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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • Kramer
    Free Member

    @mattyfez you could say that.

    The Post Office, and there really is no other way to describe this, extorted money from hundreds, possibly thousands, of sub-post masters, wrongfully dismissed at least a few hundred of them, and wrongfully convicted and sent to jail a significant proportion of those.

    Then it lied and obfuscated to cover it up.

    So far, no one at the Post Office has been held responsible for it.

    Free Member

    People who say 24/7/365

    **** stupid arseholes. What the **** is it supposed to mean. 24 hours a day seven days a week for 7 years and 1 week?

    I thought it was just me. I’ve mentioned it to work colleagues and they looked at me like I’d got two heads. Who ever coined it originally was an idiot.

    Full Member

    Sounds like a job for Kevin Costner.

    Full Member

    As a nurse I am constantly infuriated to epic levels by other nurses; who put empty medication strips back into boxes, don’t replace medication after using the last one, don’t remove the information leaflet and continue to insist on ramming the strip back into the box so the box crumples and doesn’t fit neatly back into its allocated space on the trolley, start dispenscing from multiple strips of medication, put boxes back in the trolley with the labels facing down so you can’t see what they are, don’t put medication alphabetically in the stock cupboard, don’t write the expiry date on the outside facing end so you don’t have to take them all out to check, don’t wipe bottles after using them so the next person picks up a gunky bottle…..

    Full Member

    And not forgetting people who don’t select the option for a link opening in a seperate tab on internet forums!

    Free Member

    On a medical ‘tip’, surely with the vast laundry services within hospitals, it would be more hygienic for the staff to change into scrubs within the hospital, rather than wearing them everywhere.

    Free Member

    Apple seemed to take it personally when they were asked to switch from lightning to usb-C connectors.

    If my Apple Watch is anything to go by, the charging units couple to a usb-C connector at the other end, too.

    And here’s the rub. Most usb chargers still only include a usb-A (female) charging point.

    Imagine the dismay on GBO’s face*, unboxing apples new treasure, only to find out that, for  the fancy induction charger to work, he’d have to order some usb-A to C adapters.

    These adapters probably cost pennies to produce, but are worth £££ in goodwill alone, if included in the purchase.

    A lack of foresight on apples part, or just spite?

    Smilairly, Apple have been shouting down people’s iPhones to upgrade their Wi-Fi routers to WPA 3 protocol.

    Not many in this the uk, as CV of yet.

    They could have announced a switch to this new protocol, and then cornered the market…

    Overall, I’m impressed when the Apple Watch, even though it he UI is about ten years behind the curve.

    id stock up in these, just to avoid any potential tears at Xmas/ win over your neighbours 😉😉😉


    * the horror, the horror…


    Free Member

    *Tescoe’s ?

    Jack Cohen was a grocer originally, wasn’t he? So that would really take it back to its roots.

    Free Member

    Sorry, it’s root’s.

    Full Member

    On a medical ‘tip’, surely with the vast laundry services within hospitals, it would be more hygienic for the staff to change into scrubs within the hospital, rather than wearing them everywhere.`

    they should be.  Its a disciplinary offense to wear uniform outside of hospitals / workplaces ( bar district nurses)

    Full Member


    I wondered this. But then, if you had more than one rhino you’d say “rhinos” rather than “rhinoes.” I’m not sure what the rule is here exactly.

    Apple seemed to take it personally when they were asked to switch from lightning to usb-C connectors.

    I always found it a bit weird that Apple had the 40-pin thing when they were part of the USB Consortium who standardised mini/micro USB over proprietary chargers for mobile devices in the first place.

    Full Member

    I wondered this. But then, if you had more than one rhino you’d say “rhinos” rather than “rhinoes

    You’d still say rhino.
    As in, ‘look yonder at that flock of rhino’, or ‘behold, a herd of rhinoceros’

    Just like you’d say, ‘oh look, a deer’, Or maybe, ‘look Margaret, a herd of deer’.

    Full Member

    I find it hard to believe that one would describe a herd of rhinos as a “flock.”

