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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    To be fair you were in Dumbarton, that was the least of your issues (Travelodge just next to the Esso on the Boulevard?)

    Free Member

    **** footage of people eating and smiling and nodding.

    Full Member

    Car failing it’s MOT on stuff when you booked your car in to be fixed first & then MOTd so now have failure & advisory on the history – bloody garage put it through MOT first 😡

    Free Member

    Making eating noise while eating …. FFS!

    This is particularly referring to some people from my part of the world or culture.

    I know they love to eat but can you stop making noise while eating? No, I ain’t referring to Japanese or Korean while they eat their noodles.   I mean normal non-noodle related food.  Why make the chewing noise?  I know you are chewing the food but can you finish chewing before taking another portion to fill your plate?  Nobody is competing with you … you will Not starve by not eating another mouth full.

    I am embarrassed just by sitting and eating with them on the same table.  Yes, I tell them off especially friends.  They just laughed it off … FFS!

    One colleague (British) who likes to eat his sandwich in the office and then to be followed with a bag of crisps then to wash it down with a can of diet coke whatever … can create eating noise I could hear from another table.  Geezz … Sandwich is nothing “gourmet” but he eats it as if there is no tomorrow.

    Free Member

    People wearing masks.

    People wearing masks outside.

    People wearing masks in their cars on their own.

    Nothing more than virtue signalling.

    Full Member

    People wearing masks.

    People wearing masks outside.

    People wearing masks in their cars on their own.

    It’s good that you realise it’s disproportionate to get cross about those things 👍

    Full Member

    Car failing it’s MOT on stuff when you booked your car in to be fixed first & then MOTd so now have failure & advisory on the history – bloody garage put it through MOT first 😡

    Getting even more cross when garage does £700 worth of repairs you’ve asked for then car fails MOT on something irreparable 🤔 so in the scheme of things the first one is only mildly irritating 🤣

    Full Member


    People who think I should like football.


    People who call Goggle box Googlebox.

    Full Member

    The fat eejit in the Merc beside me in the car park with engine running winding down his window only to vape out the window.
    The diesel is loud and smelly as is your vape. I would like to sit and wait for Mrs 100th in relative peace.
    Actually it’s not so annoying I’m going to move.

    Full Member

    On a similar vein, the idiot sitting outside our house for 10 minutes with his diesel engine idling. Had to shut our window, and it’s warm tonight.

    Full Member

    Sorry. Those last two fail the ‘disproportionately’ test for me. Incandescent rage is justified with them both.

    Full Member

    People who sit at a railway crossing, next to the sign thst says Switch off the Engine, whp deliberately tum the engine back on after the stop/start device has turned it off. Arrrrggghhhhhh

    Full Member

    People who sit at a railway crossing, next to the sign thst says Switch off the Engine, whp deliberately tum the engine back on after the stop/start device has turned it off. Arrrrggghhhhhh

    That really makes no sense whatsoever.. Lol! Stop start cars restart in less than a second, probably less than half a second!

    Thats why the batteries on those cars are very expensive and several magnitudes more ‘powerful’ than a regular battery… To cope with the power spikes required for stop/starting constantly…

    One from me… Mid contract price hikes due to CPI increases on broadband contracts.

    I get that it’s in the small print and I’m stuffed, but I’m currently on a 40mb connection, contract expires in November.

    A month or so ago I saw that my current provider was offering 80mb connections for new customers, for a pound per month less than I’m currently paying for 40mb.

    They flat out refused an upgrade or a discount on my current plan, and the cancellation fee would be about £100.

    Looks like I’ll be with a new provider soon, partly out of spite, but also as luck would have it, our street has been wired up for FTTP in the interim.

    So not all bad I guess.

    Free Member

    Jeremey Clarkson didn’t approve of stop start when it came out, therefore the gammons will feel justified.

    Full Member

    Shopping in town with Mrs asbrooks and now two grown up girls (both now in their 20’s) on a Saturday afternoon just because it’s a ‘nice’ thing to do with the family. OMG, it’s the most dullest thing to do, ever! Hours of wandering around looking in shop windows and then when we do go in and try something on, they have no intentions in buying. Oh the out cry if their size is not available or an item not on display in their size. They have the poor shop assistants running around them chasing a sale.
    By the time we get home usually empty handed I’m absolutely livid. If steam could come out on my ears it would.

