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  • Steroids and Going Mental
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    Is there a common relationship here?
    Anyone on here been on the 'roids then gone Ape?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Great post title.

    Edit, there was possibly another factor – can't think what it was, it's on the top of my head, well not mine because I'm not ginger erm…

    Free Member

    Yes there is a common relationship.

    I was stabbed in the neck and my girlfriend had her nose and both cheek bones fractured by a doorman friend of mine at a party after the red mist descended following his abuse of steroids to bulk up having deliberately lost weight to gain sympathy in a messy divorce case involving (ironically) his wife assaulting him with a baseball bat.

    He drank a whole bottle of vodka washed down with several red bulls and then literally pulled the place apart. It was like the police station scene in Terminator (not helped by the protagonist being clad in black jeans, boots and a leather jacket).

    It took six cops in full PPE to "subdue" him which involved all standing on his limbs and taking it in turns to hit him about the head with their asps.

    By the end of it there were eight people in hospital no doors left on the hinges and blood literally up the walls. I went in the next day to clear up and there were bloody handprints all over the windows where people had struggled to get them open to jump out and escape.

    All this done by a man who I had been laughing and joking with minutes earlier.

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    Free Member

    a doorman friend

    Was he ginger? Just to eliminate this factor from our enquiries.

    Free Member

    To be fair, I would go mental if my balls shrivelled to the size of prune.

    Free Member

    His wife must be pretty hard then.

    Free Member

    balls shrivelled to the size of prune.

    As big as that? 😉

    Free Member


    Was he a decent chap before the steroids? or was he always a bit of a loon?

    Free Member

    Over half the people in the gym I visit must be on steriods. Inner city, semi-chav and most of them hardly do what I'd class as 'enough' exercise to warrant how muscular/big they are.

    I've even been offered 'stuff' there. **** that.

    Sad really. Yes anyone can get big/muscular but **** the price you'll pay.

    Free Member

    A massive Hungarian guy I knew for a while went onto steroids, then for some reason he became very friendly towards me 😐 One day he knocked on my front door. His eyes screamed steroids, but more worrying was that he had a piece of raw meat on his head? It was a long few minutes.

    Free Member

    BD- no he wasn't a ginge 😉

    Re his wife, she was also a door'person', looked a lot like Sonia warrior princess.

    The upshot of it was I ended up a bit of a pawn in a war between tow biker gangs as he was connected to one and she another (she decided to switch allegiances after the divorce for protection)

    Edit:- David R, he used to be a really good level headed friend, we had a few near the knuckle practical jokes but no more than any lads do really.

    Free Member

    Oldgit – LMAO!

    Free Member

    Ah the old Hungarian tradition of 'I want to make love to you like a piece of meat'..

    Full Member

    So it was the roids and not Alcohol then?

    Free Member

    Red bull and vodka is a nasty mix

    Free Member

    Great post title.

    Absolutely – the title alone made me laugh out loud (literally) – 10/10, well done.

    Free Member

    he had a piece of raw meat on his head? It was a long few minutes.

    Makes me laugh again!

    Free Member

    Red bull and vodka is a nasty mix

    A few of those then the hangover the next morning makes you want to hit people.

    Free Member

    The vodybull pushed him over the edge but the roids gave him the capability and the phychotic shut down.

    I'm no chemist so I can't give you a full breakdown, but I imagine it is a bit like combining the equaly lethal potential energies of a chimp and a chainsaw.

    As I said he was a mate and I'd known him for quite a few years with no evidence of total psychosis before and we'd all been out on the p155 a fair few times before then and no-one had needed facial reconstructive surgery after.

    Full Member

    Yes I'd say that's a fairer assumption than it was the roids that did it. I still see it as a guy who had just broken up with his girlfriend, who then attacked him so probably not in a good frame of mind then drinks a bottle of vodka and also happens to be a steroid user.

    Full Member

    Red bull and vodka is a nasty mix

    No, Vodka and spaghetti hoops is a nasty mix. Vodka and red bull is rather nice – though not nearly as good as a nice cheeky vimto.

    Free Member

    Yup, my housemate had a much shorter fuse after he started taking them.

    I'd never say never, but I'm only after enough muscle to make swimming and cycling at a fair pace easy. I'm about there with the cycling but could do with a bit more core strength for swimming.

    Over half the people in the gym I visit must be on steriods. Inner city, semi-chav and most of them hardly do what I'd class as 'enough' exercise to warrant how muscular/big they are.

    Steroids don't artificialy increace muscle mass/strength. They aid the recovery so you can go to the gym day after day. And its like a lot of things, little and often is better than spending hours at it. My housemate only goes for about 40minutes at the gym 4 days a week, and he's huge! He just picks his excercises to focus on a very specific goal (i.e. get BIG).

    Free Member

    Yeah, but nonetheless it was the roids that made him invincible and gave him the hormone rush to turn mental for no reason.

    He wouldn't have lost 18 months of his life to prison and ruined his life (not to mention lots of other people too) if it were not for taking the roids. He'd have just lost a few mates and got a bad hangover as any infraction would have been considrably smaller.

