member

    What is?

    Full Member

    The best time to celebrate a royal head of state is when you have it on a spike at the city gates.

    Full Member

    Must admit,over the years I have gone from ‘don’t see the point’ to a grudging acceptance that the monarchy has its uses: after all, how many Heads of State can you name. Germany? Ireland? The only ones we know are the ones who have executive power like France or the US.

    I mean, we all know who he is ^

    Free Member

    For those on the “it’s archaic and undemocratic” side of the debate, have you ever turned your attention to the City of London?

    The makeup of the Ascension Council would suggest that despite the ceremonies surrounding it the City of London is tied to the Monarchy:

    In the United Kingdom, the Accession Council is a ceremonial body which assembles in St. James’s Palace upon the death of a monarch (Demise of the Crown), to make a formal proclamation of the accession of his or her successor to the throne, and to receive a religious oath from the new monarch.

    The Council is made up of Privy Counsellors, members of the House of Lords, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, the Aldermen of the City of London and the High Commissioners of some Commonwealth countries.

    Here is a Lord Mayor of London with Leon Brittan’s wife, in a situation she seemed to have forgotten before being presented with the photo:

    Here is the same Lord Mayor of London with the Queen, that afternoon she claimed to not be tied to the establishment in her role as head of the child abuse inquiry:

    Free Member

    Francis Lee’s* Irish cousin?

    *’one for the old ‘uns

    Full Member

    GrahamS – I believe that’s known as ‘whataboutery’. I do know about that and I’m extremely unhappy about that too.

    Not my intention – I just thought that if people were that upset by the notion of a Queen (everyone knows about) then they’d also might be interested in those videos about the City Of London (which I for one didn’t know).

    Also it’s another good CGPGrey video and I love his videos.

    Free Member

    It would be interesting to know just how many deep rooted links there are (e.g. Ceremonial, Financial, Strategic, Symbolic etc) between The City of London, The Monarchy, The Commonwealth and Foreign Policy, though no doubt it would be a complex web

    Full Member

    Well yes. That’s how these things work isn’t it?

    I’d be a lot more worried if we didn’t have a complex web of deep rooted links between those things!

    Free Member

    Wonder what financial and strategic interests the City of London and the Monarchy have in the World’s Largest Arms Fair in London next week[/url]?

    Full Member

    It certainly helps to sell weapons if you’ve a recent display of their successful deployment.

    Full Member

    Dem lizards like big gunz.

    Free Member

    It’s touching that the only people who think the monarchy are really powerful are monarchists, conspiracy theorists and tourists.

    Here is the same Lord Mayor of London with the Queen, that afternoon she claimed to not be tied to the establishment in her role as head of the child abuse inquiry:

    You’re confusing yourself. Fiona Woolf was going to chair the inquiry, not Brittan’s wife or the Queen.

    Free Member

    Confusion is often rife on here, but I rarely succumb to it…

    Full Member

    As an aside from the sniping and haters, this is a really lovely photo for any elderly couple:

    Free Member

    Quite. They should be treated just like any other elderly couple too…

    how many Heads of State can you name. Germany? Ireland? The only ones we know are the ones who have executive power like France or the US.

    Who cares? Do you think Germans, Israelis or Mozambicans spend a lot of time worrying about whether British people can name their head of state?

    Free Member

    A match made in heaven?

    Free Member

    British people can name their head of state?

    British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealandian and about 29 others I can’t remember (many of which are the world’s murkiest tax havens, deeply tied to the City of London) all have the same head of state…

    Full Member

    ….& he’s off and running

    Free Member

    I have little time for Philip and find him to be an offensive old fart

    However in order to consider him a Nazi one has to ignore the small fact that he fought against them in the war and convict him due to who his sister married.

    A view so daft only JHJ will say it

    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Full Member

    Good God man. German connections you say? This changes everything 🙄

    Free Member

    However in order to consider him a Nazi one has to ignore the small fact that he fought against them in the war

    Is that a bit like the logic that since Chemical Weapons were a reason given for the Invasion of Iraq, then they couldn’t possibly have been supplied by the UK(and US)?

    Thatcher backed British Firm in Building Chemical Weapons plant in Iraq

    Donald Rumsfeld Helped Iraq get Chemical Weapons

    Quite apart from all that, I’d like to know more about the story of Anthony Blunt (along with Lord Mountbatten, Edward Heath and the head of MI6, linked to Kincora Abuse) and his trip to Kronberg Castle…

    Free Member

    Is that a bit like the logic that since Chemical Weapons were the reason given for the Invasion of Iraq, then they couldn’t possibly have been supplied by the UK(and US)?

    Yes its just like that both claims are untrue.

    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Free Member

    Really? Some of you really?

    Malcom Caldwell [/url]

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    I have little time for Philip and find him to be an offensive old fart

    He reminds me of a lot of blokes of his age, and the queen as the grandmother who rolls her eyes but still loves him.

    As for the Nazi BS it just goes to show JHJ has run out of steam on his usual rants or is just taking a new run at the ban hammer…

    Full Member

    I do like that the internet has a conspiracy for everything that ever happens and that JHJ is happy to trawl through and find it for us.

    I’m always left thinking that there must be one overarching conspiracy that’s never seen the light of day and that the ones we know about are allowed to be out there to keep those interested happy whilst they live in ignorance of the real problem facing the world.

    If I were a conspiracy theorist that thought would keep me awake at night.

    Free Member

    I’m always left thinking that there must be one overarching conspiracy that’s never seen the light of day

    My theory is that alien conspiracies are actually a government conspiracy to make us think they’re really competent enough to hide the existence of aliens for over 50 years.

    Free Member

    I feel I must correct a glaring omission to this thread.


    In response to the title:

    Wham! Bam!

    Carry on.

    Free Member

    thestabiliser fancies the quee-een!! the stabliser fancies the quee-een!!

    I thought it was just GrahamS…

    Free Member

    As an aside from the sniping and haters, this is a really lovely photo for any elderly couple:

    (Conspiracy theorists aside,) I don’t think many people hate them, just their position. I actually feel sorry for them; imagine being William and seeing the press attention that Kate receives, after what that did to his mother.

    Free Member

    (Conspiracy theorists aside) Some might say that the poor daaah-lings are more than adequately compensated for any discomfort they suffer.

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