• This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by jwh.
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  • Silton woods – worth bothering?
  • dangeourbrain
    Free Member

    Just that really.
    I’m debating where to head after work this evening and as I’ve only ever bimbled down the fire road through the woods I’m wondering if it’s worth heading there and doing a few ups and downs instead of the usual stuff.

    (it’ll probably be stretched with a tootle over the way towards boltby just to add a bit of sunshine and milage and to be nosey at the path down to cowesby too)

    Free Member

    Following as I’ve been wondering the same, not been over that way in nearly a decade

    Free Member

    @eatmorepizza – I guess nobody knows.

    that or the first rule of silton woods is you don’t talk about silton woods

    Free Member

    One track, it’s decent but that’s it. I used to live 15min away and never really rode it tbh. It’s ok to link into a longer ride but not sure it’s worth a ride out to ride on its own tbh.

    Free Member

    There is not a great deal in Silton.
    Most of the little single tracks are very wet – although may be OK now the sun is out.
    There is a downhill track – no idea of the condition.
    On the west side of the forest – Thimbleby Bank there is nice track/ footpath which runs around the top edge of the woods over looking the A19.

    I’d definitely link up to boltby – i really like the red trail / paradise trail from steeple cross to brickshed cott.

    Free Member

    Well I ended up there yesterday. The three trails on Trailforks were all open.

    PB&j only really worth bothering to cut the corner.
    Silton DH was riding very well, one awkward exit over a fire road, mainly awkward because of walkers/dogs. Would be blindingly quick once you know where you’re going.
    Secret DH was very good, top half much better than the bottom but the ride in from the top is a swamp, I assume one of the firebreaks is probably followable and folks don’t come in from the top.

    Free Member

    cheers for the update – I really should try and get back there, but guisborough is just too good to leave

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