Home Forums Chat Forum Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    fazziniFull Member
    Drivers at traffic lights, congestion, junctions etc who haven’t the first clue how to use a handbrake, thus blinding the driver behind with their brake lights. Usually brighter-than-the-sun LEDs and always at night. No, wait. They do have the first clue, however, because they are selfish tossers they choose to not use said handbrake.

    you do realise that many if not the majority of new cars with some form of auto hold braking will always do this at lights ?  Ours both do, seems pretty standard now.

    Full Member

    you do realise that many if not the majority of new cars with some form of auto hold braking will always do this at lights ? Ours both do, seems pretty standard now.

    I do. Doesn’t make it right. I noticed this on my Passat. Nothing to stop you engaging the actual parking brake button, however, which removes this issue. 😉

    Full Member

    Nothing to stop you engaging the actual parking brake button, however, which removes this issue.

    Indeed. My approach is often to pull up a little way behind them and ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ hit the full-beam stalk when I put my handbrake on. It rarely gets the result I want, but I feel I’ve at least tried.

    Full Member

    you do realise that many if not the majority of new cars with some form of auto hold braking will always do this at lights ? Ours both do, seems pretty standard now.

    On autohold – if I put the actual handbrake on (electric) my brake lights go out.

    Full Member

    ^^ if I put mine (also electric) from auto hold, which is does itself, to P by moving the selector, the lights will go out, but why would I, when the car is safely secure and ready to drive of by just pressing the pedal – that’s what auto brake is there for surely ?

    Full Member

    if I put mine (also electric) from auto hold, which is does itself, to P by moving the selector, the lights will go out,

    Your car is obviously waaayyy too posh then ;) (only kidding) no need to move lever to ‘P’ just pull up on the little parking brake paddle/switch/thingemejig and Bob’s your auntie’s live in lover :)

    Free Member

    While there’s a small amount of amusement to be gained from observing the inability of millennials to sit down at a cushy desk job all day without their special metal water bottle to keep hydrated with little dainty sips (no tea – something about carbon footprints, colonialist capitalism or toxins), but there’s a dark side too – that ghastly hollow metallic noise they make as they weakly hold it up to their face, and out of breath from the exertion, they exhale as they take on more organic H2O, producing that irritating noise.

    Full Member

    Or more specifically, the people who have not realised they need to check in online, who wait until they get to the security desk before unloading liquids, lighters and all manner of other random crap, who wait until they get to the scanner before fumbling around for their passport (“but I know I gave it to you, you’re looking after the kids ones….”) and generally seem utterly unable to function.

    Apparently the big notices everywhere saying “please have your boarding pass ready” only apply to other people…

    Guess where I am right now…. 🙄

    Free Member

    Your car is obviously waaayyy too posh then 😉 (only kidding) no need to move lever to ‘P’ just pull up on the little parking brake paddle/switch/thingemejig and Bob’s your auntie’s live in lover 🙂

    What little parking brake paddle/switch/thingemejig?

    FWIW I used to rail against brake lights being on whilst stationary, then I decided life was too short and I was just going to drive the car how it was designed. My last three cars haven’t even had handbrake paddle/switch/thingemejigs. You use the foot brake to put it in hold, which puts on the ‘handbrake’, and either press the accelerator to go which takes it off, or press the park button to put it in park, or just get out the car and it does it for you.

    Free Member

    Nissan Jukes.

    Full Member

    What little parking brake paddle/switch/thingemejig?


    Full Member

    Like that @Cougar just not quite as posh 😂

    Free Member

    That’s not a parking brake. That’s to put the gearbox (not that it has one) in park. All the brakes have been put on by the car before you press that. Really it doesn’t even need that button, because as soon as you open the door or lift your arse off the seat, it does the same thing.

    Full Member

    I will usually put my (electronic) parking brake on when stopped at lights. I havent actually checked the brake lights go out…

    Means I ca npull away just by pressing the accelerator. Unlike using the shifter (or a button) to go into P, as that generally requires you to put your foot back on the brake pedal to get it back in D.*

    Unwillingly I have an automatic now, I guess this is why the majority of people are now just sitting on the brake pedal. While I like the automatic as a whole, it is most annoying in slow/stop start traffic. I would actually prefer a manual in these situations.

    *even worse on cars that have the traditional PRNDL layout, going from P to D takes you through R, briefly flashing the reversing lights. Not conducive to the the car(s) behind you moving off efficiently when the lights go green.

