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  • Sobering experience…
  • burko73
    Full Member

    I drank just under 2 x 250m glasses of red wine last night and a small bottle of peroni, the half pint bottle.

    I drank the beer before a meal of steak and chips as I cooked the steak on the BBQ, I drank the first glass of wine with my meal and the other one afterwards.

    I had finished drinking by at least 10.30 and went to bed about 11.30.

    I got up a couple of times in the night as the dog was barking at the owls again and finally got up at about 8am as we had the day off as it’s our 5th anniversary.

    I had 2 bowls of cornflakes and a coffee this morning.

    About 10.30 this morning we left home in our camper to go west for a day out to celebrate.

    At 11.30 I was involved in an accident in that I shunted someone in a traffic queue.

    I got breathalyser at 12 pm by the police.

    The reading took ages to come through from the bike coppers hand held machine. He mentioned that it was a bit odd that it took so long.

    When it came back it read FAIL…

    I nearly fell over, I was proper stressed.

    He ran the test again and the machine read quicker and I passed.

    Not withstanding the accident which did really stress me out, everyone involved was ok by the way, this was very stressful and very very sobering.

    I’m about 85kg so not a waif. I don’t know if there was something odd going on with the machine but it was terrifying.

    I’m not a massive drinker but drink a couple of glasses some nights mainly over the weekend. Usually with food. The days of me going out and getting pissed and driving to work in the morning are long long gone.

    I don’t know what was up but either way just learn something from this that you really need to be thinking about the morning after.

    I read on the nhs site that it takes 3 hrs to metabolise a 250ml glass of 12% wine and an hour per unit of beer. My units were about 7 or 8 if you really round it up last night at the very most.

    Free Member

    I got breathalyser at 12 pm by the police.

    Are you drunk ?


    Free Member

    You need to drink more so you get immune to alcohol.

    Free Member

    The reading took ages to come through from the bike coppers hand held machine. He mentioned that it was a bit odd that it took so long.

    I reckon machine malfunction on the first test, whereas it worked fine on the second. I’d find it hard to believe you’d be over the limit given what you describe. I’ve been breathalysed a few times over the years…all during random checks, and once because I’d been exceeding the speed limit but thankfully the nutter behind me had made the bizzies move their gun onto him 🙂 and even though each time I knew I’d pass, it still shits you up a bit waiting for the copper to tell you.

    Full Member

    Oops, typo alert…. Ipad and sausage fingers.

    Good one for the Friday the 13 th thread really. Just good that all involved are ok.

    Couldn’t get into anymore trouble as I spent 5 hrs sat waiting for a hire car by the side of a road watching ants.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oops, typo alert…. Ipad and sausage fingers.

    Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it. Some people live for this kind of thing. You’re merely providing them with a service and they feel good about themselves for a while.

    😉 etc

    Free Member

    I had 2 bowls of cornflakes and a coffee this morning.

    what a pig. 😉

    Full Member

    Even I would only have one bowl of cereal

    A washing up bowl! 😈

    Free Member

    He wouldn’t have given you another go unless he thought the machine hadn’t worked correctly the first time.

    When you say ‘pass’ do you mean it was zero, or just that you were under the limit? I also would expect to see zero 12 hrs after that quantity of alcohol.

    Free Member

    I’m no expert, but I think that you would be well below legal limit in 12 hrs after drinking that amount.

    Free Member

    250ml glasses of wine 😯 That’s 3 glasses in a bottle… I still live in the olden days where you get 6 glasses to the bottle.

    Free Member

    85kg… No wonder with your gluttonous cornflake consumption.

    Breathalyzer malfunction.

    Free Member

    Well, as others have pointed out, that was 2/3 of a bottle of wine, add a bottle of beer and it’s quite a significant amount of alcohol. But 12h later, you were fine, it’s just a glitch in the machine and probably nothing at all to do with your drinking. Unless you have a very odd physiology.

    Full Member

    It was about half a bottle. And the small beer. With a meal. I used the 2x 250ml glass size thing to make a bit of a point and to align it with the nhs site.

    I don’t know if the second test was zero. The copper seemed to insinuate I was borderline as one had failed and one passed. To be honest you don’t really take it all in at the time.

    Free Member

    I’m still shocked that people pour 250ml of wine into a glass 😉

    I left the Clachaig (pub in the middle of nowhere in Glencoe) at 1am last NYE and got straight into my car in front of traffic cops who were sat overlooking the car park. Drove straight past them and they didn’t even bat an eye lid. I hadn’t been drinking btw!

    About a week later, a colleague was driving through town at 3pm on Tuesday and was pulled to give a specimen. He gave a positive breathalyser specimen (more than one actually I think) despite not having had a drink in 4 days! Think he had to give blood/urine to sort it all out, but he was definitely taken to the police station. He said he despite knowing it would be impossible for him to be over the limit, he was still worried!

    Free Member

    shifter – Member


    This concerned me too 😯

    Full Member

    Machine malfunction.
    500ml of wine @ 12% = 6 units
    500ml of Beer @ 5% = 2.5 units
    Total units in the day = 8.5 units

    Using the average breakdown time of 1 unit per hour you should have been down to zero units by 0800 the next morning.

    You are a big lad at 85kg so your mg/L of alcohol /blood would also have been lower than say a 70kg stick man.

    Wonder if the battery was flat or the police guy inexperienced at using the breathalyser , or it was simply broken.

    Free Member

    I once failed a breath test having not drunk for about 6 weeks (Christmas random stops). As with you it took ages for the machine to show fail but I nearly had a heart attack when it went red. The rozzers did it again and I passed. He couldn’t explain it.
    So my feeling is that the machine was having a senior moment.

    Free Member

    I blame cheap wine.

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