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  • South American block on Falkland registered vessels.
  • konabunny
    Free Member

    The ironic thing is that the Falklands war never happened the Islands would probably be part of Argentina by now.

    No, it wouldn’t – the rumours of Falklands oil have been circulating consistently since the late 1970s. (Never ever realised – almost as if there were some group of people that had an interest in making sure that the Brits don’t lose interest in the islands).

    Not the same

    Exactly the same – I can make any number of invitations to you to enter into discussions about the possession of your wallet but as long as you have it and you want it, the response is going to be the same: piss off.

    Free Member

    Just to fit in with your childish pantomime….


    And as I, as you all know, am always right wrong, that must therefore mean you are in fact wrong right.

    Despite your over-inflated ego, this is actually how it usually turns out on most threads you contribute to.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    big and daft – if the wishes of the islanders are the only thing that counts why does this not apply to Diego Garcia?

    TJ – you make a valid point about Diego Garcia and then blow your own logic out of the water by failing to apply the same standards to the Falklands.

    At the time of the original Falklands conflict there were three “interested parties” (source Franks):

    1. The Arg government for who possession of the Malvinas was always a major issue of policy and a national issue (an assymetric position vs the UK gov)

    2. All British Governments asserted British sovereignty over the Islands and the Dependencies, without reservation as to their title, coupled with an unchanging commitment to the defence of their territorial integrity

    3. Thirdly, the Islanders always made it clear that they wished to remain British and
    consistently resisted any change in their constitutional relationship with the United

    The Franks report also noted after the war that, the British government cast doubt over the commitment to the FI, they continued to supply arms to the Argies and they withdrew HMS Endurance. All these sent the wrong signals to BAires.

    So fast forward to today:

    1. Still true
    2. Still true
    3. Still true

    …and again, the messages we are sending. Defence cuts, major cuts to carriers and ability to respond with air/naval power etc…

    I predict the Argies will escalate tension in the area over the next 12-24 months.

    Free Member

    I think TJ is trying to work out which country he loves based on his complex moral compass 😉

    Free Member

    Teamhurtmore – I pointed out the hypocrisy – thats all. that and ainflamatory spanish phrase. I didn’t actually state what I thought should be done with the islands did I

    FWIW I have no time for places not in Britain but that want to be British. I thin the islands should be given independence under UN protection. Same as Northern Ireland or Gibralter.

    Free Member

    I predict the Argies will escalate tension in the area over the next 12-24 months

    especially when Wills does a tour down there as keeps getting trailed in the news

    Free Member

    Despite your over-inflated ego, this is actually how it usually turns out on most threads you contribute to

    It does not in any way actually, but you carry on with your little fantasy, if it makes you feel better. 🙂

    Do you think there’s a fair bit of inbreeding in the Falklands, what with such a tiny population/gene pool?

    Can we not share them with the Argentinians? Would that not suit both nations a lot better?

    Free Member

    TJ – there isn’t any resident population on Diego Garcia (which was pretty much the point of the court case)

    So how can we offer them a right to self determination?

    Free Member

    FWIW I have no time for places not in Britain but that want to be British

    do you have a defined geographic boundary in mind? care to share it?

    still waiting to hear which country you love 😉

    Free Member

    Well TJ – you will have to admit that if all you post is this:

    TandemJeremy – Member
    La malvinas son argentinas

    …then it is hard not to interpret that as a “belief” 😉 that the FI should be given to Argentina!!

    But you have explained your position above – and my point remains. The population of the FI have stated their desire and it is not to given independence under UN protection (misnomer?). So whoever you have time for, is frankly pretty irrelevant.

    Free Member

    I have no time for places not in Britain but that want to be British.

    Kind of a recursive statement if you think about it.

    Free Member

    I didn’t actually state what I thought should be done with the islands did I

    You may not have stated explicitly what you think should be done with the islands, but there’s a pretty strong inference to be made from saying something should be done and “the Malvinas are Argentinian”, don’t you think?

    Free Member

    And btw, anyone who believes the British government gives a monkeys what the Falkland Islanders want is living in cloud cuckoo land. The Falkland Islanders were stripped of their full UK citizenship just before the Falklands War. Not something which they asked for, I can assure you, and something which sent a signal to the then Argentine government that Britain was uninterested in them.

    I agree with the sentiments Ernie, but not sure they were stripped. I though that is was more the fact that they were not granted citizenship under the Nationality Bill. But either way, we did send mixed/wrong messages to the Argies. But that is not the point surely….the issue remains that they wanted to remain part of Britain and rejected any concept of independence or transfer of sovereignty to Arg.

    Free Member

    Zulu – we threw them off the island in the 60s and 70s.

    they had been there a similar length of time to the Falkland islanders. The UK courts have recognised their right to return

    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Member

    FWIW I have no time for places not in Britain but that want to be British

    do you have a defined geographic boundary in mind? care to share it?

