STW Chub Club 2017

[Closed] STW Chub Club 2017

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Ok, I'm in. Email on the way.

1 month - 3 kg
3 month - 9 kg
6 month - 18 kg

I'm already strava-ing and my fitness pal-ing, so one more way to stay motivated can't hurt.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:00 pm
Free Member

Me too.... mail sent.....

Height 5'10

Current Weight - 13 stone 6
1 Month - 13 stone
3 months - 12.5 stone
6 months - 12.5 stone

My issue is after I get to fighting weight I relax, just want to get there and stay there this year.

Best motivation is the thought of failure

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:10 pm
Free Member

greno cool 8)

Those goals look amitious, maybe have something a bit more modest then over achieve ?

I am sure you can cut down a lot on a few obvious things (pasta, spuds, rice / preprepared foods / bad snacks / booze ) and move a bit more. Be realistic.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:13 pm
Free Member

I also think TINAS idea is great - not sure every Monday would work for me but would like to make a few. The worry is that if we all gather in one place, will it affect the tide tables due to the extra gravity? Will Hawley Lake become a new surfing hot spot riding the Monday night boar?

I'm imagining some of the berms on the blue getting together for therapy afterwards.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:14 pm
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grenosteve YHM, not sure what your numbers relate to, and can i havre them in lbs

Harry too - emailed you back as well - is 12.5 12 stone 5 lbs or 12 and a half stone?


Posted : 03/01/2017 12:23 pm
Free Member

Based in Woking, Surrey. Would love to join Monday night ride, but wouldn't make it often due to work and it's not worth buying lights for the rare occasion I could make it 🙁

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:23 pm
Free Member

Apologies JV, targets clarified and must have missed your point on lbs.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:32 pm
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stones and lbs is easy enough, I seem to have the intervals imprinted now

11st = 154lbs (yes, there are some on here that are aiming for 11st targets and even some that are already in that camp. Charlatans!)
12 = 168
13 = 182
14 = 196
15 = 210
16 = 224 (there's a fair few more in this echelon.....)

But kg to lbs is just a pita.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:35 pm
Free Member

Sorry, this is the 21st century so I use Kg. If you must use outdated measurements then multiply by 2.2 will be close enough.

Tongue most definitely in cheek 😉

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:38 pm
Free Member

While I think it is only fair to reduce theotherjonv's work and provide in the units of his choice. I can't help but be reminded of this:

Metric all the way.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:41 pm
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Personally I prefer metric but most people started supplying in st and lbs so i went with the flow.

Now everyone's decided it'll be a laugh to change their minds. On the plus side I've already lost half a pound (0.227kg if you must) just from the exertion of recalculating them all on my calculator.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:48 pm
Free Member

hang on, a bit of excel fu can convert lbs to kg and vice versa. Probably stone too as I guess we don't have my STW people under 20kg so you can make an assumption that any low number is stone.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:48 pm
Free Member

Am I too late? Have emailed you Jon.

Anyway, the time has come to accept that I cannot drink and eat like a teenager anymore. My racing weight is 154lbs, last seen in 2013, but I'm aiming for a more realistic 162lbs by month 6.
Height 5'9" Age 38

Current weight (as of Jan 2) 177lbs

Month 1 target 172 lbs

Month 3 target 167 lbs

Month 6 target 162 lbs

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:51 pm
Full Member

kg <-> lbs is easy in excel (times or divide by 2.2 as above)

kg/lbs to stones and lbs is a massive PITA in excel (from previous Fat Club running).

So do I need to send all my current weight and target stuff in again in lbs? Or just lbs from now on?

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:53 pm
Free Member

In fact, here you go as a rough mess about.


Assumptions are weight is in A2.
If less than 30 the number is in stone (I guess we have nobody >= 30 stone)
If less than 120 the number is in kg (nobody weighs under 8.5 stone)
Otherwise it's in lbs

It converts them all to lbs. Obviously if someone puts 12 stone 5lbs then you're on your own but if you record it as =12+5/14 then it'll also work.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:53 pm
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No, just lbs from now on.

Once all the new members are in and it dies down a bit I might copy the worksheet over and then recalc everything in kg as well, but all inputs will remain in lbs (or st and lbs if you want, as above i can do them in my head now)

and this is being done on google docs so not all excel functionality translates, thanks.

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:55 pm
Free Member

Not convinced the "mediterranean diet" is working for me.