    Full Member

    ^This is why Fishing and mountain biking pubs were invented!

    To be fair you should have known better than to go shopping with 3 females! You only have yourself to blame.

    Free Member

    Generally people not keeping things moving when out and about. Some great examples already in this thread like people acting shocked when they need to pay for goods at the checkout. FFS give your heed a wobble and just be ready to pay! It’s not hard.

    My latest episode of rage in this area is the tip. It gets busy, really busy if you time it wrong, but still you get people opening the boot of their car and it’s utter chaos.. picking out 1 or 2 bits of metal at a time from in between garden waste, plastic, metal and goodness knows what else! At least have some semblance of organisation before you just drive down there. I mean generally our local tip is a brain out at the door place but this particular bad practice makes me want to throw them in the landfill skip.

    Another fine example was at the petrol station recently. Half the pumps are off so a bit of waiting involved but not mad busy. Bloke in front starts filling up while his missus jumps out and starts wandering around the shop.. good I think, she’ll pick up what they need and when he goes in it’ll be bish bash bosh tap your card and gone.. Nope. Pair of them wandering around like they’re shopping for some new clothes or something. FFS you can see me sat behind in my car. Ended up reversing and using another pump where the driver arrived a good 5 mins later but was done and dusted long before these wallopers had finished whatever in the wide world of **** they were doing in the shop.

    A separate one for me is people standing far too close in queues. We’ve just come out of a global pandemic FFS but still I have some people so close behind me they’d lick the back of my head if they stuck their tongue out. Just **** off. You’re not getting to the till quicker if you stand 2 air molecules behind me you **** prat.

    and breathe..

    Full Member


    **** footage of people eating and smiling and nodding.

    Yes! This is why I can’t watch any cookery programmes. It could taste like shit for all we know and you’re just acting. Jamie. You knobber.

    Full Member

    Hours of wandering around looking in shop windows

    You only have yourself to blame

    Yup, extremely poor threat assessment. Shopping? With three females! What on god’s earth were you thinking? Decant to a coffee shop or pub. Meet up with them when they’re done. This is SOP, everyone knows that!


    Free Member


    Shopping in town with Mrs asbrooks and now two grown up girls (both now in their 20’s) on a Saturday afternoon just because it’s a ‘nice’ thing to do with the family. OMG, it’s the most dullest thing to do, ever! Hours of wandering around looking in shop windows and then when we do go in and try something on, they have no intentions in buying. Oh the out cry if their size is not available or an item not on display in their size. They have the poor shop assistants running around them chasing a sale. By the time we get home usually empty handed I’m absolutely livid. If steam could come out on my ears it would.

    The only way that this anger is disproportionate is because everyone is still alive.

    Free Member

    Baked Alaska that has been made with blowtorched Swiss meringue. Motherf***ers.

    Full Member

    Smokers, especially the pair of  ****s camped next to me (who have a white diesel Audi that they left running next to our tents this morning for no reason)  who can’t even manage a short 10 min ferry crossing without having to resort to a sneaky vape.

    Then there’s their death rattle hack/cough

    Full Member

    Then there’s their death rattle hack/cough

    Hehe. I had an auntie who had a minah bird which had her smoker’s cough off to a tee.

    Full Member

    Further to @houns’ post above. Vapers. Not the run of the mill, fairly discreet type. The bellends whose douche flute is like a dry ice machine at an Anthrax gig. Belching cloying, barf inducing bubblegum scented clouds in every direction. Selfish, self obsessed thunderc***s

    When I have to breathe that shit in, it takes every ounce of my self control not to batter them to death with the nearest blunt instrument!

    Free Member

    Grown men on construction sites who need to be told several times a day to wear the correct PPE.

    The same grown men on the same sites asking for overtime to finish the job, only to spend the time on the phone or on extended breaks.