    Full Member

    Nissan Jukes.

    yes, but also “crossover” / mini SUVs of all kinds.

    Full Member

    Customer has just gone full gammon on me after turning up for a job that last week I said I’d try my best to do this side Christmas but it would more likely be the new year. Didn’t phone before hand to see how I was going, just rocked-up expected them to be ready.

    He seems to have forgotten the conversation and suddenly it’s vital he must have them today. If it wasn’t Christmas…

    Full Member

    People not accelerating up to a reasonable speed on motorway slip roads, 30-40mph is not a safe speed to merge onto a motorway ffs! And now you’ve got me stuck behind you, forced to merge at the same speed! 🤬🤬

    Full Member

    While we are on that – people who slow for motorway junctions before they are off the main carriageway.

    Can I also add people who abandon shopping trolley across an aisle, rather than tucking it to one side, while they peruse for which cheese they are to buy.

    Full Member

    Doing someone’s shed guttering for them and believing them when they say they’ve got all the bits.

    Guttering. More standards than mountainbiking 😭

    Free Member

    People who drink on the street then leave their empty bottles in the road, not the path, but the actual road.  I can’t fathom how they don’t see this as an issue.

    Full Member

    Can I also add people who abandon shopping trolley across an aisle, rather than tucking it to one side, while they peruse for which cheese they are to buy.

    I hope there is a special place in hell for these people.

    Free Member

    Can I also add people who abandon shopping trolley across an aisle, rather than tucking it to one side, while they peruse for which cheese they are to buy.

    Surely it’s not just me that simply moves said trolleys? Ideally to the next isle if I can get away with the person not noticing.

    Free Member

    Half the parents at the primary school I work at!

    And people who say “for free”. Have I mentioned that yet? I’ll do it again anyway.

    Full Member

    A million stickies at the top of a forum taking up more than a full page of space. Just stop it.

    Full Member

    Ideally to the next isle if I can get away with the person not noticing.

    I fully approve of this idea, and the typo. Isle of Wight would work in a lot of cases.

    Full Member

    people who slow for motorway junctions before they are off the main carriageway.

    People dribbling onto the motorway from the slip road at sub30 mph…But currently; just driving standards  in general. The amount of folks “sneaking” through red lights has reached epidemic levels.

    Full Member

    People not accelerating up to a reasonable speed on motorway slip roads, 30-40mph is not a safe speed to merge onto a motorway ffs!

    100%. However,

    And now you’ve got me stuck behind you, forced to merge at the same speed! 🤬

    Only if you buy into their idiocy. Drop back, stop if you have to, give yourself clearance to step on it and merge at a relative speed.

    Full Member

    People who creep at junctions

    When you’re on a motorbike especially, and somebody waiting to pull out creeps forwards slowly, preempting your passing, it’s effin scary as of course you think they might suddenly lurch out having not seen you.
    Just stay the f still!

    Also, on the motorbike, as I was just on mine. People who think that two motorbikes are always together.
    I was just following another bike towards a junction, the bike guy indicates to turn left and starts doing so. I’m heading straight on. The car waiting in the junction starts pulling out.
    Two bikes. They’ve gotta be together right?
    No you twonk. Wait.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Being banned from websites with no explanation or remembered  bad behaviour.   (not here, I must emphasise)

    Full Member

    Drive Thru instead of Drive Through.

    When you start renovating your house and some of your plans go to shit because the previous owners either bodged their DIY or hired traders wearing Stetsons.

    Good job we watched enough Grand Designs to ensure our budget has a f🤬🤬🤬ery margin built in.

    Full Member

    Good job we watched enough Grand Designs to ensure our budget has a f🤬🤬🤬ery margin built in.

    Only question is – which one of you is now carrying Kevin’s baby.

    Full Member

    People (Mrs Bloke) who put dead matches back in the matchbox with the good ones.

    Full Member

    Food labelling madness.
    Sweetcorn. From the cob . N S S . Where else is sweetcorn going to come from ?

    Or the pre emptive descriptive . Tasty , flavoursome, hand prepared. That is up to me to decide if the ” amazing fish cakes” really are amazing , or run of the mill Pollock with too much potatoe binder.

    Full Member

    People who take After Eights straight out, leaving the little sleeve in the box.

    Full Member

    People who take After Eights straight out, leaving the little sleeve in the box

    A post-Christmas classic !

    Free Member

    Sys-admins who ask what browser you’re using when you’re having problems then laugh at you for choosing the wrong browser.

    Full Member

    People who spell potato potatoe

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