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  • Should smoking in cars be banned ?
  • teamhurtmore
    Free Member

    Binners is right, BUT only if the freedom to kill yourself created no financial obligation on others or caused others any harm.

    Full Member

    smokers are good for the NHS, as the level of tax paid over a smokers life is far more to than they will ever use as most smoking related diseases tend to be fairly short and brutal and no where near as costly as age related dementia etc..

    The fact that smokers die younger also means that they consume less in their shorter lifetime and are therefore kinder to the planet than some mung bean eating health freak who insists on living as long as possible whilst wondering why the population is increasing to rapidly as not enough folks are dying..

    We actually need smokers otherwise the whole system falls over

    so erm..stick that in ya pipe and smoke it

    Full Member

    surely that just proves the point that smokers are idiots

    (im a sanctimonius ex-smoker- who stopped when i had kids as i couldnt put my kids through what my parents put me through)

    Full Member

    Tazzy is bang on. And could I just add that the activities of this forum over the last 2 weeks are going to cost the country a small fortune. Both in lost revenue, and having to watch us lot piss ourselves, while dribbling Werthers Originals, watching Cash in The Attic 😉

    I suspect quite a few bike shops might do quite well out of it though

    Free Member

    not read all of the above but

    “Smoking in Cars” no! (unless kids are in the car)
    “Smoking while driving” Yes!

    Purely because it’s something in your hand and takes focus away from actually driving. It’s probably worse when lighting and putting ’em out than when actually smoking (unless you just flick it out the window like most litterers/smokers do). no different from the mobile phone ban IMO.

    Free Member

    This is kinda pet hate of mine. BITD my old boy used to chug along in his Renault 12 puffing away on his fags and I **** hated it. The fags, I mean, although the Renault was **** minging too. Kinda dark metallic nicotine brown.

    Plus I’ve had to share a car where the driver sits mouth split pluffing out the window except that it always goes straight up my nose…

    So I say ban it. Ban it NOW! 😀

    And don’t presume smokers all die youg neither. My grandad smoked from (I think) about 9 until his early 80’s before quitting and THEN manifesting lung cancer. He lived on his own (once my gran died) for years until his terminal last hospital visit. I dont hate smokers but I do hate smoking. If I did I’d have to hate my grandad and he was a beautiful person…

    If there are way future generations looking back how will they view our processed food, alcohol and drug consumption and smoking? With incredulity I would imagine.

    Oh and Binners, what am I having for tea? If you could pop round and put it on I’ll be doubly grateful 😆

    Free Member

    I’m not against doing anything in cars, assuming that people are careful about how they do it and where/when. Technically there are laws that cover using phones and causing accidents already, the phone one is a bit pointless IMO. Likewise, at risk of being flamed, it’s not always nuts to be using a phone when in a car, but it seems people can’t identify the sane and less sane times to do it, so a universal law is used against everyone.

    Free Member

    tazzymtb – there’s a new job out there, just waiting for you!

    Full Member

    there’s a new job out there, just waiting for you!

    oooo really? will it be more fun than packing fudge at a werthers factory?

    Free Member

    Yes – but the benefits will be less tasty!

    Full Member

    benefits will be less tasty!

    I’m not going back to being a taste tester for play doh. It made my poo a funny colour and the little people in the barbers shop set always looked at me funny

    Free Member

    Ken Lee……

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