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  • Tesco iPhone Prices
  • MRanger156
    Free Member


    I was holding out to see if it would affect pricing on Orange – doubt it, those prices are terrible.

    Free Member

    I dunno the £60pm, £50 for the phone and unlimited everything else is far better than the old O2 offering no?

    Free Member

    I know someone who just got a pair of 16gig iphones with 2 contracts and some nice savings for 56 quid a month (the pair) and £90 for the phones (for the pair), on O2.

    Full Member

    £60 a month??
    get a HTC with android instead, i pay £30 a month, unlimited internet/TXT and 900mins of calls a month from Orange

    Full Member

    lol, prices aren't going to come down on the iPhone for a very long time as they sell so many at current prices anyway. as soon as sales fall significantly, prices may come down. However, this is unlikely as regular hardware updates keeps demand healthy.

    Anyway, I'm on O2, 35 quid a month gets you 600 mins and 600 texts (struggle to use these) and unlimited web inc. wifi hotspots , 18 months contract and I got the phone free (thought it should have been £99). Compare with Tesco – same phone is £60 a month on a 24 month contract… depends how desperate you are for those extra minutes and texts

    Free Member

    dunno the £60pm, £50 for the phone and unlimited everything else is far better than the old O2 offering no?

    £60 / month? blimey, thats £720 a year to have an iPhone.

    Full Member

    I don't think anybody's allowed much room to manoeuvre with pricing on these. You can see that- both Orange and O2 specifically exclude iphone from receiving cashback through the likes of quidco.

    Double clubcard point though 😉

    Free Member

    I don't get it 😆 I really can't get excited over phones.

    Free Member

    i don't understand why a 64gb ipod touch is 300 quid, yet a 32gb iphone is 540. the 'phone' part of the electronics can't cost that much extra can it?

    Free Member

    £ Absolutely nothing, unlimited calls/browsing/texts

    from work

    HTH 🙂

    Full Member

    £60 / month? blimey, thats £720 a year to have an iPhone.

    cept it's not really. In reality it's only the extra cost over the equivalent contract on another smartphone.
    And even the 2g/8gb models are still going for around £200 secondhand- not bad for a 2 year old phone.

    Free Member

    it could be the other way round horatio – maybe they're loss-leading on the touch… – it's almost never related to the actual hardware costs anyway.

    Full Member

    don't understand why a 64gb ipod touch is 300 quid, yet a 32gb iphone is 540

    everyone thinks they "need" an iphone though, you've got to admire Apple's marketing, it's fantastic, they should get into sheep farming too, they'd clean up 😉

    Free Member

    I shan't be getting one as I've an n97 (32gb+) for £40pm 1200mins unlimited txt/net which is working pretty nicly now its fixed!

    Full Member

    HTC Hero turning up to day, looks better than the iPhone IMO. For the GF's birthday pressie but she wont get a look in, it'll be mine in a week or 2. 8)

    Full Member

    Pricing is market led – you charge what you can get people to pay. Cost of iPhone vs iPod Touch is mainly down to the perceived value in the market.

    Free Member

    Got my HTC/Android on Vodafone for £28/month unlimited internet/text and 600 minutes cross network. Phoned up Vodafone for a PAC code, told them I was getting an iPhone, yaddy, yaddy….

    This time next year Droid will be huge. They already have thousands of apps, OK not as many as Apple but how many apps do you need or use?

    Some developers have already stated they will no longer develop for iPhone because of the restrictions Apple put on them.

    Free Member

    Awaiting my HTC Hero today too. Hoping it's better than the enormous screened touch Samsung thingy I tried a few weeks ago. I couldn't get any signal in any of the places I can usually get it. I reckon they'd sacrificed aerial for other fancy stuff.

    Free Member

    Pembo – Member

    Got my HTC/Android on Vodafone for £28/month unlimited internet/text and 600 minutes cross network. Phoned up Vodafone for a PAC code, told them I was getting an iPhone, yaddy, yaddy….

    This time next year Droid will be huge. They already have thousands of apps, OK not as many as Apple but how many apps do you need or use?

    Some developers have already stated they will no longer develop for iPhone because of the restrictions Apple put on them.

    This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!

    Free Member

    cept it's not really. In reality it's only the extra cost over the equivalent contract on another smartphone.
    And even the 2g/8gb models are still going for around £200 secondhand- not bad for a 2 year old phone.

    My vodafone contract for unlimited calls and more texts then I'll ever use cost £20/month, £240/year. So you are paying a premium of £480 / year to have a mobile device which connects to the internet.

    I'm not knocking iPhones, I think they're great but I just couldn't bring myself to shell out an extra £40 a month to have one.

    Full Member

    This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!