Spanish eating schedule = massive dinner late at night ?

Maybe around for rides March onwards in Hampshire, Winchester / Southampton or occasional schlep upto Swinley. Could "lead/guide" (I am always last uphill) in Surrey Hills if people fancy a (half) day out. Can do xc style and a few hills / bidleways rather than shuttling trails. Anything from 30-60km by May/June. Still planning to do 40km Winchester to Hamble (most of the climbing (only 250m) in first 10k then downhill to coast), train back or leave a car. Could be a nice early summer day out, seaside and beer reward 😉

Posted : 03/01/2017 12:57 pm
Free Member

That "formula" still works on google docs... obviously you've got it sorted though 🙂

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:00 pm
Free Member

To clarify.

Now - 118.6kg 😳 (261 lbs)
1 month goal - 115.6kg (255 lbs)
3 month goal - 109.6kg (242 lbs)
6 month goal - 100.6kg (222 lbs)

Is that sill optimistic? I thought a couple of lbs a week seemed ok?

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:01 pm
Free Member

Chub Club rides

Rob likes this idea!

Am in Reading, but train Mon - Thurs evenings, so riding generally limited to Sundays.
Could take the odd evening off for a pootle.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:06 pm
Free Member

I think you're going to be hungry 🙂

On my 1400-1500 calories I'm famished and that's about the same weight loss. I can up it tonight as I'm going to be riding 😉

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:08 pm
Free Member

@grenosteve - generally the slower the weight loss the more likely you are to maintain your final weight. A crash diet makes the body revert to its inbuilt "There's a famine coming up" response so you end up continually fighting that: you are saying "I need to lose weight" and your body is saying "I need to lay down some reserves to deal with this upcoming famine". Think back to when you were last your target weight, it's likely to be in the order of years if not decades so your body's got used to "the new you", you need to give it time to adjust to how you want it to be. Not saying that you should take ten years to lose the weight but think long term rather than trying to lose it all in two months or whatever.

Somewhere between 0.5Kg and 1Kg per week is probably the upper limit. There'll be weeks where you lose a couple of Kg but that's as likely to be from extra exercise or other factors.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:16 pm
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On my 1400-1500 calories I'm famished

You don't have to be - there are a few tricks that you can employ

1/ Find out what foods fill you up (generally for me = protein, so maybe some lean chicken as a snack staves off the need to go for the biscuits). I do 5:2 so on the 2 days I generally have eggs / omelette for breakfast to get me through to evening meal.

2/ You can kid your tummy that it's 'full' by drinking warm / hot water. Which is rank, but with a bit of flavour (like a bit of a stock cube, or some bovril or marmite or chilli sauce) it's palatable. Or green tea, or some other metrosexual type drink. In calories terms it's <10 so starjump while waiting for the kettle and you'll actually be better off!

3/ 'No-one was ever hungry on a skydive' In other words instead of sitting there thinking about being hungry, do something that occupies you until the hunger passes.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:16 pm
Free Member

But kg to lbs is just a pita.

No it's not. Just double the kg figure then add on 10% of the new number.

So for 70kg: double 70 to get 140, then add on 14 to get 154lbs.

89.2kg here by the way, up from 87.7 at the beginning of Dec. Since we're sharing.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:20 pm
Free Member

theotherjonv - that's what I am doing... I have to work during the day but my "habit" at work is to snack when I get peckish as I can't always eat meals on time etc. This is just adaptation.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:25 pm
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Just double the kg figure then add on 10% of the new number.

But it isn't is it?

That's only good as far as small kg's goes, once you get into bigger numbers the extra 0.005 becomes relevant.

So what's 89.2kg in lbs then. Properly, in your head? 178.4 + 10% = 196.24 - but then add on the other half a pound due to the inexact conversion - so 196.7 or so??? A real PITA.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:26 pm
Free Member

@theotherjonv Quite a bit of our calorie intake is habitual/ritual in nature: a biscuit with your cup of tea; a chocolate from the tin that's being handed round; etc. One technique for identifying these is to keep a food diary and against each and every item put a number 1 - 5 indicating how hungry you were at the time, where 5 is absolutely starving and 1 means you just ate it "because" (note that all alcohol should be logged as zero). No doubt there are apps that will do something similar.

Once you see what your eating habits truly are (and you have to be honest since the only person being lied to is yourself) then you can start to change them, either by cutting out the snacks/habitual eating or by replacing with healthier or lower calorie foodstuffs.