    Great Britain? its a defined geographic area – the island that makes up England Scotland and Wales

    still waiting to hear which country you love


    Free Member

    So why defend their right to return (if that is what you are saying) and not the right of the Falklands to maintain the status quo of their sovereignty. Where is the consistency?

    Free Member

    You may not have stated explicitly what you think should be done with the islands, but there’s a pretty strong inference to be made from saying something should be done and “the Malvinas are Argentinian”, don’t you think?

    Yes, but we’re talking about TJ here, and just because he doesn’t believe in God, it doensn’t mean he doesn’t believe there is no God, or something like that… so you’ll forgive him for holding together a personal belief system so rifted with dichotomy that its got its own gravity field 😀

    Free Member

    the island that makes up England Scotland and Wales

    only one island?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    How will the Irish (N&S) cope without your love and celtic solidarity?

    Full Member

    FWIW I have no time for places not in Britain but that want to be British. I thin the islands should be given independence under UN protection. Same as Northern Ireland or Gibralter. (sic)

    And Skye? The Shetlands? Isle of Wight? Where’s the line?

    Free Member

    the island that makes up England Scotland and Wales


    And we’re taking our Oil with us 😉

    For reference, the Shetlands were former posessions of the Danish crown, and arguably retain legal status as Crown Dependencies in their own right, same as the Channel Islands…

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – all I am doing is pointing out the massive hypocrisy here.

    Two groups of islanders who took up residence of their islands taht are british owned in the 19th century. We even have better legal title to Diego Garcia as we bought it :-0

    One lot is defended at all costs, the others were forcibly removed, impoverished and dumped in another land and successive government have spent millions on court fees in attempting to stop the return.

    If we have to defend the falkland islanders at all costs why not the chagossians?

    tahts the point

    Free Member

    Thats what great Britain is. the one island. Check it out.

    Free Member

    TJ – you’re dug your own hole with the “one island” thing, and I’m really looking forward to see how you dig yourself out of it 😉

    Free Member

    TJ there is no right and wrong in history. It just happens. I am sure if the Shetlanders were offered independence with all the oil rights they would take its not going to happen. Why do the Argentinians want the islands anyway? It is not as if they will be of much use unless they have oil.

    Free Member

    Thats what great Britain is. the one island. Check it out.

    We know. But we don’t know why you seem to think boats are immoral.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Thats what great Britain is. the one island. Check it out

    who gets all the other 1000+ islands and islets in the British Isles?

    Free Member

    I am sure if the Shetlanders were offered independence with all the oil rights they would take it

    Very interesting point. I wonder what Alex Salmons (and TJs) position on this would be.

    Free Member

    Big and daft

    some of them are a part of the united Kingdom of great Britain and northern ireland, some have other status in complex ways.

    Free Member

    Yes, don’t they have more right to NS Oil than those blighters in the borders. Independence for Shetlands (and they wouldn’t have to bail out RBS!!!) 😉

    Free Member

    So – why do we defend the Falkland islanders and not the chagossians?

    Free Member

    some of them are a part of the united Kingdom of great Britain and northern ireland, some have other status in complex ways.


    but you only love the single island of Britain / Great Britain

    still waiting to hear which country you love

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Thats what great Britain is. the one island. Check it out.

    what have the 1000+ other islands/ islets in the British Isles done to not have your love? 😉

    Free Member

    And why don’t you like boats!

    Free Member

    So – why do we defend the Falkland islanders and not the chagossians?

    Maybe because politics is about making decisions to further your own interests? It is not about idealism.

    Free Member

    Big and daft

    some of them are a part of the united Kingdom of great Britain and northern ireland, some have other status in complex ways.

    Keep Digging TJ!

    Free Member

    Theres a bit more to Chagos as far as I can see; the US military wanted it and they get what they want. Look at Guantanamo Bay for a good example.

    Free Member

    The world is going to become an ugly and expensive place as oil becomes thin on the ground….if there is oil at the Falklands then Britain should do all it can to keep them.

    Not really interested in the ‘who was there first’ argument as it just gets silly, where do you draw the line?….chuck all European descended Yanks out of the US?….hand Brazil, Argentina etc back to the Native South Americans?….turn Oz back to an Aborigine country?

    The world changes all the time, populations move around….its not always pleasant when done by force but trying to reverse hundreds of years of immigration, colonisation etc seems pointless.

    Full Member

    Great Britain? its a defined geographic area – the island that makes up England Scotland and Wales

    Screw the Isle of Wight and their bloody twee tea shops!

    FWIW I work with a fair amount of Argentinians, get on really well with them – although they don’t half talk a lot – and most of them a) think “Las Malvinas” are theirs, and b) don’t really think about “Las Malvinas” on a day-to-day basis. It really isn’t an issue to them.

    Free Member

    Deviant +lots

    Free Member

    And TJ, it appears that boats are out of the question, but where do you stand on bridges? Should I tell my in-laws on Anglesey to tear up their British passports?

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