Not quite finished in these pics as a few of the parts are from my other bike. And its not quite a new bike as the frame and the brakes that are on it now are new but the rest is parts box and second hand.
Not really getting on with it though, just not having the same fun on the road as I was having on my Allez. I was more excited to get this back up and running:
It’s taken a few months to finish, as I went a bit nuts trying to save weight without compromising strength. Got there in the end, though – it snuck in at under 27lbs 🙂
Will probably die when the frame cracks but absolutely lovin it
until then. 😀
Big thank you to everyone off here for loads of stuff for the build.
Will post up a better pic.
Tom that DMR does look great, really purposeful. The chain is too loose tho.
That was prior to fitting the chain tensioner 🙂 Doesn’t have a front brake at the minute either and I’m borrowing the front wheel from my other bike when I fancy riding this one. Going to eventually get new wheels and maybe respray it as the paint is getting tatty and rust spots are getting bigger.