Re: converting Kg to lbs. You don't have to be 100% exact since it's not the absolute value that's important but the change and since you are applying the same error to both old and new values the percentage change will be the same. I wouldn't trust any bathroom scales to have an accuracy of better than 0.5Kg anyway so 88.57Kg might as well be 88.5Kg. 70g is sod all, drinking a cup of tea or having a leak will change your weight by a greater amount.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:27 pm
Free Member

3/ 'No-one was ever hungry on a skydive' In other words instead of sitting there thinking about being hungry, do something that occupies you until the hunger passes.

I tried to start a Skydiving Club for dieting, but it just never took off.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:33 pm
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Quite a bit of our calorie intake is habitual/ritual in nature

I agree. It's certainly a factor and a food diary is usually quite a stark realisation when you add up the little bits of extra we all indulge in. There are of course others - portion control; psychological, etc.

I lost a decent amount 4 years ago, from 16st to 13st give or take. Now I'm back at 15st. A year ago i was still 13st something, albeit a double digit something but not much more than a few pounds off a happy weight for me, which would be around 13-7. But instead of the improving seasons leading to more activity leading to shedding those few lbs, I got depression instead. i couldn't be arsed to ride, my weight rose and I started to comfort eat instead. Spot how all that turned out........

That lead to this which in turn leads back to this

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:37 pm
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@Jamie 🙂

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:38 pm
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bottom line, we've fixed on lbs now. It's irrelevant how easy or accurate it is to convert because we aren't ****ing using kg 😉

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:40 pm
Free Member

So, as I need to send in my current weight, can I guess at 19 stone and give my Jan target as 14? 😉

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:43 pm
Free Member

ps. I refuse to do it in lbs as that's like, American innit.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:44 pm
Free Member


I went through a similar cycle (sic) at around the same time with similar weight loss and regain. Need to shed a few twigs (or branches) 😳

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:47 pm
Full Member

I'd have preferred kg as it's more "pro", but at least with lbs you get two for the price of one.

I'm not the type for a proper diet or food diary, but I'm aiming to try to cut my snack intake by about half initially.

I have become worryingly cake-dependent over the last year, so I reckon there are some easy gains to be made.

Posted : 03/01/2017 1:52 pm
Free Member

I'm not the type for a proper diet or food diary, but I'm aiming to try to cut my snack intake by about half initially.

I have become worryingly cake-dependent over the last year, so I reckon there are some easy gains to be made.

My thoughts too, plus cut out mid-week drinking. That should reduce my calorie intake a fair bit. If that isn't enough to shift the lard, I'll have a look at the 5:2 diet.

Posted : 03/01/2017 2:30 pm
Free Member

@ransos - I used the 5:2 diet, went from 100Kg to 78Kg in around 6 months, now back at 88Kg but I think that somewhere around 82Kg is about right for me with current work/lifestyle.

Not every diet regime works for everyone though, my mate lost a similar amount but by a different plan.

Posted : 03/01/2017 2:42 pm
Free Member

I started using my fitness pal in November. I wanted to loose some weight before Christmas and try to come out of the other side the same weight as I was mid December. Not easy when you have works do's and big meals with family etc..

It almost worked - I was 120kg in November, and 118kg mid December. I'm quite happy I only put on .6 of a kg over the two weeks of Christmas, and I'm sure after commuting all this week I'll be back to 118.

I would advise everyone to try if for a week or so. I don't weigh food or go too overboard with it, just take an educated guess based on the packet sizes etc... It really opens your eyes to what's in food.

I learnt that a nice tea (roasted pepper filled with couscous, a Cajun seasoned roast chicken breast and a dollop of mint raita) has less calories than a flapjack from the local café - that I've had with my dinner every working day for the last 5 years!

Posted : 03/01/2017 2:48 pm
Full Member

I learnt that a nice tea (roasted pepper filled with couscous, a Cajun seasoned roast chicken breast and a dollop of mint raita) has less calories than a flapjack from the local café - that I've had with my dinner every working day for the last 5 years!


*thinks of all the lardy cakes eaten with every lunch for the past couple of months or so 😥

Posted : 03/01/2017 2:53 pm
Free Member

I am sure you can cut down a lot on a few obvious things (pasta, spuds, rice / preprepared foods / bad snacks / booze )

That's me f###ed then! That's all my main food groups right there (rice aside, can't stand the stuff).

ps. I refuse to do it in lbs as that's like, American innit.

