kayak23Full Member
‘What’s your best price?’
Yes, I completely agree. When items are made to measure, bespoke or artisan (I know those awful words), then please understand the time, energy and work that goes into producing them. Atm I'm trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear because the customer is desperately trying to save money (even though they are one of the richest families in this country - face palm)
Asking for the best price in a warehouse type place is acceptable.
I don't even agree there to be honest. It's a horrible new thing that has come in, presumably from the likes of Bargain Hunt on daytime TV.
It's not playing the game is it? The seller wants as much as possible, the buyer to pay as little as possible.
The process of haggling is what has been done since the dawn of time. It starts a conversation, you get to know the cut of each others jib, so to speak.
It's a polite exchange between a buyer and a seller to make sure that each person is feeling good about the transaction and is happy with the price they are paying.
'What's your best price?' is ****ing lazy and so typical of people these days. Why should the seller give up their chances of a better deal just for the lazy twonk who wants to get them to rock bottom instantly?
Annoys the hell out of me (particularly when it immediately follows 'Is this still available?)
I knew a guy selling a small holding for £650k when asked the best price, his reply was "£650k" when asked again he said "£660k". Buyer bought at £650k.
Widget for sale, £50
"What's your best price?"
"£100 would be great, thanks"
[Edit - what 100thidiot above said. That's what happens when you leave a post half-written for an hour.]
Anyway, my crossness for the day has been triggered by another one of those stupid car stickers "My driving scares me too!"
If you are aware that your driving is that bad, then get off the road or take more lessons. My brain translates these stickers into "I might kill or maim you and I don't even care lol". Police spotting these stickers should be an automatic fine/ban/firing squad or something. Seriously. Ok maybe not the firing squad part. But if someone drives past my child waving a flag that says "I'm a dangerous driver, I know it and I gloat about it" then there isn't a stick big enough to hit them with.
Pretty much everything right now. I can't wait for the election to be over!
The process of haggling is what has been done since the dawn of time. It starts a conversation, you get to know the cut of each others jib, so to speak.
It's a waste of time is what it is.
The last time I got into a haggling war was buying a low-value item on ebay. There was a "make me an offer" option so I did. It got to the stage where I was offering like £11 and the seller was countering £11.02, at which point I thought "I can't be ringed with this" and withdrew the offer.
Well, considering you only get to make maybe 3 counter offers or something on eBay last time I used it, it can't have wasted too much of your time?
It’s a waste of time is what it is.
On an £11 item maybe. I just can't stand the way nobody can even be bothered to talk to you like a human being anymore. Negotiating price is something that's slowly being replaced by lazy button pressers with auto-populated reply boxes because they have no social skills.
Anyway, it's me who's getting disproportionately cross. Stop justifying it! 😉
What’s your best price?’ is ****ing lazy and so typical of people these days. Why should the seller give up their chances of a better deal just for the lazy twonk who wants to get them to rock bottom instantly?
I'm confused why you are bothered by this. Your reaction suggests you are such a bad haggler/ negotiator that you actually take this question at face value and answer it truthfully
Well, considering you only get to make maybe 3 counter offers or something on eBay last time I used it, it can’t have wasted too much of your time?
I've no idea, it was years ago. It was mostly the pettiness I saw my arse over, you just know that they're going to be a complete spoon to deal with if there's a problem.
I just can’t stand the way nobody can even be bothered to talk to you like a human being anymore.
This is where you and I differ. I don't want a cuddle when buying a pint of milk, I want the transaction to be conducted with as little human interaction as possible so I can be on my way again to go spend my time doing something more useful. Like, y'know, talking shit on here all day.
It's not a pint of milk.
I'm selling dreams, man... 🙂
I donated money to Tommy Robinsons defence fund and I don't get a refund now he's pled guilty!
People in the gym who stand next to the benches and use them as a table for their phones/water bottle while standing there arm curling for hours.
Filthy skanks in the gym using the bench for split squats and not wiping it down after putting their filthy trainers all over it. See also sweaty folks not wiping the benches down afterwards.
‘What’s your best price?’ is ****ing lazy and so typical of people these days.
Ah yes, the modus operandi of every bellend "entrepreneur" on The Apprentice attempting to buy something.
Tea bags that come in their own bag inside a box.
Usually with some bullshit name like Ginger Infusion or my GF's favourite Fenchel Kümmel Anis.
Fennel caraway aniseed !?
That's just 3 anis flavours
‘What’s your best price?’ is ****ing lazy and so typical of people these days.
Very much this... If I'm selling something I know what it's worth and I price it to sell... I expect the same courtesy from potential buyers...
Case in point my mate sold something on ebay for me a while back because I can't be bothered making and account.
The buy it now/reserve was a hundred quid but I knew damn well it would go more than 100.
Several offers of 80 or 70 quid.. Jog on 'mate' ...
It eventually sold for 130 quid from serious bids... But they could have snagged it for 100 if they weren't total chancers.
Case in point my mate sold something on ebay for me a while back because I can’t be bothered making and account.
People that get their mates to sell stuff!
People who don't read the instruction for anything they buy (and tend to be vocal about how this makes them superior). Not making yourself aware of how to get the best out of something you've paid good money for makes you an idiot not the opposite.
You wash the first dish in clean water.
Ah, you need to use Fairy Liquid then!
Safety matches, are they safe due to the fact the never light
Give us back Scottish bleubelle or swan vests that have a strip of sandpaper
When you carefully make your empty crisp packet folded triangle and it pops back open onto the floor. Twice. Twiglet dicks.