    I just googled it (along with the plural, it is rhinos) and apparently the collective noun is a crash of rhinos. This makes me happy.

    Full Member

    I just googled it (along with the plural, it is rhinos) and apparently the collective noun is a crash of rhinos.

    Yeah. Confirmation bias innit.

    It’s either I would wager.

    Full Member

    standardised mini/micro USB

    Bloody awful, fiddly, fragile little things.

    The move to type-c connectors was where one physical connector for everything began to make sense.

    Full Member

    I’m currently out of the office now


    Full Member

    I always found it a bit weird that Apple had the 40-pin thing when they were part of the USB Consortium who standardised mini/micro USB over proprietary chargers for mobile devices in the first place.

    all about profits.  If they have their own proprietary  cable then they can sell them at high prices.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I only get cross about shopping trolleys abandoned in the cycling bays so meh!

    Full Member

    Kayak, is that in Tescoe’s’s

    Full Member

    People proudly posting pictures on SM with the horizon not level and morons queueing up to say “what a beautiful picture” when all I can see is the sea trying to all run down to one side. One this morning was cropped so that the sea intersected the bottom of the frame making it double obvious. Even the BBC did it last week. 

    Full Member

    Edit: deletedmoronic post about bad weather and bad forecasts.

    Full Member

    The sea of (Halloween) tat,soon to be heading for landfill.
    People with zero skills or imagination,that pay to have contractors decorate their garden (with lots of tat),in the desperate hope they can win a prize.

    Full Member

    The sea of (Halloween) tat,soon to be heading for landfill.

    On top of that, the colossal volume of viable food (pumpkins) grown on huge areas of land and shipped across continents using millions of tonnes of fossil fuel, for no purpose other than to slowly rot on a doorstep, then be binned and rot down in landfill.

    Full Member

    The sea of (Halloween) tat,soon to be heading for landfill.

    the trick is go and forage for sustainable Halloween goodies. I found a wonderful woodland site, where, with a bit of digging you can get an organic, locally sourced skeleton, with a minimal carbon footprint, that can be used to scare the kids and then ground down to add nutrients to my veg patch

    Full Member

    Meh, we just use the previous year’s trick or treaters.

    Full Member

    Aye reeksy,but (in a few ways) you’re not like a lot of folk 😉 😂

    Full Member

    People who park in disabled bays when they clearly aren’t. I just tell myself that they are clearly mentally disabled, which makes me feel better :)

    Ditto people who park in parent/child bays, without child.

    People who inch forwards over the line bit by bit when stopped at a red light. What on earth it accomplishes apart from wasting fuel I have no idea. Also those who feel the need to move forwards in a queue of traffic when a space opens up in front half a car length long.

    Drivers who stop in the cycle box at the lights.

    Cyclists who stop 6′ the other side of the cycle box, despite the box being empty.

    “I will stop at the lights, but I will stop just the other side of the line, to show that I’m above the rules. I know it doesn’t benefit me in any way whatsoever, but I just like to advertise to all and sundry that I’m a d…”

    Fog. Nothing drives me more mad than drivers in fog, whether it’s those with no lights in thick fog, or those with fog lights blazing away when there’s a slight mist and 200 yards visibility.

    People are so brainless re. car lights! It’s like they think night = lights, day = no lights and that’s all there is to it. Thick snow heavy clouds pouring rain and fog all at once? But it’s 2pm, I don’t need lights! Morons.

    So many examples where just a little bit of common sense or human decency is required. Makes me furious and despairing in equal measure. It’s just on the roads where you see it most obviously.

    Boggles my mind how people don’t mind behaving like this in public. I mean, I get that some people are selfish, lazy and arrogant. But why advertise it? Little things like leaving your shopping trolley in the middle of a parking bay, or parking in disabled areas, is basically just sticking a giant sign on your forehead saying “I am a selfish, lazy and arrogant cockwomble! Look at me!”

    I need another coffee.

    Full Member

    People are so brainless re. car lights!

    Folks driving at night with no lights on, cos their DRLs are on.

    Oh, and auto-fudging-correct on mobiles.

