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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • Cougar
    Full Member


    If I wanted to open spreadsheets or documents in teams or SharePoint I would uninstall Word and Excel!

    And then it goes “but for best results…” and sends you to the full-fat app anyway.

    I blame Adobe. That’s where the ‘browser plug-in’ rot set in.

    Free Member

    Teams is the worst.

    “We’ve opened this spreadsheet you might want to keep open for an extended period and refer to regularly. What’s that? You want to discuss the spreadsheet with someone on teams *sucks teeth* sorry mate can’t help you wait another two minutes while it loads in the desktop app”

    I am not one to suffer such nonsense so I googled and you CAN change the default opening of files in teams… To browser.

    I think I would rather try and get an amstrad to talk to a dotmatrix printer.

    Free Member

    It’s not obvious from the picture, what’s the issue?

    its still an enfield

    Full Member

    It’s not obvious from the picture, what’s the issue?

    It is obvious from the picture. You don’t see the whacking great ugly bulges?

    Full Member

    Black month? 😭😭😭



    When people in uniform (cops/mils) pull their jacket sleeves down over their hands.

    Put on some gloves you utter shower of shite, you’re not 5 and at school.

    Cops are the worst for it.

    Full Member

    The Covid inquiry.

    Probably doesn’t help that I have just been listening to Patrick Grant on Desert Island Discs

    An excellent episode BTW,with some great tunes,but the part where he talks about the PPE scandal and losing his Dad during Covid.
    It had me in tears,and then to an anger level that can’t be healthy.

    Full Member

    Valid anger, but not not disproportionate!

    Free Member

    The ass hats at Direct Line.

    No auto renew on my policy, stated as such on the welcome letter and the renewal quote, ***** auto renewed 24hrs before policy ended, no paperwork, nothing, the only reason I know is my credit card account is set to notify me of any charges against it.

    Full Member

    Your son not being picked for his rugby team despite other players who haven’t made a tackle or entered a ruck in 3 seasons being picked just because they are bigger and fatter and lazier…..

    Full Member

    People who, after a lengthy explanation, say “I know”

    ****wits, the lot of them.

    Free Member

    The “singing” checkout woman at our local supermarket.

    Keeps on randomly bursting into snippets of song a bit like Lesley Flipping Garrett, heavy on the vibrato like Vic Reeves in the pub singer round.

    So annoying.

    Full Member

    The constant ‘What waterproof jacket for going out in the rain’ threads
    The constant ‘What trousers/pants for riding my bike in’ threads
    The constant ‘Why does my Goretex jacket leak’ threads

    Full Member

    Overall, I’m impressed when the Apple Watch

    This, I believe, is truly in the spirit of the thread title. Watches that don’t have a round face make me angry. Totally irrational and stupid but they do. Therefore Apple Watches can **** right off and I’ll be keeping my Garmin even if it is impossible to purchase a strap that isn’t completely shit.

    Full Member

    Greenwash.  I am heartily sick of it. Makes me really angry when people are making claims for highly co2 intensive and high energy consumption things being touted as green

    Full Member

    People who wait for the gates to shut at the train station barrier before they put their ticket in.

    Full Member

    … and then are seemingly taken completely by surprise that something is required of them.

    See also, shopping tills, ATMs…

    Full Member

    Footballers spitting on the floor of the tunnel heading out to the pitch. Scruffy twastards. 🤬

    Full Member

    People driving in the dark with either no lights on or just the DRLs on the front, Ticketmaster, Tyres that just wont chuffing seat even with the Airshot.

    Free Member

    Those stupid lunchboxes on the outside of new defenders – every cockwomble who has one should be forced to install a defibrillator in them, then at least they would serve a purpose when parked outside Waitrose

    Full Member

    People on bike forums who say a component or something comes in x ‘flavour’.

    Free Member

    Twee portmanteau insults.

    People that say fud, ruff and rum for food, roof and room.

    Footballers spitting on the floor of the tunnel heading out to the pitch.

    At what point does the floor of the tunnel become the ground of the pitch? Does it change if the tunnel has one of those retractable roofs?

    Full Member

    Does it change if the tunnel has one of those retractable roofs ruffs?


    Full Member

    People who eat, or let their kids eat, stuff in a supermarket before they’ve paid for it. 

    Free Member

    I had a dream I was doing that the other day.

    Walking round Tesco tanning boiled eggs wouldn’t have been my first choice.

    Full Member

    Having Nigel Farage pop up on my Facebook feed, and only being able to snooze the **** for thirty days.

    Where is the option to ratchet strap him to my bonnet, wrap him in raw steak and drive through a safari park lion enclosure?

    Full Member

    Where is the option to ratchet strap him to my bonnet, wrap him in raw steak and drive through a safari park lion enclosure?

    South African Facebook?

    Full Member

    When the dog runs into the back of your legs sending you over like a skittle first thing in the morning. Especially when it curtails riding plans for the day and it’s lovely and sunny.IMG_20231105_095744

    Full Member

    Speaking of ATMs, some of them are really slow between people. Infuriating.

    Especially the Halifax one for paying in, good grief. Card comes out, next person walks up, has to stand there about 10 minutes for the machine to stop thinking and be ready to accept the next card.

    And the one at the local Asda with the slightly broken card slot, which spits out your card at snail pace. Standing there watching it inch its way back out of the slot bit by bit with a grinding noise until there’s enough to grab hold and pull is enough to make you scream.

    Full Member

    I think that’s just ASDA cashpoints, the one local to me is the same.

    Free Member

    @ossify & @Cougar or we all unwittingly live in the same place, because it’s the same at my local Asda too.

    Do yours have a really annoying snippet singing check-out woman too?

    Full Member

    My wife and her family being seemingly unable to manage to set up a three way video call. They’ve been doing this every week for 2.5 years and every week my mother-in-law somehow screws it up. Neither of the daughters seem to be able to just do it in her place.

    I just don’t understand, I manage to use Teams/Zoom/Meet multiple times each day at work with no problems. Doesn’t directly affect me, it’s just incredibly frustrating.

    Full Member

    or we all unwittingly live in the same place, because it’s the same at my local Asda too.

    Do they have those green sticky-out bits on the card slot too, which make it really $%^&ing awkward if you’re left-handed?

    Free Member

    Being unable to set up a three way with my wife also makes me disproportionately cross….video or no video

    Free Member

    Barriers at the station – especially the ones where the computer says no. (Return from Dunblane always was an issue at Waverley and I often had to get moving to get the onward train).  It was great when they were taken out in the 1980s.

    Free Member

    Making an offer on ebay, I accept, and THEN you start asking questions about the item to see if you actually want it. No mate, you’ve actually already bought it, now pay up you low feedback count chancer.

    Full Member


    Guys with Noise Cancelling earphones, that walk in the middle of cycle paths, and don’t hear my bicycle bell. Then when you finally get past them, they look at you as if you have the problem…


    Free Member

    Tesla and Range Rover headlights.

    Full Member

    Them folk who dig out a crusty old bed sheet, spray paint ‘happy 40th Dave’ on it, go to the local pedestrian flyover, attach it to the railings…. then don’t bother to take it down after Dave has had the birthday of his life.

    Also see any signs/banners for events or festivals that are still up months after the event.

    You made the effort to put them up, make the bloody effort to take them down again!

    Full Member

    oh and after riding the Downs Link yesterday, folks that look at you like you have sodomized their gerbil, just because you would like 1/10th of the SHARED path for you to cycle past them on (at a sensible and civil pace, after shedding 95% of your speed, cos you know, you aint a dick).

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