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  • Stolen Bike Content – Thetford Area
  • mrben100
    Free Member

    Srry odannyboy, was a very emotional time, then your thread appeared.

    Looked at ebay – frame size on mine was XL, but might be listed wrong. Only real distinguishing features I had on mine were DMR V12 mag flat pedals in white.

    But as I had hardly used it there wasn't many 'battle scars' that make it that noticable unfortunately.

    Free Member

    This whole topic is saddening to read, especially when you read of scrotes taking bikes to pieces and passing them through iron bars. Its an unfortunate evolution though with some bikes costing several thousand pounds and still being incredibly difficult to identify if they are found by police. It seems like the committed scrote has in the past moved from cars (now very diffult to steal due to immobilisers), motorbikes (similar technology) and now onto bikes. All I can say is that if this happened to me then my bikes would be in my lounge! I know this isn't easy for everyone to do though, maybe a website with chipped traceable bikes with descriptions of parts is what is needed, readily accesible by the police, such as immobilise (for mobile phones). Clearly this is now growing at a rapid pace and it could be that the bikes stolen are heading out of this country along with cars & motorbikes? Maybe the Trek mentioned in this thread will find itself in some bent corrupt African country, I dunno.

    Free Member

    What gets me about these thefts that in nearly all cases they are are not random. Its clear that:

    know where the bikes are
    know what expensive bikes are
    when the bikes will be in the garage
    come equipped to take them so they have a van or car parked nearby
    spend sometime around the premises waiting to see its safe to go in
    have a buyer for the bike

    Conclusion must be they get the information somewhere or somehow? There is a security leak. You can put your self in the shoes of the thief and ask yourself how would you do it?

    Is our address connected to our bike – LBS, Forums, MBC?
    Is someone looking at your movements?
    Do you ride the bike from home?
    Someone follow you?
    Someone in your street see you ride the bike?

    Free Member

    Exactly Pawsy, all questions I've asked myself.

    Sadly now everyone I see is a bike thief unless proven otherwise.

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