Couldn't agree more! I've been fighting a (what seems like) one man battle against the Americanisation (note the "s" not a "z") of our English language for many years now, I'll be damned if I'm going to stoop to their backwards measuring system!

Besides... Aren't we all proud Europeans on here? We should all be embracing the metric system much as we have the European Union! 😉

Anyway... On a serious note about weight loss... A few years ago I tried my own version of iDave's diet. That is to say I wasn't quite so hardline as he was about some foods, but tried to cut out carbs as much as possible and replace with veg, lean meats, eggs etc.

I lost 7lb in the first week! Yes, the first week!!!

My portion sizes were huge! I felt constantly hungry, so I ate enormous portions to counter this. Omelettes made with 6 eggs for instance, 2 chicken breasts instead of one, tonnes of veg and beans etc.

Yes I fell off the wagon quite quickly (proving that lasting weight loss comes from being able to maintain a regime that works for you), but if you need to lose weight fast, just cut the refined carbs out of your diet and replace with veg. You'll be shocked how quickly the weight falls off. You'll also crave carbs in a way only a 40 a day smoker that's just gone cold turkey would understand...

Posted : 03/01/2017 2:57 pm
Full Member

(note the "s" not a "z")

"...ization" is a perfectly correct, perfectly English spelling. It's not an Americanisation like 'color' or 'thru', although it's often trotted out by people who rage against such things 😉

[i]The suffix -ize has historically been used on words originating from Greek. -ise was used, especially as -vise, -tise, -cise and -prise, on words that come from various roots (usually via French). In the 19th century, it became common in the United Kingdom (due to French influence) to use -ise also on words that had historically been spelled -ize. -ise is also common in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. -ize remains, however, the spelling used by the influential Oxford University Press; it has also always been the spelling used in the United States and Canada.[/i]

Posted : 03/01/2017 3:04 pm
Full Member

I've got really bad toothache and I'm thinking of cancelling my dentist appointment as I've hardly eaten anything in the last 24hrs. I could really be on to something here.

Posted : 03/01/2017 3:18 pm
Free Member

I've got really bad toothache and I'm thinking of cancelling my dentist appointment as I've hardly eaten anything in the last 24hrs. I could really be on to something here.

I lost about 3kg during a bacterial throat infection, because I found swallowing extremely difficult. Mind you, my pee turned brown so I wouldn't recommend it...

Posted : 03/01/2017 3:32 pm
Free Member

Slow first day back at work IHN? 😉

On the subject of ailments and weight loss. Last time I had gastroenteritis I lost 10lb in 3 days!!! Again couldn't recommend it though, effective as it was I'm sure much of that was fluid loss anyway. If someone had handed me a gun at the time, I'm pretty sure I'd have ended it then and there!

Posted : 03/01/2017 4:00 pm
Full Member

Slow first day back at work IHN?

You betcha 🙂

Posted : 03/01/2017 4:02 pm
Free Member

In answer to the where on the world are you question, I'm in South Wales, between Cardiff and Swansea, in the valleys if anyone is local and fancies pushing me up the hills

Posted : 03/01/2017 7:08 pm
Free Member

I'm in the Louth / Grimsby are of Lincs. First day calorie counting today; not as hard as I had feared. Laying off the beer will be a bit dull.

Posted : 03/01/2017 7:26 pm
Free Member

[img] [/img]

Anyone else watching "How to lose weight well" on Channel 4 right now? Actually a fair bit more informative than I thought it might be...

Posted : 03/01/2017 8:31 pm
Free Member

Finally weighed myself today. Jesus. How the hell did that happen? 😯

I'm 5'6" and, according to the scales, 14 stone 😳

No doubt ambitious targets, but if I stop being the lazy cow I was in 2016, they'll hopefully be doable.

1 month 188lbs
3 months 172lbs
6 months 148lbs

Posted : 03/01/2017 8:34 pm
Full Member

I've just had a donner kebab. There.... I've said it.

I didn't eat the pitta bread though. So we're all good, right? 😀

Posted : 03/01/2017 8:35 pm
Free Member

So we're all good, right?


You disgust me.

*goes back to eating whittled down carrot sticks*

Posted : 03/01/2017 8:42 pm
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Secret Diary Of Benjamin Haworth Age 47 3/4

Last Minute Tuscany

Digital Detox

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Issue 159