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  • Should I take this job?
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    My current job is contracting with a big IT company, with a sub-section comprising a small number of people who I know and are great to work with. They've got me pimped out to their client until the end of August, and on contract with them until the end of the year, but no specific work lined up although there are a few leads apparently.

    Someone wants me to go for a new job in the Netherlands which would be interesting (as opposed to boring current one) and it's an important role in the project which could run until the end of 2012 apparently. Money is a bit more in this one but is paid in Euros and therefore dependent on exchange rates. It'd mean Mrs Grips and baby Grips moving to the Netherlands I reckon.

    Could be fun working abroad, but I fear the biking might be rubbish in the Netherlands (Maastricht area). Also I don't want to leave my current people in the lurch if they are depending on pimping me out to make money. They have most of the work in my area and could continue to feed and clothe the Grips' for years to come.

    (Hope that people don't think I am willy waving.. people post job threads all the time don't they?)

    Free Member

    make a list of pros and cons then use the force

    Full Member

    if you're contracting then you can work for one firm for too long before IR35 starts to become an issue so unless you were goign perm you wouldn;t be able to stay with them for ever.

    I assume your contract allows 2 weeks notice on either side. If they dont' get anyting in past the end of what you're doign now they'll drop you so I can't see anythign wrong in saying 'I'll work until end of current project them I'm off'? I wouldn;t look badly at a contract I employed doign that, I think.

    Free Member

    I fear the biking might be rubbish in the Netherlands

    Some good DH races happen in Holland…

    Free Member

    The low countries are all about road and cyclocross (at certain times of the year)

    Get yourself Kona Jaked up with a spare set of road wheels.

    Full Member

    get a 'cross bike if you do move there!

    Free Member

    Sounds like you haven;'t been offered the job in the Netherlands yet, so you may as well try and then turn down if it is rubbish.

    If you do get it, you could use it to neg. better deal at present contract, or long term commitment from them

    Full Member

    I'd at least go and talk to your current employers, maybe they'll offer you more money or to extend your contract or equally maybe they'll say actually after august we're stuck with what to do with you and might have to let you go. The results of that conversation would make my decision.

    Full Member

    It's admirable that you have such loyalty towards your current client, but given that you have no guarantee of work after August, I think it's slightly misplaced.

    If the Dutch job is definite, be honest with your current lot and see if they make you an offer. And if your skills aren't going to go out of date you may end up back there after a year.

    Free Member

    I think I have the best CV currently for the new job, so it'll be a case of interview me and if he's not a complete cock he's in. I can pass this off fairly well, at interview stage at least 😉

    Good idea steveh.. I have a sneaky suspicion though that they are planning their future bids for work based on having me as a resource.. but I don't know for sure. They only have 4 permie consultants and then me.

    PS am liking the cyclocross idea. I can be a CXer for a year 🙂

    Free Member

    I'd go work abroad! Not sure if you've done it before but there's nothing like living in a foreign city to really get to know it properly. Mind you, you might find out you don't like it :).

    Free Member

    I have worked abroad, yes, and it was ace 🙂

    However I've not worked in a country famous for being crowded and very very flat….

    Free Member

    top tip, understand the (compulsory and unavoidable) Dutch laws on contracting and once you understand them, your rate, your expenses and your tax liabilities make a decision

    Free Member

    Maastrict is a nice area, not great for mountain biking, but it could be worse, there are a few small hills around there, if your in so snowboarding/skiing or want to get in to it its a great place because its just down the road from Snowworld (Europe's biggest indoor slope)

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