Ruined my lunchbreak if I'm honest.
The McCoys one knows how to play the game.
"The Bike Farmer" on YouTube. I can't be arsed to write down all the things I find really irritating about him. Have a look at some of his videos and tell me I'm wrong!
...your empty crisp packet
I think I see the problem here.
More perplexed than cross - why do so many people refer to MS Teams as TEAMS. Do they think it's an acronym? Are they feeling shouty? Is it to distinguish from the normal use of the word teams?
It's because the mere thought of being forced to use TEAMS causes almost uncontrollable rage. So not so much shouting as screaming into the void.
So not so much shouting as screaming into the void
This is why we all stay on mute.
Having just bought a 23 plate Octavia to replace our 65 plate Octavia, whyTF do I need to stop and pull over to safely change any function using the touchscreen?
Changing broadband suppliers from talk talk crap to Vodafone who I've had a mobile phone contract for over 12 years yet this old Yorkshire man on the phone repeatedly kept asking the same questions and did a credit check 3x for a £22 for 24 months
I told him so many times no extras to be added on but did he listen, so many times I was told the expected speeds and asked if I had a pen and paper for my new landline I don't need just send it by email
It was like a Noel Edmonds crank call from way back and an hour and 22 mins of my time
People referring to a cars age as something plate.
Just say the year?
“The Bike Farmer” on YouTube. I can’t be arsed to write down all the things I find really irritating about him. Have a look at some of his videos and tell me I’m wrong!
There's a simple solution to that.
People who dress dogs up for their own entertainment or amusement. I'm not talking about putting a body warmer on an elderly or skinny dog that feels the cold, or some other genuine reason which benefits the dog's welfare. I'm talking about "cutesy" costumes for "fur babies" at Halloween, Christmas etc. However much you try to convince yourself the poor mutt "enjoys it" he/she doesn't. You're doing it for you, not the poor animal - buy a doll instead if you want to dress stuff up! It's demeaning, borderline cruel, anthropomorphic bollox. Double dick points if you post the pics on Instagram.
That whistle used by a certain red and yellow logoed fast food outlet and litter source. It's almost patronising the core market.
Duolingo bings and bongs.
Bluetooth not working.
+1 for Duolingo's bings and bongs.
That whistle used by a certain red and yellow logoed fast food outlet and litter source. It’s almost patronising the core market.
I love that I don't know what this means.
You have no power – They have all of your data and all of your money, they have all the power.
I hate that... Want to pay normal price? Give us your data!
I just use a key fob that belongs to my mate.. I get to pay normal price.. He's getting free points when I use it.
And we both take great pleasure knowing we are messing with their algorithms and data harvesting.
AI, and the way it's forced on you...
Case in point... i've been using swift key as a keyboard on my phone as it's pretty good... but now I have 'microsoft Deep search' pop up all the frigging time, not only is it very annoying...if I dismiss it.. it will pop back up again and take up space on my keyboard, there doesn't seem to be any way to disable it....
swiftkey used to be the best ,and now it's just slurping data...and.I hate it.
Anyone know any decent android keyboards?
The excessive touch operation in the new Transit Connect. I guess it’s a VW system.
What is wrong with a dial for music volume and heater control? If you must make it a touch thingy, light the poxy thing up so I can see it in the dark.
That and the mileage trip. I have to log mileage each day, not mileage from fill up, not mileage since engine start. It’s one of the most basic easy things on every other vehicle. The old one even had two easily reset trip counters.
So I have to do maths each morning. I do not want to do maths at 6am or cock around with invisible buttons.
Washing the dishes, getting started as the sink fills when the tap jet catches something at a mad angle, sending the previously benign stream shooting off everywhere but the sink…
****ed if I know, how would I even find that out? It’ll be seven levels deep in a menu somewhere.
I expect mileage and trip to be just there.
Couldn’t give a toss about radio station picture, picture of the car in front, compass or even mirroring the satnav in the instrument display. There’s a massive screen to the left for crap I really don’t need to know.
Oh, trip is there. I know how many miles I've done since I last (ahem) tripped over the reset control by accident, but not total mileage.
We’ve had my parents and now my mother-in-law visiting this half term and all of them have left hot taps dribbling water. They’ve done many other annoying things but this one really gets me. One of them let the bath/shower hot tap on enough to make the combo boiler heat it. FFS what is wrong with these people!
People referring to a cars age as something plate.
Just say the year?
To be fair, unless it’s mine I often don’t know or care what year a vehicle I’m driving was produced or released. I suspect I’m not the only one.
littlerobFull Member
Helium filled party balloons. “I think I’ll celebrate by wasting a valuable resource and littering at the same time”.Fished 2 out of hedges so far this week, and got designs on a 3rd.
They are left to fly gloriously through the air, mostly from built up areas and float right into the countryside causing problems for wildlife, livestock, farmers. These things need to be banned. A few minutes of ooooh how lovely and then into landfill, if not let off to litter.
Apologies if I mentioned this months ago, but engine idling. In Derbyshire now there are a few new signs up, which is a start.
Yesterday hubby and I cycled on our tandem to the nearest town (in Derbyshire) with panniers, did our shopping and cycled home. Meanwhile a chap in his stupidly huge car is sitting with the engine running, eating his fish and chips. There are babies in buggies, small children and old people on disability scooters all close to where his fumes are pouring out. I wasn't brave enough to knock on the window as he looked a bit scary.
People who have to park in the space next to you then struggle to get out of their car when the car park is almost empty.
This. ****ing bellends.