This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!
Yeah right.
"The increased focus on Android and relative decline of Windows Mobile devices doesn't bode well for Microsoft. The HTC 2010 roadmap could be a sign that HTC has seen the writing on the wall and is making the transition to the emerging Android platform, or it could just be a symbol of the delays Microsoft has faced in bringing Windows Mobile 7 to market.
If Microsoft loses HTC's attention, it could be the final nail in the coffin for the languishing mobile operating system. Even if Windows Mobile 7 lives up to market expectations, by the time it hits the street it could be a case of "too little, too late". HTC is doing what it can for Windows Mobile 6.5, but Microsoft needs to give HTC and users something more to work with.
The HTC 2010 roadmap is great news for Android, though, and illustrates the growing presence of the Android OS. Device manufacturers and wireless providers alike–with AT&T being conspicuously absent thus far–have jumped on the Android bandwagon and 2010 looks like it could be a significant milestone in terms of Android's ascendance."