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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    “Why have you taken the filter out?”

    “Stuff keeps getting caught in it.”

    What do you suppose it’s for?”

    Free Member

    Dog treats that are impossible to cut into two.

    Full Member

    When I open my Aergrind to find a pile of rough ground beans instead of the fine ground espresso I want, I get very cross that someone has picked it up and fiddled with the setting.

    Disproportionately cross according to my family.  I disagree.  It’s a serious business.

    Full Member

    When I ask folk at work ‘do you know how to do that’ and they reply with ‘yeah’ I then watch them make a **** of it.

    I don’t mind if folk don’t know. I’d rather show them, but trying to blag it and fail miserably makes you look like a ****.

    Free Member

    Neighbours are supposedly getting large item uplift a fridge freezer but move it down the street a bit away from their door , it better get lifted

    Free Member

    Take a shite in it. It won’t make the situation any better but it may give you some puerile amusement. Oh and make sure their address is somewhere about it.

    Free Member

    Opening a cupboard and an item falling out.

    Selfish people after holding doors, gates

    People sat in middle lanes this results in Monty burns level anger

    People interupting conversations rediculous questions.

    Policing not having a much harder stance like mowing down bellends on electric scooters while wearing a wooly face covering

    Full Member

    ^^ Completely unsuitable to hold a shotgun licence.

    Free Member

    Pensioners in supermarkets on Saturday morning. Why? They have all week to shop so why sloth round the aisles like a creeping grey plague getting in the way of people who just want to shop and get on with life?

    Also North Face clad, balaclava masked scrotes zipping round city centres on souped up electric scooters.

    I realise that I am also unsuitable to hold a shotgun licence…

    Full Member

    Dunno about disproportionately, but I’ve just tried to do online check in for a couple of flights with Ryanair that were, unknown to me, booked via some agent they’re having a tiff with, so they are trying to make it as hard as possible for passengers to use them. Cue endless verification process (twice over) involving ‘live action selfies’ and payments.

    Suffice it to say I will never use either of them again. RAGING! :)

    Free Member

    People who let other people out on the road.

    Ultimate selfishness.

    Make all the people behind them feel cross just so they can feel that they’ve done their good deed for the day.

    Full Member

    People who let other people out on the road.

    Oh, this is a good one.

    Full Member

    People who let other people out on the road.

    … when there’s nothing else behind them.

    People waiting to come out, I’ll glance behind. If it’s solid traffic I’ll let them out because it makes zero difference to anything and the poor sod is going to be there hours otherwise. If there’s like one car behind me then I won’t because there’s no point.

    I will however counter this with, people who are letting you out but have made no indication that they’re doing so. So they’ll approach slower and slower before finally somewhat exasperatedly flapping their hand at you… like, I appreciate it and all, but it’d have been easier and quicker for all concerned if you’d just got out the way.

    Full Member

    When I forget a conversation, “you never listen.”

    When she forgets a conversation, “you didn’t tell me that.”

    Full Member

    People who let other people out on the road.

    Perfectly acceptable to let people out when the car behind is tailgating you 😁

    Oh and I’ll add: drivers who don’t let you cross the road when it makes no difference at all to them.

    Eg. I am standing at the edge waiting to cross, maybe to an island or something, and 5 cars in slow moving rush hour traffic sail calmly past at 5mph only to get held up 10 meters down the road. Would it really hurt you to let me go? Makes me just as angry whether they’re being selfish or just plain oblivious.

    See also: drivers who don’t stop at zebra crossings.

    Free Member

    People who open packs of biscuits and then don’t put them in the biscuit barrel.

    Full Member

    Folk who don’t raise a hand in acknowledged thanks, after you move over and wait as they drive down a narrow bit of road.

    Or pull out suddenly,wave, then stop and attempt to parallel park in a spot that is much too small, but they’ll happily block the entire road until it becomes obvious even to them.

    See also: cyclists who don’t stop at zebra crossings.


    Full Member

    The pop-up asking to increase STW storage to 5.1Gb!!

    Full Member

    People who take biscuits out of perfectly adequate packaging and decant them into some kind of ‘barrel’ in an attempt to keep up with the Joneses.

    Full Member

    bickering about mince and trivia

    The fact this should be “mince and tatties”, then imagining a STW mince and tatties argument has lightened today’s mood.

    Full Member

    Drivers trying to cut over a T-Junction,then glaring at the cyclist waiting (on the right side of the line)at said T-junction..W**kPuffins

    Full Member

    People who buy a food item from a cafe on a gorgeous sunny day, having parked right next to all the people enjoying their food/drink/cake/snacks outside in the glorious sunshine, they then sit inside their Audi TT, fire up the engine and let it idle while eating. The stupid inconsiderate driver polluting the cafe customers, most of whom have cycled.

    Oh yes the balaclava wearing scooter riding, red light jumping, pedestrian hitting little scrotes (the sooner they’re rounded up and flown out to a desert island the better).

    Full Member

    Opening a cupboard and an item falling out.

    I’m at the point when I’m surprised if this doesn’t happen

    Free Member

    See also: cyclists who don’t stop at zebra crossings.

