• This topic has 2,460 replies, 481 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by sweepy.
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  • Sick of the incessant snow updates
  • singletrackmind
    Full Member

    The golf might have stopped with the abs switched off. A locked wheel builds a big heavy triangle of snow which acts like a brake.
    The Mercedes, well, thw wheels aren’t even pointing away from the crash site but almost at the near side kerb.
    The bus almost makes it but ypu gotta question the H and S of leaving the depot in a 8t hammer with the handling characteristics of a narrow boat

    Full Member

    We live at the bottom of a 25% gradient.

    We have two roads out from our estate – one is maybe around a 10-15% gradient but shorter, one is 5% gradient and longer. Every time it is icy and snowy half the vehicles head out or in the steep way – so much so that the council have installed bollards at the bottom of the hill. Every winter a few cars bounce off the bollards.
    Yet for 30 seconds more, they could head out the less steep way (which is gritted first as it is a lane out to more houses).

    Full Member

    TBH I used to love taking the fat bike to work in snow.

    I never really get the people driving boggo cars in snow with boggo tyres and wonder why they are bouncing off everything.

    I get being caught out but setting off in it unprepared seems a tad dense.

    Full Member

    A lot of SUVs aren’t 4WD, have wide low rolling resistant tyres which are low on tread so worst of all worlds. I use cross climates permanently here, equally good in the summer during the torrential down pours that flood the roads on the hills.

    It’s all about the tyres though, I’m in a borrowed 4WD Sportage at the moment with normal tyres on it (owner was going to put winter tyres on it on Saturday but decided it was too snowy!), my wifes 2WD fiat 500 made a better job of getting up our residential road than the 4WD.

    People don’t seem to get 4WD can still slide downhill very easily.

    Full Member

    my wifes 2WD fiat 500 made a better job of getting up our residential road than the 4WD.

    Also, Fiat 500 = around 1 ton on narrow tyres.
    LandRover Discovery = around 2.5 tons on wide tyres.

    The physics is simple. A heavier car will take a LOT more to stop and steer compared to a light car. I have 3 times seen a LandRover Defender slide into the ditch while trying to stop – while my Yaris had already stopped..

    My old winter beast on the single track road that was my commute for 5 years:
    [url=https://flic.kr/p/dNSrso]The mighty Yaris[/url] by Matt, on Flickr

    Free Member

    My wife had Cross Climate’s fitted last month. Got to use them properly on Saturday – miles better than standard tyres in the snow – you just stopped, and started like there was none !

    I was waiting for that comment. You will have still slid it was an ice sheet underneath the snow.

    Only the little red car got it right. No brakes or little braking and keep going. Only danger is that it can go all very very wrong.

    I often wish they wouldnt grit roads before snow. All that happens is that the salt melts the falling snow, the melting snow washes away the grit, the water then freezes and snow falls on top.

    Normal tyres will work just fine on snow if people learn how to drive on snow

    Full Member

    I’ve got a good an inch in the back


    Full Member

    Normal tyres will work just fine on snow if people learn how to drive on snow

    I was waiting for that comment ;->

    No brakes or little braking and keep going.

    And if there’s a T junction at the bottom of the hill……?
    Have you driven on snow on winter tyres…it really is night and day difference.

    Free Member

    Have you driven on snow on winter tyres…it really is night and day difference.

    i agree but this wasnt snow it was an ice sheet covered by snow. You would only get grip with spikes.

    Full Member

    I have just cleared our cul-de-sac with the neighbours in Dunblane: 18cm on the bins, using the ruler of truth.
    Seems ‘our’ A9 junction is the poster child / images of the chaos from BBC today.

    Full Member

    Surprisingly little snow when I was over at Corrour Station yesterday ( at least compared with Speyside).

    Full Member

    Dropped my skis off at the workshop for some repair work, so best you all prepare for the greatest snowmaggedon we’ve ever seen. Until about lunchtime on Weds when I pick them up.

    Full Member

    bit of snow last night north of glasgow. then it sleeted, then rain. snow is still here but it’s wet mushy slush.

    made getting back up my drive from the burger king lunch run a bit difficult.

    hard times..

    Full Member

    I was waiting for that comment. You will have still slid it was an ice sheet underneath the snow.

    IF you’ve driven with winter or all season tyres you’d know that they work pretty well on ice. The sipes cut into the blocks grip the ice as the tyre deforms with thousands of sharp little edges. It’s not as good as spikes, but a thousand miles away from summer tyres.

    Full Member

    That’s the closest I’ve been to getting stuck in the snow for a long time.
    We left friends in Bridge of Allan in rain.
    By the time we got to the station it was white, by Kier roundabout it was pretty spicy visibility and depth, by our A9 turn the car was struggling to move at all…
    (This is a 3 mile journey)

    Full Member

    Not quite the Millennium Falcon…Mair speed required!

    Full Member

    Loch Morlich was a giant infinity pool for our NYD dip.

    Snowing in the Derbyshire Dales lowlands. Only a light covering so far though

    Full Member

    We were not on the yellow area for snow and ice today – woke up to 3cm of fluffy, cold snow over hard frozen ice…
    Tomorrow, with more yellow warnings of snow and ice not over us, could be ‘interesting’….

    Full Member

    Commute to work in Wester Ross was definitely fat bike territory today.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    We got a dusting last night, lovely, went out for a walk at 4am just in case it had melted by morning. It hadn’t, but it’s all turned into hilariously deadly ice, the sort that you can’t even really see.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I had to smash a channel through the ice to reach the only wet patch at Loch Morlich this afternoon.

    Full Member

    Had to sweep the snow off the car this morning (North Tyneside of all places 😱). Then again, it’s only snowed because I’ve travelled to Glasgow today for work. When I have to travel you can guarantee ‘weather issues’. I should be banned from travelling (🙏🙏) 😂😂

    where is that? looks fabulous

    stop bloody showing off – people will call you an Alpha 😜

    Full Member

    Northumberland. The snow just makes it look good, it’s shit really

    Full Member

    An Alpha? Far from it. I only went in at the insistence of Mrs S, who hasn’t been dipping in a week!

    Full Member

    You can’t be Alpha if you were willing to not avoid the wet patch.

    Full Member

    I only went in at the insistence of Mrs S, who hasn’t been dipping in a week!

    Have you checked your life insurance recently……?

    Full Member

    it’s shit really

    Can confirm. Nothing to see here…

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Sorry ,that’s my fault,I have been telling everyone it’s warming up 😆 🤣

    Full Member

    Covered at lot of ground in that long range forecast, you can’t really go wrong if you include most possibilities. Proper hedged their bets with:

    The current extended range forecast for mid-February suggests that the most likely scenario is for broadly changeable weather with westerly conditions and influxes of wind and rain at times, particularly in the northwest. Temperatures are likely to be around average through mid-February

    Full Member

    They should have said “yes, we expect weather for February”

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Looks like some cold weather incoming this week – apparently Scotland due a couple of days of snow next weekend.


    Full Member

    We had a couple of flurries yesterday down by Loch Ericht. Watching this week with interest though. That -10C looks to be hitting us midweek.

    Full Member

    Got snowed on very briefly on Dartmoor this afternoon.

    Full Member

    We had a couple of flurries yesterday down by Loch Ericht. Watching this week with interest though. That -10C looks to be hitting us midweek.

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