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  • Singletrack Mag. Which was/is your favourite?
  • bonzodog
    Free Member

    I loved the black & white photo cover with dark red lettering on issue 26

    Lots of interesting reading in that issue too. Particulary dug what Nature Boy was saying.

    There seemed to be more words than there is nowadays too, but maybe Im just imagining it.

    This all came about when I grabbed a random copy from the pile on the way into the bog.

    Yep, issue 26 was my fave.

    What was yours & why?

    Free Member

    I liked the issue that had my article in it ‘cos my Mum liked it as well and I loves her

    Free Member

    The nature boy article in that mag was superb. But favourite was issue 2.

    Full Member

    Can;t remember the issue number but I sat down for a carp the other morning and flicked through one to read the article about the guy whos mate only had 24hrs to live. Great article (if you know what i mean) and very appropriate for me now. Cue me sat on the crapper having a wee greet. Not many bike mags make you do that. Except maybe MBR for entirely different reasons… :wink:

    Free Member

    I loved the black & white photo cover with dark red lettering on issue 26

    Awesome! I loved 26 too ‘cos it was my first cover shot for ’em :-)

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