    This really doesn’t bother me as a pedestrian. I try to wave cyclists through, although they usually stop. Its a tiny effort for me to stop and as a cyclist I know it’s nice to keep rolling. Obviously not great if you are expecting them to stop and they don’t but not as bad as a car doing it (usually with the driver on the phone or playing with the radio, utterly oblivious to their surroundings)

    Full Member

    People who are turning left into a side road when there is a car waiting to emerge, so they stop. When there is a line of cars as far as the eye can see all going 42mph. Causing the emerging vehicle to pull tentatively 3ft forward just enough to block the road in the hope that someone coming the way will also stop to let them in.

    Causing maybe 40 cars to all come to an unnecessary standstill just because

    Full Member

    It would be a much more pleasant experience for everyone if we were all happy to actually let people out of side streets, if everyone realised that person’s journey was just as important as theirs.

    This from the point of view of someone who has to turn right out of a side street every morning through a line of slow moving traffic. Is amazing how selfish they all are. They’re in a rolling queue, can’t possibly stop for a few seconds, oh no. And god forbid I start to poke my nose out. Woah, that really deserves the gesticulations and people shouting w4nker at me.

    Full Member

    people who are letting you out but have made no indication that they’re doing so. So they’ll approach slower and slower before finally somewhat exasperatedly flapping their hand at you… like, I appreciate it and all, but it’d have been easier and quicker for all concerned if you’d just got out the way.

    – this, on the motorway. The car that is hovering around your blindspot ~5m back in the next lane suddenly wants you to pull out into the non-existent space in front of them, when doing so would be about as dangerous a thing as you could do. Two minutes before they were catching up, so why not just carry on past and let me decide when it safe and appropriate to change lanes, like I’m supposed to?

    Full Member

    That we install speed bumps where we should be installing cameras or closing through roads.

    Full Member

    Those thick, bumpy lines at an increasing pitch you get approaching a dangerous junction to remind you to slow down? I’m fine with that.

    Those thick, bumpy lines at an increasing pitch you get AFTER a dangerous junction to remind you to slow down?
    Wtf is that about?

    Full Member


    Those thick, bumpy lines at an increasing pitch you get AFTER a dangerous junction to remind you to slow down?
    Wtf is that about?

    In Wales near my parents they do it properly with the lines painted only on the incoming direction.  I think it just got lost in translation when it got popular. Either that, or someone has a lot of paint to use up, or is on a day rate.

    Free Member

    When I forget a conversation, “you never listen.”

    When she forgets a conversation, “you didn’t tell me that.”

    God yes! The version I live with is:

    When I have forgotten something MrsJohn has told me: ‘I can’t believe you’ve forgotten that thing I told you’

    When MrsJohn forgets something I told her: ‘You can’t expect me to remember everything’.

    Full Member

    What makes me cross is private student rental accommodation. A relative is paying £700 a month for a room in a shared house of 7. So the cost is pretty annoying in itself. But not content with just taking the cash the landlord then dictates that no bikes can be stored anywhere in the house, and runs frequent checks. There isn’t anywhere secure enough outside so he is unable to have a bike at uni. Why is the landlord allowed to dictate terms like this? Surely “leave it as you found it” would be a fairer arrangement?

    And on a similar theme – landlords using deposit as a nice bonus for themselves. The last place he rented, all left tidy and clean… apart from some dust on the blinds for which they deducted £75. The thieving little so and so’s.

    Probably been going on since the beginning of time but still annoying.

    Full Member

    I get the same thing all the time.

    I ask a question… “I told you last week!”

    Well no, dear, you have half a conversation in your head and you only verbalise the other half.. And expect me to understand or even care what you are saying?

    When the boots on the other foot though.. I get “you never mentioned that! ”

    I refer you to my WhatsApp massage at 16:37 last Thursday, which you marked as read and even replied to!

    Then I get the silent treatment for a few days.

    Full Member

    Just took a delivery of bolts for a DIY project,

    40 M12 bolts – check

    40 12mm washers – check

    40 12mm nuts – check

    16mm drill bit…

    Full Member

    Finding that the table’s been cleared… …into the sink.

    Free Member

    Bellends suddenly changing lanes in traffic jams, causing people behind them to brake suddenly and so making the traffic jam even worse.

    Free Member

    Get a call about a coupon (apparently that’s what the bit you cut out with a holesaw is called) getting sucked into a pipe as its contaminated and under vaccum, they want to know if we can live with it if they can’t get it out.

    Check the job spec to familiarise myself with it, take firm note that the flange they were drilling was supposed to have been removed to a workshop.

    Wonder why that was?

    **** idiots.

    (they got it out)

    Full Member

    Councils lowering speed limits that have been perfectly fine for the last 30 years and put up cameras to generate cash.

    Full Member

    the cash the landlord then dictates that no bikes can be stored anywhere in the house, and runs frequent checks.

    Move the bike outside ahead of the visit. A landlord can’t just come and go as they please, it’s the tenants’ home.

    landlords using deposit as a nice bonus for themselves.

    This was cracked down on too. If the deposit isn’t in a holding scheme then they’re acting illegally.

    Free Member

    A wee bit of haar blows in and getting blinded by fog lights

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