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  • Stolen bike airtag roulette
  • onehundredthidiot
    Full Member

    Someone I know has their Santa cruz stolen from their house in Edinburgh. I suspect I know which part of town it can be found in.
    But the airtag, which went dark for a few days, is now showing it’s in Ukraine.

    Apart from finding and just posting it there or the possibility that the bike is now there are they hackable enough to show a destination 1200miles away?

    Full Member

    Well dark for a few days implies a few days at sea in a container

    Full Member

    That’s an insurance claim – rather that than going into a war zone with a set of Bombers.

    Full Member

    I’m no expert, but disappearing for a few days and then reappearing in Ukraine would suggest to me that it disappeared into a large metal box for a few days and then reappeared in Ukraine.

    are they hackable enough to show a destination 1200miles away?

    Assuming they are… why would a criminal bother, rather than just taking a hammer to it? Whether the tag goes dark in the wrong part of Edinburgh or in Ukraine, you’ve about the same chances of recovering the bike if it’s in Slough.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I’m no expert, but disappearing for a few days and then reappearing in Ukraine would suggest to me that it disappeared into a large metal box for a few days and then reappeared in Ukraine.

    But that’s just what they *want* you to think! That’s part of the scam, maaan!

    Full Member

    if they find it cant they just post it where they want?

    Full Member

    I’m guessing any Ukraine based forum members are probably too busy to pop round with a set of bombers/pack of frozen sausages?

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