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  • So why do we let these people ? live ?
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    Love all this talk of capital punishment and random members of a cycling forum talking about wanting to personally execute people. I suppose if there is ever a radical rethink of the justice system the powers that be will know where to find their stone cold killers.

    Well that's the point isn't it ? This is just a cycling forum.

    Paedophilia as crimes go is pretty nasty, and one which most people find particularly vile. So when cases are publicised, they trigger a lot of anger and revulsion. Unfortunately there is bugger all that most of us can do about that, apart that is, to express our anger and revulsion.

    And what better place to do it on than an utterly inconsequential cycling forum ? We can to our heart's content, rant and rave totally irrationally about what we would like to do to these vile criminals, safe in the knowledge that it is completely meaningless.

    And despite being totally against the death sentence, I have no problem with anyone claiming that they would like to flog 'em and hang 'em and flog 'em again. Because it ain't going to happen. And if anyone feels offended by that, then they are probably taking an internet forum too seriously. Paedophilia is a particularly vile crime, why shouldn't people react by spouting completely irrational nonsense ?

    Since this thread has become so emotional I'd like to point out that I recently commented on another thread, that the law of probabilities states that there is very likely the odd paedophilia or two on here (sorry 😐 ) But what is absolutely certain, is that there will be the some who have been abused as children. It's a sad fact that it is inconceivable a forum this size doesn't contain some victims – child abuse is simply too widespread for that not to be the case. Something which is worth remembering, before we are quick to condemn and pass judgement on others.

    Free Member

    some very sad comments on this thread

    Free Member

    Very wise words Mr. Lynch. Don't often agree with you but right there you are spot on.

    Free Member

    Right I only read the first two third of the first page and the last very eloquent and sensible comment (as usual I have to admit) from griz (btw guess which bvd I ride angela through this morning ;)).
    For the people who said what would you do if it was your child, well I guess I'll go bersek, but that is why I trust the state to stop me from seeking revenge and actually provide justice. Second, deth penalty is never going to stop these crimes. One obvious reason is that people that commit such crimes are just compeltly **** up and might not even grasp the concept of being put down (i know not thebest choice of words here).
    Third there is a very interesting news in France at the moment about how someone that have been jail and chemically castrated has violently murdered someone a few days ago. Obviously first reaction of the scumbag that act as president has been to say that new law bla bla bla bla. A police reply saying that the system would work perfectly as it is, provided you poor money into it to make it work.
    If such things happen it's because the society as whole have missed something. The sole reason fro a society to exist is to protect every and single one of its member. That is why we have hospitals, school, public servant and so and so. To make sure that we can try to form as many independant and sociable being as the society can.
    Just some food for thoughts of rather famous french bloke said once "Open a school, you'll close one jail".

    Free Member

    If someone were to sexually abuse, torture and then photograph my kids I'm afraid I'd end up in prison for my subsequent actions. It would be the end of my marriage/life, but life wouldn't be worth living anyway ……

    Free Member

    Why dont we stick em all in the navy and let em get buggered to death!

    Free Member

    I think all posters of mindless drivel should be put to death

    Free Member

    off you go then….

    Full Member

    I've just been reminded why I haven't spent much time on STW over the last couple of years.

    Maybe it's the new site design, but I could have sworn I was on the Daily Mail site just now…

    All the raging bloodlusters who keep chanting "How wud u feel if it woz 1 off yours?" need to stop, calm down and think. Do you want a justice system based on rational facts and sensible consideration of the problems, or one based on emotions, anger and revenge? Welcome back to the Dark Ages.

    I think I might stick to the bike threads these days. Wingnutry like this is a bit too Littlejohn for my tastes.

    Full Member

    what is absolutely certain, is that there will be the some who have been abused as children. It's a sad fact that it is inconceivable a forum this size doesn't contain some victims – child abuse is simply too widespread for that not to be the case

    Absolutely. What is interesting would be the thoughts of those victims regarding the execution of their tormentors when in all likelyhood, they were either family members or at least known to them.

    Free Member

    How about giving them a Frontal lobotamy?
    Probably still too harsh for most. I'd like to know that people like this will never be released from jail at least. There has never been a recorded instance of a peadophile being rehabilitated or "cured", we have to accept that the sexual urges of humans are too ingrained to be reversed and as such must take harsher measures to protect our young from these animals. No register should be required as sex criminals should never be released. Personally, this story really upsets me and I only hope that the kids are never able to recall what has happened to them.

    Free Member

    My veiws on this are deeply divided.
    On one hand I see people like this as a disease who's actions totally contradict the whole meaning of life which is to simply live. They are like a cancer cell needing to be destroyed. Keeping people like this in our society is not at all civilised in any way, child abuse is actually very uncivilised and trying to understand them and what they do afterwards is good for what? from what I understand she in no way resemebled the stereotypical profile of an abuser. And we've gaoled people for years now and are we any closer to predicting when a murderer or rapist might act?
    Then there's this. Something that has stuck with me for ages and something I think whenever I see or hear of a person being arrested, tried and sentenced for a crime.
    My mates old dad (may he RIP) was a postal worker and was a close friend of the man that was hung for a crime he didn't commit. And bu$$er me I can't think of the case right now.
    Anyway there's always that and there always will be.

