Now before I get lambasted I would like to state I love dogs, my 4 year old little girl loves dogs we have dogs in the immediate family and intend on getting one in the not so distant future. However, today my nipper and I went to fly a kite on the hill opposite our house, Lardon Chase at the top of streatley hill if anyone knows it. So after unsuccessfully launching the kite (4 year olds and power kites aren't compatible 😉 ) we are heading back to the car and ahead of us are a couple with 5 dogs having a run out, all fine although they should of been on leads as the sign states clearly at the gate due livestock roaming about. My nipper see's them and asks me to give her a carry as 2 are mature grey hounds and quite tall compared to her and are generally bounding about a fair bit. I explained they are fine and wouldn't harm her but she got intimated so I carried her. One of the grey hounds came up and had a sniff, still bouncing about they called him back but with no luck, nipper started getting a little upset no biggie just a bit tense, I looked at the owners and just said calmly "come on control your dog a bit better you can see she's a little nervous" he retorted his dog has done nothing wrong (a posh clearly educated gent sorry turd) I explained she was nervous as he's a big dog and then his mrs pipes up with "you shouldn't instill an irrational fear of dogs" wtf!!! I explained she hadn't and that they should control their dogs and be a little more thoughtful to others ( how does she know of any experience i or my daughter have had with dogs!) sorry but I thought the attitude was all wrong if my kid is pissing some one off I apologise and tell her what she's doing wrong! Apparently if you've got a dog it's free to do what the **** it wants sod every one else, to boot I then tripped over a massive dog egg( I'm not tarring all dog owners with the same brush but this couple gave owners a bad name. IMO. Thoughts please still angry now