Sharing this for my colleague Paul who had his 6 week old KTM Lycan 272 stolen from outside the cafe at Birches Valley on Sunday afternoon around 4pm. He'd left the bike unattended (he knows, it doesn't need pointing out) for a matter of 30 seconds, and it was gone. Parked right outside the cafe, in the log with the wheel cutouts.
The photo above was when the bike was brand new, when it was stolen the bike had a Reverb seatpost, SDG Bel Air saddle, Easton Haven Stem, Grey Renthal Grips and Specialized Tyres as changes from the original spec.
The bike is a 19" size (KTM's medium). There's really not many of these bikes in the UK at all (in fact this was the very last one to come into the UK for 2014) so it will stand out like a sore thumb.
Any information leading to finding this bike would be greatly appreciated, and will be treated with the strictest of confidence. Please if you do know anything, contact me at mark AT missinglinkbikes DOT co DOT uk.
It would be fair to say he's absolutely gutted about this (as you might imagine) having sold his old Trek and worked hard to pay for the new bike. Lots of people have already shared on facebook and twitter etc. but he would really appreciate anyone else taking the time to do so too.