    Free Member

    The headline in The Metro this morning is:

    "Skin Them and Roll Them in Salt"

    Which makes last night's orgy of vigilante fantasism look pathetic and utterly lacking in imagination and artistic flair. Shame on you, wannabe medievalists! 8)

    Free Member

    Following some of the negative remarks I copped for after 'polanskigate', I really didnt want to post on here, but sometimes I just cant resist…
    I do understand what Ton and some of the other blokes on here are saying, but as ernie quite rightly said, due to our current laws, etc, it aint gonna happen. Chemical castration has been suggested by one or two people, but the trouble is, that only stops the physical arousal, ie stops you getting a hard on – all the drives and urges remain, in spite of whatever physiological changes the medication has created. I'm probably saying something that I shouldnt, but I personally dont believe you can 'cure' paedophilia, so what are the answers?
    First off, short term sentencing is a waste of time – these people dont come out of prison after four years thinking 'well that showed me', and to be frank, incarceration alone doesnt really teach them anything, due mainly to the fact they are segregated in wings with people that have often commited similar acts, which sadly allows them to reinforce their beliefs that what they have done is in someway 'normal'. My main roles in working with offenders are risk assessment and risk management – sadly, the furthest progress I see is the awareness that society views what they have done is wrong, but that very rarely do the perpetrators manage to internalise that and see it as wrong themselves. I'm concsious that I'm ramling a bit here, but it's not really easy to discuss these kind of issues without overstepping my professional boundaries. In an ideal world, we would have long stay facilities (and in certain cases I mean life-long) for paedophiles, where their level of risk could be monitored accurately, and managed safely both for them and for the public. As for the question 'how would you feel if it was your kids?' I would answer by saying I have four kids, the youngest two are adopted and came from abusive backgrounds, so sadly, I know exactly how it feels.

    Free Member

    I must say that I admire you, Mitch.
    Not only do you do a very difficult job but you have also adopted abused children.
    I feel quite humbled.

    Free Member

    Whoa – I adopted the boys because we wanted to, not because they came from abusive back grounds – I feel a bit uncomfortable when people assume (and sadly its adoptive parents themselves, quite often) that adopting kids is some kind of selfless act – it's not, I loved both boys from the start, in exactly the same way as I did the two 'birth children'. It really is no different to having your 'own' kids, and luckily, my two were removed from their 'natural' family at an early stage, and have little or no awareness of that situation. Sorry if I sound a bit sensitive, and certainly dont want to upset anyone with my views.
    Peace out y'all.

    Full Member

    i had the task of viewing evidence of some child abuse 3 years ago, the videos i viewed affected me badly,i wont suggest on a public forum what should happen to these people. But the abuse they subject to children as young as 3 months is horrific beyond your wildest nightmares, you would not believe it.
    Terrible just terrible

    Free Member

    i had the task of viewing evidence of some child abuse 3 years ago, the videos i viewed affected me badly

    I don't envy you. But let's not forget that the vast majority of the people who carry out such abuse were similarly abused themselves.

    Free Member

    We cannot, should not and must not create a justice system based upon the reactionary & emotional need (of an enraged minority) for revenge.

    This is my position also.

    I am a father of two children, although older than those abused in this case. If anybody hurt them then like most people (I suspect) I would inflict terrible physical damage upon the perpetrators.
    However, and maybe paradoxically, I would not want to be part of a society that condoned my actions and would not want my actions to be undertaken for me by the state in the form of legalised torture or capital punishment.

    Free Member

    grumm – the figures would suggest youre right, but that doesnt excuse the behaviour or take away the responsibility. Sexualised behaviour from an early age can lead to the view that it is 'normal', and that is why its so important to break into the cycle early, rather than relying on punitive measures when it's too late. This, in my opinion, is where we fail people in this country – more money should be provided by our governments to improve health and social care, instead of relying on an overcrowded and underfunded prison service.

    Free Member

    There is (I presume) an enormous amount of illicit sexual urges around. People, many of whom we would not necessarily think of as monsters, are endlessly fantasizing about people who they simply aren't going to have sex with – colleagues, friend's wives, people of the same sex who are decidedly hetero, people they saw on the bus, models, TV stars, porn stars etc. These fantasies hardly ever (as a proportion of fantasies engaged in) spill over into rape. There must also (I suspect) be a huge number of people who have at some stage entertained the idea of sex with siblings, animals and indeed children without ever actually doing it.

    Equally, there are plenty of people who live their entire lives sexually fixated on one particular person they can't have, or on people of the same sex when they simply aren't going to have sexual relations with them for religious/moral or legal reasons.

