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  • Should one make a New Year’s resolution?
  • cinnamon_girl
    Full Member

    Discuss. Do you need to? Do you want to? What will it be? Will it involve riding?

    Full Member

    Lose some weight

    Free Member

    Yes, definitely, nobody can say there isn’t an aspect of their life they shouldn’t improve, even if it is totally selfish!

    Mine are to ride lots more (been a bit lazy this year), get fitter, and to not waste the end of my 20’s (30 is not far away now!) by not partying enough. In 2009, to quote Prine, I’m gonna party like it’s 1999! :-p

    Free Member

    mine new years resolution is not to take any more rubbish from people and to do lots of riding! 😀

    Free Member

    Yep, mine’s similar to aleigh’s – no more mister nice guy.

    2008 will be the last year in which people take advantage of my renowned good nature.

    Free Member

    Same as last year… aim for a good result at the mega avalanche and a few other races… way to do that is toy get fit. Much better than aiming for “lose weight” or “ride more”. At least I have a real reward to aim for.

    Plus I have the added motivation to get a new job and start a fresh!!

    Free Member

    Conor, I’ve noticed you’re very dismissive of everyone else’s thoughts and attitudes! Why so?

    From my point of view, it would be hard to do any less riding than I’ve done this year, so even getting out once a week/fortnight will be a vast improvement.

    I’m in the same boat regarding the job and starting afresh though.

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