I’m usually a prescription wearer when driving, but luckily not severe enough that I can’t get by with non-prescription shades. How much? Whatever Lidl is charging! Can’t remember tbh. Five quidish? I’ve collected a few-changeable lens aisle of dreams specials over the decades and now keep one pair for low light (orange tint) and one pair for bright light (coated/mirrored). One design is more lightweight than the other (the low light pair) but the other pair give greater coverage/protection which is better in bright sunlight. Both are comfortable for long-term use
I lost the grip-rubber off the arms of a third pair (think they were DHB, £20 online possibly Wiggle?) as after a few seasons of use it just melted off so I replaced it with rubbery self-amalgamating tape. They are my least favourite mostly because of the nose-grip being nonexistent and they are tightish. Thankfully the lidl ones are superior.
*Just remembered that I have a fourth pair. I think from Aldi. They have large goggle-style lens and also soft foam strip across the top inside of the lens. I use these for road and light gravel touring in summer. Have always been a fan of eye-protection whilst cycling.
For me though it’s about comfort and function not so much fashion and status. I’d probably splash out on a dreamy pair if the comfort and performance was a an appreciable hike (and budget allowed), but tbh I tend to lose and break stuff so it would be a worry without insurance.