Teachers! Parents&#...

[Closed] Teachers! Parents' Evening rantette.

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Last night was MiniCat's parents evening for Y11 - pretty crucial in the run up to GCSEs and as usual it was all a bit random and chaotic but we got to see the teachers eventually. However, the thing that struck me most from the evening's entertainment was the polarised standard of teachers.

I sat in front of 95% of the teachers in the room wishing I could be back at school and have them as my teachers. They were inspirational, passionate and when MiniCat sat opposite them there was a noticeable change in his attentiveness, he positively fizzed. I was close to jacking in the job and applying to start secondary school again.

Sadly, there was a small cohort of epically dreadful, confused and bumbling idiots that really took the shine off the evening. Having been in their class for 3 years I was a bit surprised to find that one got his name wrong and was talking about a different person until I corrected him. One had MiniCat down as foundation even though he had A* all year - once this was pointed out to him he quickly backtracked and suggested he should be in Upper Tier. MiniCat visibly looked downtrodden when we sat in front of them, the change was amazing. How do these idiots keep their job, one a senior post!

Until we start to recognise the brilliant teachers, pay them lots for taking care of our future and stop promoting them out of the classrooms, sack the xxxx who are hiding in the school system. We are going to have disengaged kids and they will never reach their true potential, this was at a reasonably good state school in a nice area.

So ends my scream into the void, bad teachers get your shit sorted out or sod off and do something else where you are not damaging someone else's future.

Thanks for reading!

Posted : 16/10/2014 9:03 am

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