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  • Sram x-9 Shifter Probs
  • B@rney
    Free Member

    Hello – Riding along yesterday, tried to change down at the back but no movement in my derailleur?? The shifter just seem mushy – no bite?? The cable seems fine, tight etc – if it is the shifter is it fixable??
    Many thanks

    Free Member

    have you stripped the cable off completely to see if it’s binding anywhere? the SRAM shifters are quite simple to take apart usually (X7 and X9 I’ve tried). think you have to undo the silver disc on top and maybe another screw then the two halfs come apart and you can check whats inside.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a quick butchers, seems ok?? Looked on Avid’s website – nowt much to look at. Only ridden 6 times since new? Never happened before…

    Free Member

    long shot but there’s nothing jammed in the mech cage is there? that can make the shifter feel dodgy. if it’s a new bike/part and you cant see what the problem is then return it to the shop or send it back to the online retailer.

    A mate bought an orange 5 with x9 shifters / mechs and on the 3rd ride out the shifter broke for no reason. just a part inside snapped. The shop replaced it.

    Free Member

    Thanks for your advice Andy – Bought it from ebay – brand new though got a bargain. I’ll have another play tomorrow, failing that I’ll stick it in my lbs. ]

    Free Member

    I had a similar thing with my bike on Sunday which is X9 shifters and mech. I found it was something in the cage causing it stick. Just needs a good clean out to get rid of the grit I believe.

    Full Member

    X9 shifters are shite. slacken the cable, healthy dose of penetrating oil, GT85, TF2 that sort of thing, and work the levers free, eventually they’ll come back.

    Free Member

    Got a spare right shifter if your interested to try.Mine were new on a superlight never great then just got worse,tryed new cable etc made no differance,went to SLX rear mech and LX shifters work super smooth.They look good but dont think they are up to the job.

    Free Member

    I’m still fettling, Gone with cap off top inspection etc, stuck in some oil and it seems to have improved slightly. Going to get my LBS just to check over incase something has actually snapped/bent/broke etc. Many thanks for all the suggestion, I’ll post any info that I get

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