    Either way I'd find it very hard to belive anyone could make a positive case for something that turns you into a slab of sinewey meat with a tiny winkie, psychosis aside.

    Free Member

    It took six cops in full PPE to "subdue" him which involved all standing on his limbs and taking it in turns to hit him about the head with their asps.

    Have I missed something? Since when did cops start carrying poisonous snakes? 🙂

    Free Member

    Is it steroid aided training that makes guys look so big, but without any definition?

    Free Member

    Depends what you do, you could take them and go cycling for 5 hours, all it would do is dull the pain/aid recovery so you could go out again the next day and go all out again.

    If you just injected them every day then sat on the sofa nothing would happen.

    If you want lots of muscle you want hormones (HGH, testosterone, etc) which build up muscle, imagine the difference between male and female physique, double the hormones and you get double the effect, not that simple but you get the idea.

    3rd point, proper steroids are very expensive, your looking at £000's for a months supplies. Yes you can get cheeper ones but they are probably from dubious sources and more likely somethign really old thats come off its patent.

    Free Member

    a doorman friend of mine at a party after the red mist descended following his abuse of steroids to bulk up having deliberately lost weight to gain sympathy in a messy divorce case

    Was he a decent chap before the steroids? or was he always a bit of a loon?

    Free Member

    Practical Matt I agree, I new of something similar, nice guy lost the plot and he did not drink. He even said it was the steroids that were doing it. In the end every time he took them he stayed out the way of people. He was married as well don’t know how his wife coped.

    Having said that, I have known people that were been fine. My opinion is stay away.

    Free Member

    oldgit – i think that's just when you have big muscles, but are still quite fat 🙂

    Free Member

    My cousin was murdered by her **** **** steroid abusing husband

    Full Member

    One of my former employees had a boyfriend who was a 'roid/body-builder/martial arts/fantasist nut-job. He drove a skip lorry, and spent pretty much every other waking hour in the gym. He went mental one afternoon, drove the skip-lorry off the road, came looking for his GF as she's "disrespected him" and terrorised the office for a good 15 minutes before the worlds supply of cops came and 'sorted' it. It's his eyes that I can picture even now, bulging only comes close, they seemed to be coming out his skull. All in all a very scary afternoon, and subsequent couple of days (she wouldn't press charges, so he was out again pretty much straight away)

    Free Member

    most of them hardly do what I'd class as 'enough' exercise to warrant how muscular/big they are.

    Large muscles don't require long stints in the gym, just massive weight and a few sets of reps, in and out.

    . His eyes screamed steroids,

    ?? Steroids don't affect your eyes?

    I have a friend who was very timid and calm, with the occasional angry streak (from frustration about not being taken seriously I think). He's now a 'roid user and has very aggressive tendencies and mood problems.

    Full Member

    I'd never say never

    *raises eyebrows*

    That, I would suggest, is an ill-judged position.

    Aside from the issue of 'roid rage', steroids are immensely powerful drugs, with a large number of short- (osteoporosis, high blood pressure) and long- (heart disease incl. sudden cardiac death, testicular failure, prostate cancer) term side effects.

    Add to this the risks of what are totally unregulated dosing regimes* and of buying drugs off the internet (and therefore not being entirely sure what it is you're actually getting).

    I can't see how a bit of extra muscle bulk is worth the risks – what do you do 10 years down the line (after stopping the roids) when your balls have packed in, you can't have kids & you need to go to the GP once a month for a testosterone depot injection as without it, you've no energy, no libido & poor memory?


    *unless, clearly, your regime is being overseen by an Italian gynaecologist

    Free Member

    I wonder what makes blokes want to waddle.
    Legs so thick they can hardly walk.
    Can't bend down to tie their shoes.

    I used to go to a grunters gym, gold gym vests and strippy bottoms.
    Those guys did zero warm up / cool down / abs or any form of regular exercise. The guy that owned it was a classic former boby builder. i.e. massive chest, massive gut that I sure was flogging stuff under the counter.

    I was always impressed with the old Arnie "Pumping Iron" film.

    They way well have been taking stuff but at least they looked athletic and could run around on the beach.

    Full Member

    I was on steroids for a while and it didn't appear to affect my temper. Then again they were part of a chemotherapy regime for Hodgkin's Lymphoma and (I think) intended to stop my body falling apart completely rather than to make me into a muscle-bound superman. I do remember feeling unpleasantly itchy/twitchy after some treatments but that was a physical feeling rather than an emotional one.

    Then again, maybe they weren't the sort of steroids that cause so many problems. After all, topical steroids are used to treat some skin complaints and I've never heard of anyone going mental because their dermatitis cleared up. 🙂

    Free Member

    woody – that story smacks of lies and exaggeration. Apart from anything 280lb is hardly freakishly large and I doubt the doctors would be overly worried about putting somenoe that size under?

    Free Member

    Yeah, my 2-year-old daughter is on steroids for her eczema and has been properly moody lately.

    She was reapeatedly banging a door shut on my head this morning as well.

    Good job she's still only about 23lbs.

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