With a standard seatpost, chopped such that at proper pedalling hieght the seatpost is at the frames minimum insertion hieght theres about 90mm of saddle hieght adjustent, which is still rideable on the steep stuff, even though it starts off up here:
[img] ?v=0[/img]
Its now got mid-rise bars on, which makes jumping off stuff easier with the saddle up.
Its just that the saddle on my hardtail drops about 200mm, which when right down makes steep stuff SO much easier, the saddle is actually out the way, unlike the specialized.
The only options (other than to run a really short post that I can't pedal properly with) are a twin stage titec el norte (135mm adjustment) or to shell out for a saddle dropper type post, the superstar/pure racing/kind shock one has the most at 125mm drop I think.
Anyone know how long a superstar i900 is at full adjustment and at full drop? I think it can be between 375 - 465mm to allow full pedalling hieght (my current post being about 375mm)
With either option, does anyone reckon they'd be worth it? The saddle wouldn't be completely out the way on the steep stuff and I'd have shelled out £xx(x). They'd be heavier too.
Or is it new frame time? A Hemlock has an uninterupted seatube ...