    Sexual abstinence is not particularly abnormal, and not acting on desires that we know to be inappropriate is very, very common. We all do it.

    I think what I certainly don't really understand is what happens between someone looking at very young children and feeling sexual desire for those children and them actually doing something about it. What proportion of the people who look at a three year old and want to have sexual contact with one get anywhere near that point? Perhaps it is impossible to know. If the proportion is actually rather low (if most people with such urges never have sex with a child), then it doesn't seem much of a reach to say that the widespread public hysteria over this issue is deeply unhelpful to preventing it happening. It may be that the absolutely, positively best thing that could happen would be that most of those people who realised they had sexual urges towards children felt tolerably confident about walking into a doctor's surgery and explaining that they had this difficulty, knew it was problematic and wanted help with arranging their heads so that they never did what they sometimes thought about doing.

    I rather doubt that many of them do this at present, though I don't know. Presumably, while you can't "cure" a paedophile anymore than you can "cure" a homosexual you can help them not to act on what they fantasize about, and thereby reduce the actual risk that they pose to anyone to an acceptably low level. Most of us have never raped an adult woman afterall, although many of us are big, strong and want people who aren't interested in us. We just have our heads adjusted so that we understand that there are lines you do not cross.

    People, afterall, are not fundamentally defined by their sexuality. The fact that someone has sexual desires for children need not make them a monster, as long as those desires are never acted upon. Polanski is a case in point. If he was a brilliant film director who had never raped a teenager we would have no problem with him at all, although we might not want to see inside his head some days. Likewise, there are certainly plenty of catholic priests who are homosexuals and have never, ever felt up a choirboy. They are far more than the sexual urges that they restrain and keep in check.

    Don't know. 😐

    Free Member

    Sadly BigDummy, the vast majority of abuse, both sexual and otherwise, takes place within families. This is most likely due to firstly the opportunity being present, and secondly the circumstances that allow 'grooming' to take place, so bad news for the daily mail, it's unusual to find paedophiles lurking on every street corner.
    That isnt to say that predatory paedophiles dont exist, of course they do, just that this kind of abuse is more likely to be due to the actions of a friend or family member.

    Full Member

    lethal injection in the neck, in a nice cold cell with no one they know around them, let it drag on a bit too, with a couple of evil sadistic screws to do the job.

    Free Member

    Ton stfu

    Free Member

    Sorry Ton, but has anyone got any realistic views or suggestions to make?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    fella's it's friday……
    lighten up.
    but just remember, when your son/daughter gets raped/buggered/sodomised………..
    what you gonna want done……..??

    Free Member

    but just remember, when your son/daughter gets raped/buggered/sodomised………..
    what you gonna want done……..??

    I dunno, I'd rather cross that bridge if I come to it rather than fantasizing about it in expectation of it happening thanks.

    lighten up.

    You're the one fantasizing about torturing and murdering an imaginary paedo who has buggered your kids. 🙄

    Free Member

    Ton – I believe I already pointed out that I know how I would feel (go back a few posts and read it again), but fantasising about torturing and killing paedophiles is both futile and unrealistic, and ultimately makes no difference.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    BigDummy, harsh mate……i was only playing…and nicely too.

    Free Member

    and nicely too

    Matter of opinion. Anyway, self-moderated, and apologies for getting irritated. 🙂

    Full Member

    accepted mate……..
    and sorry back for being a big fat big mouth…… 8)

    Free Member

    I completely agree with BigDummy. My problem with paedophiles isn't that they have urges, but that they seek to satisfy those urges. If I had those urges and thought that I might want to satisfy them, I would get help. There are quite a few women that I would rather like to have sex with, the day that feel any urge to rape them, I will see a doctor.

    There is no excuse for paedophilia, although there might be some explanations.

    Full Member

    Well if you ask me people should sometimes consider the fact that all this peadophile hysteria is whipped up by tabloid newspapers who at the same time have pictures of 17 year olds with their tits out or pictures of teenage celebrities either sunbathing or getting out of taxis in a compromising position. Funny how there's not the same fervour for stringing up newspaper editors though.

    Free Member

    excellent post BigDummy (the long one)

    Free Member

    Yarp, what I was trying to allude to. Unfortunately I do not have BDs talent with words.
    I want to have intercourse with pretty much any good to fair looking woman with a good set of cans, i cannot be reprogrammed to suddenly not want to like women with big cans.
    We must accept that we cannot change a peado and start controlling them more effectively.

    Free Member

    And about bloody time! Glad to see the more positive posts creeping in.

    Free Member

    Couldn't we just abolish 'suicide watch' in prisons for people who freely admit their guilt…

    Free Member

    Blimey – we haven't moved on from the medievil period have we – Kill the witch. Seems a lot of people here want to bring back 'an eye for an eye'. Glad I am not on the receiveing end of mob culture at present. So people are sickened (myself included BTW 😡 ) by child abuse but then would happily kill the perpetrator. So unlawful killing is OK but child abuse isn't. Hmmmm….

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