    Free Member

    My van. 3rd injector replaced in a year and immediately miss firing on way home from garage in 5th gear. So will lose more work by no doubt having to to book it into garage again. Could really do with catching a break!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    This has just riled me more than it should!…

    A weekly magazine sub for the wife – it didn’t arrive on 17th August, thought nowt of it, sometime they are late. Didn’t arrive on 25th either.

    So I email magazinesdirect and get the response – “We have checked our records and can confirm that the postal authorities returned an issue to us marked as undeliverable.”

    And based on one single issue being returned (probably because our road was closed that day) they suspended the subscription without even getting in touch. Nothing – not even a ‘can we check out records’.

    We now won’t be getting one this week too as it’s too late to restart the sub! 😡

    Full Member

    People wearing masks.

    People wearing masks outside.

    People wearing masks in their cars on their own.

    Nothing more than virtue signalling.

    I suspect a fair percentage of the folk believe that the mask is protecting them.

    Full Member

    @kayak23 what have you got against Simon Calder?

    Full Member

    People wearing masks.

    People wearing masks outside.

    People wearing masks in their cars on their own.

    People who are inexplicably angry about stuff that has zero impact on them.

    Full Member

    People lighting fire pits/burners at 10pm on some of the hottest nights of the year, midweek, whilst the rest of us are off to bed to go to work, school or whatever early the next morning.
    Windows shut then, sweating away. Whoppers.

    Free Member

    Crossness level – High: Lip fillers.

    Crossness level – High: Vaping.

    Crossness level – Off the fricking scale: People with lip fillers suckling on their vapes.

    Full Member

    @kayak23 what have you got against Simon Calder?

    The way that he gets rolled out every single time there is any kind of anything happening, and then proceeds to splurt out a load of waffle in that disproportionately cross, slightly aggressive and ranty tone that he has just makes me disproportionately cross I find. 😊👍

    Full Member


    I really don’t understand why there’s such forceful resistance to masks beyond Rage Against The Machine. Is it that simple, folk just being contrary for the sake of it because they don’t like being told what to do? It seems such a petty thing to choose as a hill to die on. I don’t see them turning right at “left turn only” junctions because screw you and your orders.

    Over in the US, tough-guy preppers are burying ammo caches (but not food, obvs) so when the apocalypse comes they’re ready to lead the charge like Johnny Rambo, yet ask them to cover up their nose and they turn into crybaby little girls.

    It is truly, truly braindead. Vaccine hesitancy I can at least understand, it’s invasive and once it’s in you can’t take it out again (and of course, there’s a lot of anti-vax horseshit flying about which doesn’t help improve people’s ignorance and fear). But… it’s a bit of cloth and elastic. 🤷‍♂️

    Full Member

    Simon Calder – Gammon enabler.

    Free Member

    Medical “professionals” coming to visit my wife who has a terminal lung disorder and no masks.

    covid is still a thing and she is VERY vulnerable – thanks for the care and understanding.


    Free Member

    People who have TVs on loud in hotel rooms.
    People who talk right outside your door in hotels.
    Lights in the smoke alarms in hotel rooms.
    Lights on the TVs in hotel rooms.
    Lights on the light switches in hotel rooms.
    Not having plug sockets by the bed in hotel rooms.
    Windows that don’t open in hotel rooms.
    Noisy air conditioning in hotel rooms.
    Soap etc in bottle dispensers fixed to the walls in hotel bathrooms.
    Only have ‘mood’ lighting a lamps rather than a ‘big’ centre light in hotel rooms. Aka ‘hotel twilight’.

    I spend way too much time in hotels.

    Full Member

    Lights in the smoke alarms in hotel rooms.

    I attribute a particularly weird dream that was loosely based on the search for the navigation beacon in The Rise of Skywalker but also contained elements of mountain biking, to the periodic flashing of the smoke alarm above my bed.

    Full Member

    @therevokid that’s rubbish. Sorry to hear of your wife’s situation. Can you not insist visitors wear a mask for her sake? Being angry about professionals who should know better putting your wife at risk is not disproportionate. It’s entirely justified.

    Look after yourself, and reach out on here if you need to chat. Despite the bickering about mince and trivia, folk on here are really supportive when it matters.

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