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  • Show us your injuries/scars
  • soops
    Free Member

    Here’s Mine

    Free Member

    good start that! i’ve got a similar sized scar round the side of my head that had a similar number of staples in it when i fractured my skull, but nobody took and pictures, sadly :D

    Free Member

    soops is that from an operation or an injury?

    Free Member

    Its certainly a warning to me to be a lot more careful with the office stapler!

    Free Member

    I mean once or twice is careless, but how the hell did you manage to staple yourself sixteen times

    Feel a bit woosie after counting them

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    soops, a haaarr you have a ladies foot. I wager that foot has never felt the lick of a cat o nine tails!

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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