    I'm only bothered about what I can get now!! I'll get one of them in a year and a bit if they've sorted the bugs out if they are that good. And it seems like Google all big enough to keep Microsoft at bay.

    Free Member

    This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!

    Pffftttttt. Can I quote you on that?

    Full Member

    My vodafone contract for unlimited calls and more texts then I'll ever use cost £20/month, £240/year. So you are paying a premium of £480 / year to have a mobile device which connects to the internet.

    I'm on the £35 O2 contract. More text and minutes than I ever user (400 txt and 600 mins).
    So I'm paying a premium of £180 a year, which I'm happy enough with.

    Free Member

    Some folk seem prepared to spend crazy amounts for a phone. You'll not miss much of real importance without one. Being tied to the internet all day is not a must for anyone. If it's needed for work purposes then work can pay. But £60m pm = £720 pa. That's an awful lot of money just to be cool.

    Full Member

    Like GrahamS, I'm paying the same premium… but only for 18 months, then I'll jump onto the sim only 20 quid a month with the same mins and texts and unlimited web. Considering the devices it's replaced that I would have bought anyway, it's actually cheap!

    Free Member

    Hero here too … £20pm for 18 months

    Jezwick are you kidding??

    Full Member

    But £60m pm = £720 pa. That's an awful lot of money just to be cool.

    Yes it would be. But very few people will go for that contract.
    The rest of us are on the more sensible £25-35 a month contracts.

    Free Member

    £60 / month? blimey, thats £720 a year to have an iPhone.

    That has got to be a stupidity tax.

    Free Member

    My vodafone contract for unlimited calls and more texts then I'll ever use cost £20/month, £240/year. So you are paying a premium of £480 / year to have a mobile device which connects to the internet.

    The premium is just for having an iphone surely, not a mobile device that connects to the internet. There's loads of phones out there that connect to the internet, my phone connects to the internet, and I pay 10 quid a month

    Full Member

    Some folk seem prepared to spend crazy amounts for a bike. You'll not miss much of real importance without one. Riding a bike every free day is not a must for anyone. If it's needed for work purposes then work can pay. But £60m pm = £720 pa. That's an awful lot of money just to be cool.

    Free Member

    old brick, £15 a month. Now that's cool

    Full Member

    Old Sony, £10 a year pay as you go top up.

    Free Member

    This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!

    Yeah right.

    "The increased focus on Android and relative decline of Windows Mobile devices doesn't bode well for Microsoft. The HTC 2010 roadmap could be a sign that HTC has seen the writing on the wall and is making the transition to the emerging Android platform, or it could just be a symbol of the delays Microsoft has faced in bringing Windows Mobile 7 to market.

    If Microsoft loses HTC's attention, it could be the final nail in the coffin for the languishing mobile operating system. Even if Windows Mobile 7 lives up to market expectations, by the time it hits the street it could be a case of "too little, too late". HTC is doing what it can for Windows Mobile 6.5, but Microsoft needs to give HTC and users something more to work with.

    The HTC 2010 roadmap is great news for Android, though, and illustrates the growing presence of the Android OS. Device manufacturers and wireless providers alike–with AT&T being conspicuously absent thus far–have jumped on the Android bandwagon and 2010 looks like it could be a significant milestone in terms of Android's ascendance."

    Free Member

    I like my new phone (HTC Hero, arrived) so far. It's got posher packaging than a Nokia or a Motorola, so it must be better… 😉

    Full Member

    bomberman – Member

    old brick, £15 a month. Now that's cool

    Snap. Only time I wanted something better was in London to kill time on the commute.

    Free Member

    iPhone are nice and all, but there is no way i would have got mine if it wasn't for the fact i got the phone for £180 and pay £20 p/m on o2 simplicity with the free unlimited data bolt-on.

    Full Member

    This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!

    Ooo me sides. I think I shall have to wear a corset for fear my sides will split.
    WM6 is a joke, and every indication is that WM7 will be no better than basic Symbian.
    By the time it eventually comes out Android and the iPhone OS will have developed even further leaving MS wallowing around picking up the smartphone scraps.
    I had the misfortune to have a WM5 phone and it frankly blows goats. Big screen, nice keypad, utterly useless for just about anything bar making calls and texting. Never been so glad to replace a phone.

    Free Member

    jojoA1 – Member

    I like my new phone (HTC Hero, arrived) so far. It's got posher packaging than a Nokia or a Motorola, so it must be better…

    Awaits "how do I…" threads….

    Free Member

    I just got an android phone, <£100 PAYG, hope it lives up the the hype.

    Full Member

    Have to say the iPhone UI is pretty amazing – not seen a phone that can touch it yet. Apple are in a league of their own in terms of UI design. As for WM – I find my HTC is great at everything except txt and calls – the Microsoft bit – it runs TomTom fine, but making a call is a right pain.

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