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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    Hanging’s too good for them

    Full Member

    The kind of ******* driver who thinks it’s ok to verbally abuse a teenager who is out cycling and call them something rhyming with banker at a set of busy traffic lights.  

    Maybe it’s not disproportionately cross though.  Sorry, venting.  

    Free Member

    Fortnite/Epic Games/Playstation account linking.

    Just spent a good hour trying to sort out linking my sons accounts to his new console. Trying to unravel the previous 4 years of linking accounts on various consoles for multiple offspring and eventually (after lots of sweating and ranting) clicking a link that basically says “if this isn’t right then you can’t change it for 365 days”. I closed my eyes, held my breath and clicked OK…. and it worked! But I’ve probably done something to another child’s account that I’ll find out the consequences of later today.

    Full Member

    Buying an expensive rear light (Lupine rotlicht max) and finding it charges through micro-usb and not usb-c, FFS Lupine that should have been sorted 3 years ago.

    Full Member

    Finding that not drinking actually makes me feel better. I cannot tell you how annoying that is. 

    People wishing me happy new year when I’ve been back at work a a week and they’ve just strolled back in.

    Free Member

    People sitting at traffic lights with their foot on the brakes and the brake lights burning the back of my retinas.

    Use the handbrake FFS that’s what it’s there for!


    Free Member

    People sitting at traffic lights with their foot on the brakes and the brake lights burning the back of my retinas.

    Use the handbrake FFS that’s what it’s there for!


    I am with you (along with fog lights when the visibility doesn’t require it!)….but

    My new car doesn’t have a handbrake, and even when I sit at the lights with my foot off the brake in ‘hold’ mode, the frickin’ high level brake light blares away. Knowing of my own personal annoyance at just that situation, I somehow feel the need to apologize to other road users. So, if you ever end up behind me, sorry!

    Full Member

    Likewise on my Tourneo Custom automatic. Also as soon as you put it in neutral the start/stop function turns off. It inly turns the engine off if you keep your foot on the brake in drive or put it in park.

    Free Member

    My new car doesn’t have a handbrake, and even when I sit at the lights with my foot off the brake in ‘hold’ mode, the frickin’ high level brake light blares away

    This annoys me too. On my Golf if you set the electric handbrake when stationary it turns the lights off. I always do this now

    Free Member

    Someone putting their dog poo bag (with poop in it) in my recycling box. I spotted it and fished it out before the bin men arrived. Put it in my rubbish bag instead.

    Free Member

    I hope you doubled up with the gloves as you fished it out the bag into the other bin, put me right off my tea

    Free Member

    Thems m&s tetrapak juices.

    Whilst we admire their decision to make the drinking straws out of paper, I have yet been unable to find a supplied straw, stiff enough to pierce their cartons of juice.

    Full Member

    I hope you doubled up with the gloves as you fished it out the bag into the other bin, put me right off my tea

    People who right-justify FOR NO REASON AT ALL!

    Full Member

    My new car doesn’t have a handbrake

    Whoah, what now?

    What car is this?

    I thought handbrake was tested as part of MOT?

    Full Member

    My blood boils at all teh arrogant lazy parents who park up on the zig zags and double yellows outside my daughter’s school..

    Honestly…I’m about 3 hail-marys away from junmping up and down on their bonnet screaming profanities in their cracked window panes…!!!!!

    I’ve actually figured it’s better and (professionally) safer for me to just pony up and buy the school a bunch of free standing ‘no parking’ signs, and just donate them!!!


    Free Member

    The constant use of the word “insane” by Youtube posters.

    Full Member

    The constant use of the word “insane” by Youtube posters.

    I know, it’s mad, innit.

    Full Member

    Pinky! It’s a little finger ffs!

    Full Member

    People sitting at traffic lights with their foot on the brakes and the brake lights burning the back of my retinas.

    People who CBA to read through 37 pages of quality content to find that we already did this one.

    Free Member

    My outlaws are like toddlers in one particular respect and it maddened me the last time they were here. Felt like I spent 75% of my time moving stuff away from edges. Mugs and glasses an inch from table edges. Mobiles and I pads hanging over the edge. Ridiculous. Drove me mental.

    Full Member

    Cat shit.

    “Found” some near my bins this morning. 

    Full Member

    I’ve actually figured it’s better and (professionally) safer for me to just pony up and buy the school a bunch of free standing ‘no parking’ signs, and just donate them!!!

    While this is the practical and sensible way forward, I do wonder if paying someone to walk round with a set of half windscreen size stickers that say ‘I am a selfish *&^%£$” for parking here’ would be more fun and effective…

    Clicky for rude word sticker


    Full Member

    I’ve actually figured it’s better and (professionally) safer for me to just pony up and buy the school a bunch of free standing ‘no parking’ signs, and just donate them!!!