    Full Member

    People who park in disabled bays when they clearly aren’t. I just tell myself that they are clearly mentally disabled, which makes me feel better

    Some disabilities are not visible. Able to walk short distances but not long ones is common for example.

    so what makes me angry is folk judging others without all the info


    Free Member


    Full Member

    On a medical ‘tip’, surely with the vast laundry services within hospitals, it would be more hygienic for the staff to change into scrubs within the hospital, rather than wearing them everywhere.`

    they should be.  Its a disciplinary offense to wear uniform outside of hospitals / workplaces ( bar district nurses)

    Where / which trust? I’ve never been told that. Are you talking about nursing uniforms or theatre scrubs?

    Full Member

    Some disabilities are not visible. Able to walk short distances but not long ones is common for example.

    so what makes me angry is folk judging others without all the info

    I am well aware of this and try not to always judge. But they’d have a blue badge, no?

    When Mr Cool and his friends rock up in his Golf or BMW and pop into Tescoe’s for his daily Red Bull or whatever, this is what gets my goat. Generalisations aside, my point is that sometimes it’s just obvious.

    Full Member

    People who say I cannot feel the difference in tyres on my bike.


    Full Member

    People who park in disabled bays when they clearly aren’t. I just tell myself that they are clearly mentally disabled, which makes me feel better 🙂

    I’ve often thought, “if you wish to park in this bay and aren’t disabled, please notify Big Clive at reception where a disablement will be provided with our compliments.”

    Ditto people who park in parent/child bays, without child.

    I’ve less of an issue with this. “Parent and Child badges” aren’t a thing. Rather it’s a symptom of poor car park layout. Because, why are they there?

    Because they afford wider spaces? Why not just make all the spaces wider? Cars are getting bigger all the time, parking bays are not and driving isn’t improving either. Granted this isn’t always practical if the carpark is perpetually rammed but eg Tesco Accrington’s car park is huge and three-quarters empty. Even on the run-up to Christmas it never remotely troubles getting filled up. (Aside, there must easily be 20 disabled bays, on a busy day there’s about three in use.)

    Because they’re closer to the door? Well, why do they need to be? What’s needed there surely is safe passage across the car park with pedestrian walkways and crossings, rather than just minimising the distance they have to run the gauntlet. At the aforementioned Tesco there’s a walkway front-to-back from the door to get to your chosen row but even with all that space there’s no way of getting across the rows without walking in traffic.

    I’ve parked in P&C bays before now, meeting the criterion as I was with my mum. Before you all reach for the torches, she was recovering from a stroke and couldn’t walk very far so I make no apologies for this. I wonder how readers might feel if I’d parked in a supermarket disabled bay without a blue badge despite her clearly being disabled? There’s no provision made for this scenario.

    Full Member

    Where / which trust? I’ve never been told that. Are you talking about nursing uniforms or theatre scrubs?

    Both.  they should never be warn outside and its a disciplinary offense to do so.  Disregarded in some trusts but its there.  You should never wear your uniform outside of work.  Two main reasons – one is infection control and the other is that it can place you in an awkward position if someone has a medical issue while you are in uniform outside – professional accountability

    Edit – checked the NMC guidance and its just that – not mandatory but its clear that they want you not to wear uniforms outside of work.  Its certainly disciplinary to wear uniforms outside of work in Lothianand I think NHS scotland wide

    Free Member

    I’ve less of an issue with this. “Parent and Child badges” aren’t a thing. Rather it’s a symptom of poor car park layout. Because, why are they there?

    Because if you can reel in a (hard working) FAMBILY with a parking spot you will retain them and they will spend thousands of pounds over a lifetime

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    If I wanted to open spreadsheets or documents in teams or SharePoint I would uninstall Word and Excel!

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    The design of the tank on the new Royal Enfield Himalayan 450


    Full Member

    People who think prefixing their opinion on something with ‘as a mother’ automatically bestows them with unique wisdom, gravitas and insight.

    Full Member

    The design of the tank on the new Royal Enfield Himalayan 450

    It’s not obvious from the picture, what’s the issue?

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