    I wouldn’t waste your money, they had the signs and the plastic bollards with plastic chain outside our local primary school. They had to be binned as they had been damaged by cars, I would like for there to be a punchline here but the driving standards and entitlement are such that this isn’t the case.

    I challenged a mother one morning when her front wheel was on the base of the sign and she told me “it’s OK, I wont be long”, no amount of pointing to the signs and explaining improved things so I left before I smashed her car to bits in front of a few hundred kids and parents doing the morning school run.

    Full Member

    I left before I smashed her car to bits in front of a few hundred kids and parents doing the morning school run.

    I bet there’d be a few hundred parents willing to swear that they never saw anything.

    Full Member

    When they collect the recycling and leave one or two things in the bottom.

    When they collect the recycling and smash your brand new box you had to pay for to bits. 

    Full Member

    When they collect the recycling and smash your brand new box you had to pay for to bits.

    I feel you, one of my recycling boxes is more duct tape than box!

    Full Member

    Swooping on the android keyboard just seems to pick completely random words half the time… Except when you want it to of course, except when you yet top demonstrate hope random the word production is. Grrrrrrr

    Full Member

    When they collect the recycling and leave one or two things in the bottom.

    And? They’ll collect it next time.

    When they collect the recycling and smash your brand new box you had to pay for to bits.

    I gave up on boxes and sacks. a) they get stolen and b) some poxy little box is of little use when it’s collected fortnightly and I could fill it in an afternoon. I just chuck out bin bags now, even the fascists that run Burnley Council will accept them so long as they’re clear bags.

    Full Member

    I can’t even get a council approved plastic bag for my paper/light card board, despite repeated requests.

    So I just ram it into amazon/morrisons grocery home delivery paper bags now…which luckily I have a surplus of as I order a couple of times a month.

    The recycling people don’t appear to have an issue with it, as its clearly a paper bag full of paper and light card.

    Full Member

    When they collect the recycling and leave one or two things in the bottom.

    And? They’ll collect it next time.

    Well not really, as the same tends to happen every time innit.
    Hence my disproportionate crossness.

    People that keep trying to highlight that your being cross with something is disproportionate, in a thread dedicated to the celebration of that exact thing 😉

    Full Member

    Kirsty Young on Desert Island Discs pronouncing ‘Philharmonic’ as if it’s a bloke named Phil.

    Disproportionate crossness is cancelled out though due to her being so thoroughly lovely 😊

    Full Member

    My wife left 3 half cut up peppers on the work top this morning. Cut the other half up for tonights tea then just left the remainder out to slowly decompose. Why would you do that? WHY???

    Full Member

    Operation “walk you lazy c**ts” started yesterday!


    Headteacher seemed really appreciative!

    Lets hope this calms me down somewhat!


    Free Member

    How do you say Philharmonic without mentioning Phil?

    I remember Kirsty when she did the Stv news Monday to Friday she was gorgeous with the deep sexy toned voice. Serious face at the serious news but her face lit up like the sun coming through the sky when the good reports were read and no one died or was arrested and sent to jail

    Full Member

    I do wonder if paying someone to walk round with a set of half windscreen size stickers that say ‘I am a selfish *&^%£$” for parking here’ would be more fun and effective…

    As long as its a paper sticker and not the full plastic type that can be peeled back off in one go. One of those that tears or de laminates, leaving the really sticky bit firmly stuck to the windscreen.

    If a jobs worth doing …

    Full Member

    I do wonder if paying someone to walk round with a set of half windscreen size stickers that say ‘I am a selfish *&^%£$” for parking here’ would be more fun and effective…

    A mate and I made some up and had a wee campaign on inconsiderate parkers.   Only small stickers tho and never where they can obscure vision.  Maybe made a slight difference

    Full Member

    How do you say Philharmonic without mentioning Phil?

    Oh, you mention Phil, but usually it’s seamless and one word like, ‘fillahmonic’.
    Not ‘Phil Harmonic’. 😊

    Full Member

    Estate agent signs with the photo of the agent on them.  Yeah, they can say its all about “providing the personal touch” but all I see is “Look at me! Look at me!”.  Im probably wrong but it just seems egotistical, rather than “personal”.  Winds me right up when I know it shouldn’t.

    Actually,  as we’re here, estate agent listings that are just plain bobbins.  Too few photos, no floorplans, etc.  It’s not difficult, for the money they charge things like this should be a given.

    Free Member

    Estate agents, funeral personnel and even vasectomy surgeons


    Full Member

    People who use ‘electric’ as a noun, as in ‘the electric is broken’ – the electric what? It’s an adjective, and the noun is ‘electricity’.

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